mmmm(6 - Oroyno Weekly ýTimes, Wednesdýay, February21, 196 Celebration of Thinking Week February 22 - Thinkîng Day Photos by Chnistine Mackey Andrea Efmanskie receives her Junior Leader pin and bar from District Commissioner Margaret Crashley. This pin signifies Andrea's sfep up f0 a leadership role as Guide leader in the 1sf Orono Sparks. Andrea's proud Mother looks on. Lighfing of ceremonial candles for their Heart of Peace. Each girl placed her cuf ouf hand prints to form the Heart of Peace. Pathfinders for PEACE "P" Melissa Hubling, "E" Lyndsay Harness, "A" Leanne Knapp, "C" Ashlee Hendry and "E" Melissa Maynard. Brownie Cheryl MacLeod'leads fhe group in song. LETTEIA TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor. I was surpriSed f0 read in your editorial èfflumn of Fcb. 8 an item refërring to the Orono Hockey Newnrters. I felt that broadcdsfting that our articles are f00 wordy to the whole readershlP was a bit much. 1 have a good rela- tionship with the coaching staff of the teal1 that 1 write for, the Majors Plumbing and Heating Novic@ Rep. team, and 1 am sure that a simple cail to the OrPno Athletic President would1 have found its way to al wfiters. You are rigflt f0 assume that ail of the ctiildren like to see their name§ in print and there are many families who keep scrapbookS of their chul- drens and grândchildrens lives and 1 hope that I can write somethinig about their budding GretzlfY-which will be remembered for a lifefime. Articles such à5 the weekiy hockey news are, what distin- guîsh a smali community paper from a laïge city paper. I have been following the new rules for t«O weeks now but 1 dont thifik that 1 have been d oing the team justice in their efforts o~n the ice. Yours in~ 350 words or less, Jennîfer Pisalli Editors note: I really opened a kettlë of fish with this one. This is one of the nicer letters 1 jbave received on this subject, but believe me there were pfhers not 50, nice (please sigrI your letters). I undersfand hPw important hockey is to a c(immunity and how important it i5 f0 the familles of thosê who play the garne. As 1 saitl I remember whaf if was like when I played hockey f0 sec nily name in the paper (l wasnt ry good, 50 if didn't happen vÊrY often). My intent was noft t disclude any teams or players from the paper; in facf ià was jusf the opposite. We d1o nof always have room or fime fo type up all of the articles thaf we receive. Sorne weeks we have had il or mord articles. The placement of a word limit on the articles was not meant as a slight to the writers of the articles (belieVe me 1 know how much this papers exis- fenc .e depends ôjn local sports coverage) but as a way f0 ensure thaf eveCry article we receive can find ifs way int o the paper. it rçaliy bothers me when wc are unable to include an article, because nof only does if carry news of the kids thaf play the garne, but if also is a lot of work on the part of the person who wrote if ( I understand how hard and f'ime consuming if can be fo write somefhing, believe me). Irhe wordý limif was supposed to be a way f0 make sure we can incelude everyone. May7be I was flot clear in my reasons ( 1 was fold I was foo sarcasfic, which 1 apologize for), but we really wanf f0 include all the hock- ey articles we receive. Every leffer 1 have received has had some comment about in 350 words or less. Obviously this is flot acceptable to the people who write the articles. What 1 need then is a constructive way from the writers in which we can corne to a more equi- table arrangement for both them and us at the Times. I would like to say in clos- ing thatthe Orono Weekly Times does support local hockey and understands what a big part it plays in our town. We have been very supportive with the ice resur- facer project, and if you com- pare us to the other local papers, we carry a higher percentage of our local teams and their write ups than any others do. If you have any constructive suggestions on how we'can make the whole system fairer to ahl teams (some of which consistently subrnit articles around the 300 word range) please let us know. The imposed 350 word limit will be lifted unfil such time as we can figure out something that is acceptable to all of us. WOMEN'S THERAPY GROUP beginning March 7, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Cail Barbara Walker BScN, M.Ed Bioenergetic Psychotherapist (905) 263-4041 GROUP THERAPY for people with chemical dependency problems 1 year clear time required Starting Thursday, March 7, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Caif Barbara Walker BScN, M.Ed Bioenergetic Psychotherapist (905) 263-4041 à WEIGHT I RESTRICTION REGULATIONS- will be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 1, 1996 to approximately May 3, 1996. Vehicie loads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axIe in accordance with Durham Region By-Iaw Number 251-89 (as revised). Signs will be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these weight restrictions apply. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. commissioner of Works Regional Municipality of Durham )flM m ieei a Place tor youtr I.dsts aiid Idleas? 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