14- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. March 27, 1996 ) Wr Deadline for Service Directory 9L'tIL~4I4JX Tel. 98-50 ~The ýApp1e Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don'tjust specialize - We make every order special "Hair With For LADIES and GENTS Main Sreet, Orono 983-5333 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 Barina Home Check *Vacation Home Çhecking Let us make your home look ived in Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSURED Barb Shetier - Ina Cox NEWTONVILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 Kng Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wlda Middleton 983-9819 310IcDolâj ORONO ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - Hi-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghourse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108 GRUNDYS Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery, R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Extra Large Facecord 16" MIXED-FIREWOOD Stored In Heated Building $65 NO GST Pontypool Concrete Products Located 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-2442 CLOSED SUNDAY tfn D.J. equipment for sale, mixing board, Traynor amp, 2- 200 watt speakers. Good condition., Phone Sean at 623-3220, leave message. . tfn Firewood logs, delivered by the truck load, log lengths only. phone (705) 754-2258. Mar. 6- Apr. 24ac Queen sized mattress only. $75..Henry Eikens 983-5279. 27, April 3 cpn 1995 Sunfire 30,000 kms, complete 5 year warranty. air, Am/FM cassette. Willis Upright Piano in excellent condition approximately 30-35 yrs. old. Caîl 987-3717. 27. April 3 cpn TýV antenna 40', rotor 3 heads B.O. Rubber back rug - 9x36, orange dot $100,00 or BO. Caîl 725-9738 27, April 3 cpn SPECUAL APPLES-SALE C.A. (Controlled Atmosphere) Spy - Deliclous $3.116 Ibs. Musu, Crispen, Deliclous, Idared 1Quench your thirst with Wiley's,100% Pure Fruit Juices and Fred's Pure Aple Cider Farrn Fresh Eggs Brown's Potatoes Hwy 115 &35, south of Orono 13,20,27cpn Office, retail and medical space for rent, Newcastle Village, modern building, excellent location, main street space available, from single office to 6.000 sq. ft. Excellent rates. Caîl Ed Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. 2027a Two bedroomn spacious apartment located' on Main St. Orono. Lots of storage space and a balcony. Available immediately. $650.0 a" month, utilities included. Phone 983- 5646 or 983-6103. tfn Sonhon Publishing 983-5301 Hall For Rent «BROWNSDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWCASTLE - Kitchen * *Bartenders. *Catering. Available Cali 983-9083 or 987-4079 March 13- May 29 ap N EWCASTLE STORAGE Self Storage Units for rent 5 x10 $39/month 1OX10 $65/month 10 x 20 $89/month 15 x38 $225/month (with 14' doors) Short or long termn rentais available. Caîl now for details 987-3211 20, 27ac 3rd Annual Community Yard 1Sale GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1996 8:00OA.M. - 1:00 P.M. The Yard Sale to end ail Yard Sales Heres the perfect opportunity 10 pick up quality, inexpensive, reusable household goods and, at the same time, help support the community organizations of Clarington. Definitely One Stop Shopping! To be a "Seller" submit the Yard Sale registration form 10 the Community Services Department (3rd Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville). Community Organizations Thursday, April 4,1996 Individuals Friday, April 19, 1996 Registration Fee ($25.00/Space) Must accompany registration form. Space is Limited, Dont Miss Out! For more information contfact: Community Services Department (905) 623-,q379 10UNCPALITY 0F Dates of Publication: Wednesday, M arch 20, 27', 1996 P.O. 5677 Or RÙ Si2 Mý Re 98 ad, reg iflE bc ne pair of ladies' Auction Sale isesport figure skates, Saturday, March 30th ize 5 at Orono Arena 10:00 A.M. arch 7, brand new. Selling the Household ewar offred Conact contents, machinery. and 83-9632. 20, 27 ap eupet o ci Merlin, R.R.