8 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Fehruary 14, 1996 New Surgeon Welcomed To Memorial Hospital tInonsenlse is rt pulling in tlations with . Ata( ter of Memorial Hospital in Bowmianville welcc its ranks last week. Dr. Abawi recently fini Hamnilton. He studied miedicine at the Universil fields of gastro-intestinal endoscopy and labros, tice with Memnorial's other general surgeon, Di Abawi and his wife Maryarn at their offices loca Staying 'n Touch John O'Toole, MPP Durham East The Region of Durham wilI bec apably represented on the GTA Panel by Mr. Walter Beathi. Min. Ai beach annouinced last week a 3 person panel to listen to iniput 0on the Golden Report. Derwyn Shae MPP for Hligli Park Swansea an d Parlîamnentary Assistant to the Miniister wvill be lthe caucus liaison to the paniel. The paniel memberli('s are: Libbyi Burnhïam a Toronto lawyer, Roll Starr forimer MisissugaBoardi of Tradef presidenIt &Wle Beath formner Chair of thc DurhamIII Region (1974-80) who hias been involved for over 30 years in municipal politics. The panecl has 6 weeks to gather thir in-ilput. Ia1 already reicqtuesting imore than one opportunity for iniput from- Dur-ham iEaust. Thispaehsthmade to listen. Teeare ch1oices; to be maýde. Whatlouthlink i veryimprtaKint to m.It is my ntetio tolisten t o the pepewho eecedmeuhl fu 1tr. Itvwas twent1Y fv yearIs ago hatsmia discssios tok place- Lst. The ttsqu:ke )r. Walid Abawi, a new General Surgeon is residency at MeMaster University algary and Toronto. Hîs interests lie int srgery. Dr. Abawi ýIlI be sharing a prï 1Hardy. Here, Dr. Hardy poses withf Liberty Street. education funding from tli provincial- grant with il balance fromn the local ta base. Next week, 1I will get mor information on this for vol Let mie leave you with nIl single most important poiri 1 arn not paying, -one mor cent" in taxes. Biggïer is nc better, if it were so, ho come Metro is in suc troub'le? 2nd: Design a new systemi with specific but different Local & Regional authority. 3rd: Have the Regionis perform moreservices at a cenitralized level with lii4tedl Local authority. 4th: 'Have a Toronto cen-tredc model responsible for common Éinfrastructure, replacinig the eitn reg"Ins. Local au1thori1ýty ve the ,remainingsrvcs 5th: Divide t1he GTA into two areas, one contaiining( the- 19 largeU rban areas which would formn the, GT-A. Theu smnia11ler 1ilr ural1 municipalities would form 2 new ounitie-s outside the( GT-A. 6thi: Should the 'proposed 407 route form he ne e'xtern!al boundrieýs of the, GfTA? Anlotheissueis property- tax assmn nqiy muS t b chags.1There- i s contitens tatMetro musi fx ther prolfirsi. TheI(,comlexpr fti 11t0et any p irovnilgat bsthridentia a bs Wile u ae gt approximatly 0% o LaxpvqdeIstii mins province - inter-officeý memos and E- mlail, goemen nwsletters, 'v even trouh ach aagr Y Negtiatins0do't bellong in) 1% the media. 1 can undcrstanld whyv they, need to work on their im-iage, ~' after ail how fiir and reason- able is this g5ovemm111ent \when it siashes public workers righits in the new labour law ito Bill 7 and then grabs at their in pensions in Bill 26. Now they the want to eliminate 13,000 to .ac- 27,000 workers. The union Dr. isnlt stopping that, it simply wants these workers treated -fairly. Th'e workers of this ie province keep your roads ax re lot w i - flelp yoil productive nglS to servet ri or Iby e:" 011 to Priva nlt. Don't iid 1 do not like ils province's ein order, but cand treat al Mike Hlarr-is - pensions and ing, let's get in the new ,Orono PUBLICNOTIE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS LMAICH 1 TO APRIL 30, 1996 Weight Restriction Regulations wiil be in force on ail roads 'under the 'jurisdiction of the Munic'îpality of Clarington from March 1 to April 30, 1996. Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE (5) TONNES PER AXLE, in. accordance wvith the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, cl-.8, s-122. ONTAR 1 I e1-, Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Dates of Publication: Wednesday, February 14, 21, 1996 P.0. 5221 your pro- Is someone you kniow reaching a lmilestone? Wish them happliness and cong(raitulationls The Orono Weekly Times_ LOCAL 309 OPSEU SnT1Iî< E vOT February 15, 1996 at Moose Hall 10 Moose Road, Lindsay, Ontario At 4:00 p.m., or 7:30 p.m. Ifyou work at:1 DARLING-ýTON PROVINCIAL PARK EMILYf PROVINCIAL PARK SERPENT MOUNDS PROVINCIAL PARK ORONO PROVINCIAL TREE NURSERY If you acre: A S1-'EASONJAL EMPLO-YEE WI 'TH REr-CALL RIGHATS YOU tiMAY VOTEuL If youi are: CASUALULIFE, GO TEMPS- OR S-ýTUDETN ACTIV EL-Y E M PLYD YO UH AV E TH E RI1G HT TO VOT'-E Ifyuneed more nfrain:- PHONE (705) 324-4496