Draw Winners At 'Bowl For- Millions, Winners of the draw prizes during Big Brothers of Clarington's Bowl for Millions campaign were awarded with theirprizes at Bowmanville Travel on King Street in Bowmanviiîe last week. Tyler Ante won a Raptor's watch, courtesy of Hooper's Jeweilers, Julia Wood won two tickets ta Beauty and the B east and Rob Pascoe won a one night stay in Toronto, both courtesy of Bowmanville Travel. Pictured hereare Carol Dodsworth, Manager of Bowmanvilie Travel, Ron Hooper of Hooper's Jewellers, Jack Munday of the Bowl for Millions Committee, Julia Wood, and Rob Pascoe, with Tyler Ante up front. The campaign was a great success, raising over'$ 13,500 for Big Brothers this year. Well nature- certainly dumped a ioad of snow on us last week and the winds were certainiy strong, it sounded like a couple- of freight trains racing each other round and round the house. Now taday it is once again a beautiful day,- the air feels so mild, the snow is disappearing, fast. In driving thraugh the country it is amazing how yau can drive from land covered with snow and within a quar-, ter of a mile, there is no snaw and tien go on another mile or two and lots of snow once again. We certainly are in a snaw beit north and east of Orono, if it snaws anywhere, it snows here. Oh weil lets hope this is the end of taiking, shavel- ing or wading thraugh snaw for at least 8 or 9 months. There certainly was a good crowd at the ski hili on Sunday and I also met about 20 cyclers, quite a cantrast from enjaying the snow ta cycling on a bare road. From now on every weekend the cyciers will be crossing on 7 and Reg. Rd 9. 1 believe they came from Whitby. On Sunday there was a good tumaout at Church. This was Passion Sunday. Prayers and Concerns for those who were not with us and Thanks given for things we were grateful for. Rev. Black lit the Christ Candle. The gathering hymns were, "Wide, As The Ocean, Amazing, Grace and Love Lifted Me". The opening hymn was, "How, Great Thou Art", fol- lowed by the Invitation -ta Worship and the Prayer of Approach. The hymn "Behold The Saviaur of Mankind" was sung and the Prayer of Self- Examination repeated and the words of Assurance given. The Junior choir sang "Jesus Cares For Everyane". David called the cilidrenfor- ward, David asked, how many are happy? How many of them have sad days? He then asked them, what are, the happiest days in the Christian calendar? They said Christmas, