Invention Convention At Oro no Public Sehool Bowmanville Toastmasters News Orona Public Schooi recentiy heid an invention Convention at the sehool. The students were buiid a tower out of newspaper strang enough to support a ioad. The tower hiad to be supported by legs (no solid bases) and stand at ieast 30 cm tail (1 metre for the aider kids). Here the tower bulit by HillaryBarnes, Cody Lynch, Jory Lynch, and Randi Ferguson gets ready ta support a Ioad of apples. Their tower was an early leader holding 30 appies in the, morning's testing. Final tests were done iater that day in the, gym. FARM SAFETY Are You Prepared?. U As a sponsor of National Farm Safety week, Ci John Deere has prepared alist of "Ten Tips for Safety". Take a few minutes ta review these tîps with bath the chiidren and adults in your family. Te n Tips for Safety 1. Take time ta be safé. Saving a few minutes is not worth the chance of losing a lifetime. 2. Teach children about farm safety. Heip kids ieamn safety ruies early. Repeat lessons often. 3. Say "no" ta riders. It's too dangerous ta let children ride along on farm equipment-na matter how much they beg. 4. Teach safety by good exampie. Ac tions speak iouder than words. 5. Take a break. Take a few minutes ta, rest during a long job. Fatigue leads ta accidents. 6. Let them know where you are. In case of an accident while you're working alone, timeiy help can mean the diff erence between lite and death. 7. Keep equipmecnt in goad working order. Check reguiarly for loase and womn parts. Be sure safety features, including reflectors and warning signs, are operating praperiy. 8. Read the manuai. The operator's manuai is your single best source of safety precautions. Study it. Keep it handy. 9. Shut off power. Aiways disengage the powver and shut off the engine betore working on any part of a machine. 10. Stay alert ta safety. Neyer bypass safety procedures. Don't take dangerous shortcuts. Always be aware of what could happen. 1In addition here are some easy ways ta avoid common accidents with tractors: *Heip prevent seriaus injuries from a tractor rollover by înstailing a rollover protective structure (ROPS) *Aiways use the seat beit with your ROPS " Avoid bypass starting " Use ights, SMV sîgns, and PTO shields Safety is everyone's job, ail the time. FREE BARN DEMOLITION in Exchange For Salvage Free Written Estimate Pro vided Upon Barn Inspection For.. *Total Site Clean-Up *Metal Roof Removal *Foundation Burial THE JASMINE CO. ONTARIO'S ANTIQUE L UMBER 1-800-644-9691 MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Children and Aduits Now Available ...- Martial Arts Supp lies Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 New To Clarington? Do You Want To Know More About Your New Community? Then Cali Maria Boone, Your WECOME% L Representative Today 987ý-5030ý 1)o you have the winter blues? Could you use a spring tanie? Challenge yourselfl For a shot in the ai-m visit Bowmanviiie Toastmasters. You are pou ring over seed, catalogues ta give your garden new growth, variety and beauty. What about your growth? You may have wondered what Toastmasters, is al] about. As with your garden your personal growth requires preparation and care. What better timie ta rejuvenate yourself than now. Do you iack confidence? Sa you have trouble communicating with others? Sa you wish you could think on your feet? Whiat are you going ta do about the wedding at which you've been asked ta emcee? Wouid you be prepared ta make a presentation at your local high schooi graduation? At a retirement celebration? To gain these skiiis and grow ta your own pace. Visit Bowmanviiie Toastmasters and see how the warm friendIy atmasphere provideIs Ia nurturing environmient ta reveai your hidde-n talents. For that megadose of vigour, visit Bowmanviile Toastmasters on Tuesday 7:30 p.m. at the Darliington Hydro Information Centre. Remînder - on April 2/96 Bowmanviile Toastmaster Club wiii be meeting in Lindsay with the Lindsay and Peterboro Club. For more information cali Irene Konzeimann- Orono 983-5301. Notice of Application for a Licence Dufferîn, Aggregates 620 Wilson 'Ave., Downsview, Ontario M3K 2A4 Hereby give notice that application has been made for a lass A licence to excavate aggregate f rom a pit of 3.85 hectares, located in: Part 27, Concession X, Clarke Township, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham. Application is for an expansion to an established licenced pit. The amount of aggregate to be excavated annually will flot be increased from what is presently permitted under the existing licence. A detailed site plan for the proposed pit may bc examined in the local municipal, courîly/regional office or at the district office of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Any person may send, in writing, objections with reasons-and, if desired, a request for a hearing on this application by the Ontario Municipal Board, to the Minister of Natural Resources addressed to the local district office of the Ministry at the following address: Box 7400, 10401 Dufferin Street, Maple, Ontario 1L6A 159. The last day on whîch objections and any request for a hearing may be filed wîth the Ministry is the 27th day of April, 1996. AIl informa- tion in respect of this application includîng any written objections is available for public review. "**4lariWngtof TENDERS CLARINGTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION INVITES TENDERS FOR Electrical Service Meter Reading Contraci requirements n Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono, # (96-07 MR). Qualified contractors are invited ta submit sealed tenders prior ta the Tender opening at 9:00 A.M. Thursday, March 28, 1996: To: Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission 2849 Hwy. # 2, Bowmanville, ON LiC 3K9 Ail bidders are welcome ta attend the Tender opening Tender documents can be obtained from the office. between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday ta Friday beginning March 15, 1996. The lowest or any Tender will not necessariiy be accePted. 41