#1. Newtonville, (Crooked S Creek), North of Newtonville 2 miles and 1/2 mile east on 4th RE M Concession (watch for Shadybrook Farms signs). is now accepting 7 pc. Provincial -walnut registration for dining suite, 2 pe. print Spring and Summer traditional chesterfield Horse Back Riding suite, 5 pc. marble brass Lessons coffee table ensemble, as well as occasional chairs, lamps, Summer Camp paintings, Lakshi Aubison e invite beginners to rug (9"11" x 15* 11 "), Sony [vanced students to Trinitron colour TV gister. (remote), Zenith Colour For more information TV (portable), Zenith VCR phone 263-0418. Toshiba TRS 120 receiver, 13.20,27ac Sony/Pioneer receiver units, entertaînment stand, antique upright radio, 5 pc. wrought iron dinette, 4 pe. ivory Bâ fl poantie besofdraw sies, SHAPE UP proncial e sofdrm st, SHAPE P FORsingle bed, 4 pc. walnut SUMMER bedroomn suite, 5 Pc. Lose those unwanted dinette, wardrobe, ihes with a revolutionary bedding, linens, swivel )ody reshaping program. rocker, occasional tables, NO DIETING Kenmore vac, sewing cali machine, chest.freezer, Hart & Brown Inglis washer and dryer, Weight Management old fridge and stove, Consultants- kitchenware, small (905) 983-1050 appliances, mirrors, 27, April 3, 10, 17 cpn glassware, china, etc. LANGSTAFF -Janet George. In loving memory of my Mother who passed away March 27, 1993 and my Father Who passed away April 5, 1956. Thre deptirs of sorrow we cannot tel 0f thre loss of ones we loved so well And white they sleep a peaceful sleep Their memory we shal olways keep. Ever remembered by son Carl. Theresa and family 27 ap Sonbon Publishing 983-5301, AD 265 riding- mower w/52 in., mower deck (500 hrs. hydrostatic); Gravely 5665 commercial ride behind tractor with 50 in., front mower deck, Gravely 'Super Convertible' tractor, Gravely attachments, LawnBoy Pushrmower, small 2 wheel utility trailer. B/S-2hp gas garden sprayer (portable on wheels), gas weeder, pruners, seeder, Stihi 16" chainsaw, bench grinder, bench vice, pressure system, 7 rolîs snow fence, quality steel post, quality plastic pipe, wheelbarrow. ladders, tools, trunks, chicken feeders, picnic tables. complete set cupboards and a large varîety of other articles. Household Effects Sel First Owner Moving Refreshments on Site Plan to Attend Terms: Cash, approved cheque with 1.0 AUCTIONEER Frank G. Stapleton (905) 786-2244 Fax (905) 786-3591 "Gelebrating our 25th Yeai' 27. ac ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES SUNDAY, MARCH 31ST 11:00 a.m. (viewing 10-,00) MacGregor's Auction Hall 182 Wellington St., Bowmanville Take Hwy. 2 to Scugog St., North 1 km. and watch for Auction Wow Mart Flea Market signs. This Sunday's auction features an exceptional offering of quality articles including 2 victorian sofas, hoosier cupboard, several old dressers & chests of drawers, washstands, cupboards, cobblers bench, spînning wheel, Tiffany lamps, old tables (kitchen, parlour, round w/pedastle, games etc.), misc., chairs & rockers, old Hobart coffee grinder, cil lamps. crocks & jugs, milk cans, old & new pictures, many old collectables, chain saw, band saw. electric handi- cap scooter. craftmatic bed. quantity of rough pine lumber, 16' cherrywood board, auction features many more rare unique & useful articles from the past to present. Terms Cash. VISA, M/C, cheque & Interac Cali for aIl your auction needs, your place or ours cal MacGregor Auctions Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402, 905-987-3664 27ac Operated By Collins Travel vacation iiiiiiiii Travel L m Exclusive 1-800-267-9214 Tours & 1305 Pickering Cruises 1Pkwy. Cruîse (At Liverpool Specialists Rd. just north > 0 f 401) Business i Travel A NeAvork of Ove Airline 4000 OPffce.ç Across Canada & Tickets Worldwide STAFFORD MONUMENTS 1,ý43 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERS and CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTMENTS ý AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS,.. REFERENCES AVAl'LABLEý7:' ON REQUEST Cali today for your7.ý free flower and wihter wreaùu.... -VISAACCEPTED ororio Àrea' #qep: TOMMEINDERSOW 983-9608 1