1H ow 1IVMET MY VALENTINE Happy 3???' Birthday to STE VEN CAMPNEY on February 13 From his Clan, and hs Hockey Team The Apple Blossom Shop No vice World Day 0f Prayer Friday March 1, 1996 The ,annual World Day of Prayver service will Ix-c bIld at Or-onio Uited lChuircli af 7:00 p.mi. oni Mardi 1. Uising flicheme, God Calîs tus to Re-sp)ond(," Chiristian wornen of Haiti have ý-preCpared flic WoldC Day of Praye-r service for- Mardi 1, 1996. Haiti, flic world's firsf Black independent republic, lias in fils century sufterced from milifary occupancy, infernal polifical repression, nafural disasters and widcspread povcrty. Neverthleess, flic refurn of democrafically- clccted President Jean-Bcrfrand Aristide in 1994 was cause for hope amonigflic people. Worîdc Day of Prayer is a global, ecuLimeincal movemenit of -informed prayer i-and prayerifulI action." On fic firsf Friday iniMardi ecd ycar, people ini over 170 counfiries parti cipafeý in a common service in their own locality. Services are franslated info hundreds of languages and dialects. For Alil YOur Printing Needs, cail Sonbon Publishing 983-5301 Barb King and Brandon McFadden Brandon was working at a country bar, as a bouncer and 1 would go there with my friends. I- got to know hlm and invited hlm to myfarmi to go horseback riding. This sfarted our rclafionship. One day, he decided to go out for a ride witb one of my students. The horse went over a fence and Brandon was thrown. He broke his arm very badly and when he came ouf of the hospital, wasn't in any shape to look after himself. 1 brought hlm home so 1 could and he has neyer left. That was 4 years ago, and this August we are gefting married. Happy Valentine's Day. Love Barb. Dave and Kaf e Lang 1 was directing fraffic at a very serious car accident in Ajax, where I'arn stationed with Durhiam Regional Police. The road was completely closed wifh 4 police cars, 2 fire trucks, and an ambu- lance. 1 have met the rudiesf, durnbest, most inconsiderafe people, while 1 have been directing fraffic. One brilliant such driver stops and says that he lias to gef fhrough or he will be late for work. I ftell hlm to follow the rest of the traffic going down anoflier street. This doesn't sink in and he starf s complaining bow the dying woman in flie car in- front is really ruining his day. 1 tumned my head for some reason and when 1 did, this- fool drives up onto the sidewalk and over a firehose. 1 ran up to his car and started tearing a strip ouf of hlm (figure of speech). This display caugbf the attention of all the other emergency workers (and probably people two towns away). One of the workers, a very baridsome fire fighter, commenfcd to anoth- er,- Whoa, wouldn't want to make ber madi(." That was the, firsf fime we saw eacli other. A couple mnonths 'later, a well meaning fricnd, -he aring that 1 was single, decided to play'matchmaker witb me and a single man on his shift. 1 bad just broken up with someone and 50 liad his co- worker. Neiflier of us were interested in meeting. Charles, my fricnd and a romantic af heart, decided f0 ,set if up anyway.. He called me to come over te his fire station on the pret ext of pick- ing up a book 1 bad lent his wife. As soon as 1 walked in and saw Dave, we knew we had been set up and neither of us were f00 happy about ît. Eventually, we started falking and in flic morning, after ouril-s1ifts, we went ott Ifor breakfast. During mur conversaiontaf mornlin, Dave re1-alized I wvas the one aIt the ýcar acien, onitbs eale.After tre yars of miarriaige, and onecb1ild (so( far), my Valenîtino~ was riglît -Wouldn't want f0 make her mad." 1 love you David. Katherine. Frank and Kafliy Douglas In Scotland, teenagers didn't go fo bars, they wenf to dances. Frank Douglas, af the age of 15, wcnt f0 one of fliese events with a young lady. While fliere liowcver, lie cast his eyes on a cute blond, wifh blue eyes named Kafhy. When thie dance was over,, if was Kafby thaf lefi on bis arm. Two years later, tliey were married. They spent 13 years in Australia then moved f0 Canada wifh their daughter Linda, in 1977. Evenfdally they set- fled in Orono. Affer 36 years of marriage, fliey sf111 go dancing and acf like a couple of teen agers. Jusf ask their neiglibours. Happy Valentine's Day Mom and Dad. Love Linda. Linda Douglas and Dan Bunfon 1 liad jusf been on fthc world's worst blind date and on(ý of my girlfriends was try- ing to set me up with a friend of bers at Mosport Raceway. "No tbanks" 1 said. One day 1 went f0 o sport forgeftinlg about the guy 1 was suppose to me-et. My girlfriend seized tbe opportunify to point him ouf. Dan had long liair, dark glasses and a rocker t-shirt on. 1 didn't wanf f0 have any- thing f0 do with hlm. 1 thouglit be looked like a pot smoking hippie. A few weeks ldtef, a large group of people wenf f0 Canada's Wonder- land. Dan was there. 1 actu- ally decided f0 falk f0 hlm and realized he was a very nice guy. Fortunatcly my firsf impression of hlm was wrong. In May, we will have been fogether 2 year s. Happy Valentine's Day, Dan. 1 love yuu. Linda. Seven years ago 1 was dragged info a singles dance by some well meaning fiends and foday I want f0 fbank fhem for their interfèrence. I was a vcry young widow who had refreafed int o a lcne- ly existence wben tbey decid- cd fliat 1 needed f0 get out info flie world of the living again. 1 admit af flic fime- I was not very receptive f0 their idea and probably called fbem sorne unkind names but fhey insisfed and f0 kecp peace 1 accompanicd them. Now 1 don't mean f0 lbc insuif- ing but whcn I firsf entercd that dance mny first impres- sion was this was a 'H crb Tarlcck" convention and 1 wantcd ouf: howcver, 1 did take a seat wif h my frienids and began f0 scan the crowd tu pass flhe time. Suddcnly 1 spottcd an incredible hand- some man wbo sported the same frappcd look f bat 1 was sure was on my own face and 1 tdft a kinship bascd onfliese feelings. He scemcd uncom- forfable so 1 began I0 wafch him (discrctely of course) f0 sec liow lic would cope wifb flic evening and maybe 1 could gef soine hin ts f0 cope myscîf. When lie approached our table 1 was surpriscd and when he asked me f0 dance 1 acccptcd and cbangcd my lite in fliaf instant. He bad flic kindcst eycs and warmesf smile 1 bad ever seen and f0 beclioncsf lic was faîl, dark and liandsomc al rolled info one package which didn'f hurt ciflier. Then somcfhîng liappencd thaf opencd flic figbtly closed world I1liad wound around myscif; 1 laughcd! For flic firsf fime in over a year 1 enjoycd my cvening and was sorry f0 sec if end, ycf, af flic same time I was frigbfencd that he liad made me feel again. We began dating, quickly teil deeply in love-and got q cngaged ail wifhin a fwo monfb pcriod. Now some people May feel fliaf this is impulsive but 1 can assure you fliat 1 kncw dcep in my beart fliaf this was flic man I was meant f0 share flic resf of My life witb and lic assurcd me lic fclf cxactly flic same. Wc bave been bappily mar- ricd for five ycars and ecd day 1 fliank God for my mira- cle. He lias bravcly faken on flic responsibility of liclping me f0 finish raise fwo chli- dren and did if not as a step- faflier but as a second father and we will soon bc proud grandparcnts in a couple of monflis. This wondcrful liusband of mine lias given many giffs over flic ycars but the ,mosf preclous cannof be bouglif; fhey can only lic given from flic beart. Hc gîvesnme flic warmtli of bis love, the secu- rify of commitment and mosf importantly flic joy of laugli- fer. The old saying "love is swccfer flic second time around" is proved evcry day in our borne and our lives. Tliank you Nonn. Sincereiy, Mrs. Norman Tillson. V{~ aeht4'4 Happy Valentine's Day,o Daddy 1 Love You, à la- Vy. ,"de - q Wke'i'e diua44 " 4 A1oüe aeActeau4 33 iiea4,a &e o a4 We, 9Y za hcieffl « MWWtaciA Md wal #ed. lueh e 4 a le, " kwe4t ea , , /zclàwe"a #ew ca4d, doot«m Maqewt B~e Mit Vdei#ze. Authorized Sales & Service Centre for. - Camoorders - VCR's- SIIC *Microwaves 982 0 TV's - Accessories - Ste rea Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & C - Tapes * ANAO- , SN 1