t- - t .------.-------- - ----.- - - )RONO WEEKLY TIMES Sevn East * C e ,ntn n e- e 193 650g GSTinciucied Wednesday, March 6, 1996 MEETYOURNEIG BOUR GREAT GANARASKA COUNTRYSIDE ADVEN!URE CANCELLED DAY IN NEWCASTLE The very succëssfuI Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure will fiot be held this year. Elva Reid and Kristin MeCrea, oTganizers and originators of the imagi- native tour have decided the work needed f0o o'ganize and pull off such an adventure is jusf a liftle f00 much for themo this year. "We talked about this a long time. We just need ed a break," said Kristen McCrea. The tour brought many tourists f0 the area, f0 visit the farms and agricultural businesses located through- ouf fhe Ganaraska region and beyond. Pe(ople were treated f0 working farms, historie homes, as well as local muse- ums. Calîs from potentiail visit ors and sites have already start- ed. If has beeni a rough time for the )rgiriizers laviiig to- tel'. people thait thwe event fhety have pouired their hieart and soul infto for the pasf three years is not going f0 happen this year. The decision f0 not hold the event "was the hard- est one we, have ever had f0 make." ,The flinancial mns and oufs of the four would mean we would have f0 start right now fund raising and working on if," says McCrea. "You just can't do if on a volunteer basis; ifs a full time job" The tour cosf upwards of $25,O0 f0 put on; themoney for this tour came mainly from the fund raising conducted by Reid and McCrea, but they also confributed a significant amount of their own money f0 make if a reality. McCrea hopes f0 use her newfound time f0 devofe ber energies f0 her business. She creates fabulous bird feeders in a shop af ber home. Last year she displayed her feeders at the open house held at "We're Ir. The Hayfields Now," a local daylily farm run by continued oni page 2 Public -Agai nst Clarington In The OTA Public meetings held at the Town Hall in Bowmanville and the Newcastle Communify Centre have been educafing area residents f0 the mns and outs of the pro- posed Golden Report and the GTA. The turnouts at both imetings ha-ve -been ery guod. The impact that the Golden Report would have on Claringfon has been the pri- mary subject for these meet- ings. Figures have been sup- plied f0 the public both by Clarington mayor Diane Hamre and Jack Gartley of the Durham Region's finance office. The picture painted by the fwo has been bleak. Tax increases would be the norm for areas outside fhe Metro Toront o area. Quotîng direct- ly lrom the Golden Report, the mayor informed the people that commercial property taxes wouild raise by more thlan 40 percent; the City of Tron,)to would see a commer- cial fax decrease of 8.5 per- cent. Clarington's commer- cial taxes would raise 15.7 percent. "Our businesses won't survive, they won't sur- vive a 5 percent increase," said Mayor Hamre at the meeting held in Newcastle. The report holds in ifs continued on page 2 Brian Engelbert trys his hand at painting at the Newcastle Child Care Centre's booth at the Meet Your Neighbour Day festivities held at the Newcastle Town Hall recently. Children got a hîLnds on experience at the, Centre's bo oth. A pancake breakifast began the day, followed by demonstrations and booths in the hall. -Many local communi- ty groups, like thie Lions, Big Brothers, Optimist Club, and Durham MP Alex Shiepherd were on hand. The end of the day was a dance open to those who live and work in Newcastle. If was- a great day and great event for everyone involved. (g r Orono Town Hall Euchre Scores Ruth Grady took on ail corners and ended up wvinning wvith an impressive 107. Her closest competition was George Mercerwvith 87. Tom Wilson 83, Bill Grady andPaul Mucha 79 round out the top 5. Low score was Sharon Casey. Draw winners were Ivason Tamblyn, Aleck Moffat, Carl Todd, Maron Staples, Charlie Stapleton, and Marg Todd, Orono Fireflghter's Annual Spring Dance The Orono Firefighter's Annual Spring Dance wil be held on March 91h from 9:00 pmn until 1:00 arn at the Orono Community Centre. Tickets for the event are just $40 00 per couple, and thalinicludes free bar. Contact any Orono Firefighter or phone 983 5516 for information. Congratulations Congratulations are in order to Van Leonard Rîpley of Orono, who recently grad- uated from the University of Guelph with a docotr of philosophy degree in crop science. March Break Happenings Clarington Public Library will be holding various programs duning the March break. A family story ime is being held at the Newcastle Branch on March 13 from 1:30 to 2:00 and a cartooning workshop with Garthfitti! on March 14. Kids 6-8 from 1:30-2:15 and 9-12 at 2:30 to 3:15. Cal! 987-4844 to register. Clarke Senior Girls Voleyball Team Are COSSA Champs The Senior Girls recently beat ouf 4 teams f0 win the COSSA championship. This win propels them on f0 the OFSSA championship being held this week in Glencoe, where they will have f0 face 16 teams. Prior f0 winning the COSSA championship, Clarke won the Kawartha Championship, where they beat ouf 6 teams. Clarke has been seeded number one going into the fournament. The following girl s will be going on f0 try and bring the championship home. Back row, 1-r: Caroline Fletcher, L. Schroeder (coach), Melissa Allin, Shannon Hawkshaw, Amanda Rogers, Krista Szymcezak, Cindy Ross, Sacha Thompsoný, Becky Tranter, chrissy Walker. Front row, 1-r: kate McKelvie, Jill Rypstra, and Ang Darrach. Volume 60, Number 8