( Orno Wekl Tims, ednesday, January 10, 1996 -5 Orono Dufferin Aggregate Major Tykes Busy as Elves On Friday, December 23, Orono Dufferin Aggregaf e playedl against Bowmanville's A&R Flooring in Bowmanville. Bowmanville began the scor- ing in the first period. Soon after, Orono scored - Joshua Flynn delivering flie puck f0 Matt Baxter whio aimned high and scored. Orono scored the only goal in the second peri- od. Camecroni Delorme acted quickhy on a pass from.Ryan Kniox and del-ing the( flunry of acfivity surrouinding the net, sent (lte puck home. The third period was similar, scor- ing again for Orono was Adam Wood who was assisfed by Daniel Rcilly, flicir speed and persistence complimenting each other very well. Heather Maitland keenly delivered flic puck f0 Shane Winters wlio deffly scored Oronos final goal, wrapping up Orono's 4- 1 win. Also playing wcll for Orono was Doug DeBoo, Jolinathan Korsscn, Robyn Henderson, Scott Henderson, Sarahi Donnclly, Brien Konopka, Maff Bester and. Johnny Gregg wlio did a greaf job goalfcnding. Scason's Greefings Evcryonc! On Thursday, December 28, Oronlo Major Tykes par- ticipafed in a tournament in Sun-derland. H1igilits: Orono Dufferin Aggregatcs playcd Bo1wmanville A&R Flooring - sco rin g for Orono Maff Baxter assisted by Sarahi Donnelly Orono losf 2-1. .Second game: Orono played Oakridges -seoring for Orono Maft Baxfer, unassisf- cd (2); Adam Wood assisfcd by Maff Bester; Sliane Winters unassisfcd. Orono won 4-1. Thîrd game: Orono playcd Durhamn T.V., Bowrnanville. Scoring for Orono Matt Baxtcr assisfed by Adam Wood, Orono Iost9- 1. Playing plet for Orono the first gante was Scott Henderson, and the second and third Joshua Flynn played net. Orono Dufferin Aggregates came away as consolation runner-up, but were winners in the team spirit and effort category. Lot's of fun for everyone! on December 2â, Orono Dufferin Aggregate vied against Bowmanville's A&R Flooring again! Orono's first and only goal was scorcd with one and a half minutes left in the second, period. Our speedy Adam Wood- scored unassisted and with the third period having only 30 sec- onds left, Orono was pretty sure of a win until Bowmanville surprised us and scored. The game ended a 1-1 fie. Great job, Maft Bester who played in net and fthc rest of the team who played so well!, Wishing cveryone a hcalthy and Happy New Year! Newcastle Burger King Bantams Win 'A' Championship Tourney On December 28fh flic Banfams sfarted flic tourna- ment wifh a 4-3 win over flic Ajax Lion's Club Bantams, Cliris McLean was cliosen M.V.P. for Ncwcastle. ,Our second game on Thursday saw Newcastlec mn rough sliod over flic Pet Value sponsored feam from Pickering., Final score in this game was 9-1. John Armisliaw was Newcastlc's M.V. P. in this game. Friday's game against flic Libcrty Mutual fcam from Ajax was a must win if wc were f0 advancc f0 flic final. Ajax drew first blood in flic firsf minute of the game, but once the Burger King Bantams rcmembcrcd liow fo put flic puck in flic neftflic outcomc of flic game was cîcar. Final score was 8-3 for Newcastle. M.V.P. of flic game was not named. The "A' final game againsf Pickcring's Save A Cenfer gof underway af 2:30. The first pcriod was scoreless but two goals in flic second and two more in flic third gave the Burger King team flic 4-0 win for flic "A" trophy. M.V.P. of this game was John Armisliaw. Evcry skater on flic Newcastle feam fallied af lcast one point: Goals Assisfs Steve Foster 7 4 John Armisliaw 6 3 Randy Brennan 1 5 Kyle Bcacock 2 3 Vince Norton 2 3 Ron Smithi 2 2 Cliris McLean 2 2 Cliris David 1 3 Craig Hamness 3 Colin Bayda 1 1 Neale Borutskie 2 Jerry Guthric i Goalfenders Jim Conboy coninued on page 6 Due to the rapDid growth and development in the Municipality of1 Clarington, some of the garbage and recy- cling collection routes have grown too large to collect in an effective and timely manner; therefore, we are requstig yur oopraton n hlpig us to resolve this problem by changing our regular garbage and blue box recycling darys. ~Contact NumbersMUIPAFYF Laidlaw Waste Systems 1-800-263-6305 rn o Public Works Departrnent 623-3379- WASTE SYSTEMS IO NTARIO