Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, February 7, 1996 5 Variety Night And Dinner At Orono U.C. Orono United Church was the place to be thîs past weekend if you like, lasagna. The Ladies Time Out Group organized the meal,,which had 128 settings sold. This xvas the second lime this event has gone on. There was also a Sulent Auction and after the dinner the guests were treated to a night of entertalnment with a Variety Show. Ail proceeds from the night go to the Church. The six Ladies responsible for planning the night are Donna Morrison, Pam Hodgson, Noreen Nixon, Pam Werry, Elaine Dillon, SharonMcCartney. A big round of applause should go out to them for organizing such a suc- cessful event. FROM CAPITAL HILL Last week, travelling throughout British Columbia, I met with chambers of c om- merce, fishermen, municipal and provincial politicians, non-government MP's and the citizenry generally. I found Britsh Columbians are profoundly Canadian but this doesn't exclude them from feeling isolated or neglected. Some of these feel- ings are imaginary; other are very real. l'Il deal with the imaginary first. lU's commonsport for municipal and provincial politicians in B.C. f0 blame Ottawa for their own ineffec- tiveness. The word "downloading" used by so many of fhem these days, alludes to the ted- eral govemment transferring fiscal restraint to lower levels of governmenf. I even hear it here in Durham. The reality is that ahl levels of government need to become fiscally responsible and reflective of the needs of local people. Downloading doesn't exist as ail levels of governmenf have less money to spend. Another popular sport played by local politicians in B.C. is to question why their province doesn't get ail the money back it pays into ted- eral coffers. TFhe federal government is not merely an institution that takes deposits. 1 debated a provincial political candidate in Cranbrook, B.C. over this issue. 1licwas _jump starting a. bid for electoral success in front of peers. The point 1 made to hlm is' that the people in Durham and throughout the Province of Ontaro recognize that their responsibilities, as part of Canada, is to keep the nation- together. This is accom- plished by sharing. In other words my wife and 1 have brought up three chil- dren and we have treated them ail equally but ail three had différent needs. Fed eralism is no differen t. If Ontario took the approach of B.C. many national pro- grams would disappear. This doesn't mean Ontario should subsidize inefficiency but what Ontario spends on national programs reflects the province*s commitment to national unity. Local politicians in B.C., and eisewhere, would rather biame the federal government for cutting back on programs than accept responsibility themselves to act fiscally responsibie. The other side of the coin is British Columbia's genuine felling of isolation. This is spurred by changing world economics and trade links. 1 think this reflects our nations split into two groups -not Lucien Bouchard's (racist that he is) narrow sense- but along rural uriban lines. For instance Cranbr-ook, B.C. is on Aberta Urne. As British Columbians they neyer get any coverage or even weather reports from B. C. media. This has fueled a separatist movement there. Not to leave Canada but to join Aberta! I believe if you lump Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Thunder Bay, Toronto and Montreal you'Il find manly political and com- mercialorientations travelling a north-south line and even worldwide. This isn't true ahl across Canada. Prince Rupert feels just as isolated from Vancouver as they do from Ottawa. Social programs like healthcare, education, and even the arts are geared toward large urban centres. This has drastically reduced, and in some cases even elim- inated opportunities in much of our country. 1in an era of high technolo- gy it is totally unnecessary for this to occur. This raises the question of whether or:n ot there is equal sharing within the area of evolving technolo- gy. Continuing to strengthen the bonds ihat unite rural communities 'will be one of my goals.. Strong rural bonds are part of the cernent that unites ail of Canada and does away with feeling isolation and neglect. }Teed a 'Place for Io-Ur 1.ss and Ideas? >fe Oroiio ýÉi]re. lias iue ,soluijon - SCRATCH DPADS & 54 ea. 0. 01r 3 for $1 What a deal! Advertising Doesn' t Cost It Pays. PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS AMENDMENTS TO THE FORMER TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 86-112 being a By-law to establish a street name map and a street name inventory for roads in the former Town of Newcastle, now the Municipality of Clarington. Pu rsuant to Chapter 210 (111) of the Municipal Act, notice is hereby given of a meeting to be held on February 19, 1996 to consider a request in respect of a proposed amendment to By-law 86-112. The proposed amendment would have the following effect: 1) change the street name "Darlington-Clarke Townline" in Part Lot 1, Concessions 5 to 8, former Township of Darlington and Part Lot 35, Concession 6 to 9, former Township of Clarke to "Mosport Park Road". 2) change the street name "Regional Road 42" in Part Lot 1, Concessions 1 to 4, former Township of Darlington and Part Lot 35, Concessions 2 to 5, former Township of Clarke to "Mospori Park Road". 3) change the street name "Mosport Road" in Part Lots 32 and 33, Concessions 8 to 10, former Township of Clarke to "Beacham Road". Explanations and details of the properties affected may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the office of the Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, or by calling the Planning Department at 623-3379.. The meeting required pursuant to Chapter 210 (Section 111) of the Municipal Act will be held as follows: DATE: TIME: PLACE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1996 9:30 A. M. Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre, 40.Temperance St., Bowmanville Council shahi hear any person who dlaims that he/she wilI be adversely affected by the proposed by-law and who applies to be heard by contactîng the Clerk's Department prior to February 14, 1996 at 12 Noon. ______________________Franklin Wu, R.R.P., M.C.I.P. MUNICPALIY 0F Director of Planning & Development 40 Temperance Street ONTARIO Bowmanville, Ontario ONTARIO Li C 3A6 Dates of Publication: Wednesdlay, Ja.nuary 24, 31, February 7, 14 1996 P.O. 54451 LAKE ONTARIO ,iI ROAD NAJ4E CHANGE PROM *REGIONAL ROAD 4f TO 'MOsPORT PARK ROAOf ---ROAD NAME CHANGE FROM CDARUNGT0N--CLARKE TOWNUNE ROAOr TO "MOSPORT PARK ROAI' *.. ..ROAD NAmE CHANCE FROM 1OPoTROAb r TQ BEAHA>i ROAO