8 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 21, 1996 Playing VoIIeybaII At Kirby School COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHEO TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB I MO, ON HWY. 115&35 PHONE (905) 983-9151' m i-IA * m 'A À BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR. REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.Vs AND V.C.R.S, P.O.Box 27 RAR 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 Kirby Cenfennial School recently sent two teams to an inter-sehool volleyball tournnent held at Clarke High Sehool. Tearns from Orono Public School, Newtonville Public Sehool, and Newcastle Public School also competed in the contest. Here are the competitors that Kirby sent to represent their school. Front row, 1-r: Hallie M., Diane M., Vanessa M., Alexandra B., Nathan A. Middle row, 1-r: Matf C., Kim M., Lauren P., Billy S., Chris M., ShawnR. Back row, i-r: Shawna P.. Halley E., Bryden E., Jason H., Tom L., Ashleigh H., and Kyle M. New Program Opens Doors For Community Input By Lomna Miller Opportunify knocks for those of us who would like to tell the Municipality of Clarington how to spend our fax dollars more effecfively. Do you have some choice, money-saving ideas which you believe would cut the cost of administration? Do you believe that the administra- tion should openly disclose ifs expenditures of our fax dol- lars and should be held responsible for fhese expen- ditures? In other words, get more bang for your fax buck and be inforrned which bangs the buck was spent on? Now is your chance to. let the Municipality know how you believe if could save us some fax bucks and becorne accounftable for ifs actions by sending ideas f0 the C.H.O.I.C.E. program. Jennifer Cooke, Claringfon Handles Opportunities and Information wifh Confinuing Excellence, (C.H*...C.E.) Process coordinafor, wel- cornes your suggestions. C. H.0.1. C. E. 1is a Municipality-backed plan fo save us money on the cosfs of administration. It is based on the successful STARS pro- gram insfituted by Barry Malmstrem, CAO of the Town of Ajax, in September, 1994. Wifh help and co-operafion frorn the staff, the program has saved the Town of Ajax approximately 1.5 million dol- lars f0 date. Malmsfrern, under the guidance of Peter Pichardson of Queen's University, encouraged staff fo employ private-sector, belf tightening knowledge f0 the running of the Town of Ajax fo cut the costs of administration. Stars began as an eighf- week, employee-driven blifz. Staff were challenged to corne up wifh cost-cutfing ideas for fheir departmenfs. Ideas whic h would reduce costs wifhout cuffing services; wifhout causing layoffs and eliminate Social Confracf days off. During these eight weeks staff were challenged to reach several goals; identi- fy $500,000 in annual cost savings; generate at least 1001 cost-reducfion ideas, (over 2200 ideas were sub- miffed); acknowledge'and rec- ognize everyone's contribu- tion and implement these ideas where possible. The motte, was "Just Do If." Even unionized staff con- tribufed ideas and worked wifh staff and council fo implement the plan. If was a challenge which alI accepfed and the results were grafify- ing. Town of Ajax STARS Champion, or leader, Linda Cork says thaf the plan has kept the fax rate from going up and assured no increase in user fees for recreational services by seniors, in spife of the loss transfer paymenfs from the Provincial Govemnment. "We have a very large, healfhy and active senior sec- for which will eventualiy be paying up f0 50% of the nor- mal fees for use of the -recre- afional facilities," Cork says. "This fée increase will even- fually bning in approximafely $ 10, 000 for the Town." In Clarington, Jennifer Cooke says thaf she has already received upwards of 400 suggestions since CAO Bill Stuckwell sent a memo f0 staff asking for money saving ideas through budget cuts and other means in December, 1995. "The farget savings are 1.5 million in 1996 and 1.2 mil- lion in 1997," Cooke says. "We're working very hard to corne up with ideas which will resuit in no decrease of service," she says. "In fact we hope to see an increase in; service effectiveness through this prograrn.", One of the first ideas which WilI be implemenfed is a Visitors Guide which the Municipality is producing in conjunction with the Region of Durham Tourîst Association to encourage tourism in Clarington. Cooke says that the Municipality hopes the sale of advertising will cover the costs of the brochure which xiii be printed by an out of Region firm, This xiii cut the costs which the Municipality would have to absorb in pro- ducing the brochure without advertising revenue. Cooke believes that this, and other ideas will be worked into the budget delib- erations which will take place in February and March, 1996. Th e STARS program has been requested across Canada wifh both Su,-rey and Langley, British Columbia, being the latest in a long line of communities asking for copies of the program. "Due to the positive pub- licity we obtained from the CTV felevision program, we were iniîndated with calîs about the STARS program and we still receive at least one caîl per week, " says Cork. Ajax also welcomed sug- gestions from the public, and, alfhough many were impos- sible to implement, Cork says that it was great to have the community so actively involved in the program. Clarington people are invit- ed to participafe by sendîng their ideas to: Jennifer Cooke, Process Coordinator, C.H.O.I.C.E. Committee, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. LIC 3A6; or fax (905) 623-5717. Suddenly, your baby's alniost grown up. And it's Itarn-to- drive tinmu AiI thost fln)lths - of1 practicing together eau bc tough on the nerves. And tougher on0 the relationship. At the worst, vou tould be teaching your own bad driving habits to your teen. And besides, (do yôurell wanIlt to spend rnontbsdrvg with a totally unitratined amateur? We didn't think so. So much better to enrol your tecnflrst in the Young Drivers of Canada course. To Iearn defensive - ---- ý- driving skiffs like ernergenty braking and 1collisio>n .îvoidante. Thien spcnd vour practice tinie ~~ t(gether, driving with confiden ce! Wc even have a fresession for Wh plo aents, Lto lar how to help a teen Iearn to drive defensively ycars to your life! Young Drivers of Canada OYour licence f0 survive. 98King St. W., Bowmanviîîe NEXT NEW DRIVERS COURSE starting March 8- 4 days and Match il 4 days THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE9 ONTARIO LIC 3A6 1996 INTERIM TAX NOTICE FIRST INSTALMENT of the 1996 INTERIM TAX NOTICE is due for REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX First Instalment PAYABLE FEBRUARY 23,1996 If you have flot received your Interim Tax Notice, p lease telephone the Municipal Tax Office at (905) 623-3379. 1996 Taxes are PAYABLE at the locations detailed on the front of the Tax Notice. Failure to receive a Tax Notice does flot eliminate the responsibiîity for the payment of taxes and penalty. R.L. Swan Tax Collector ONTARiO Date of Publication: Wednesday, February 21, 1995 P.O. 5916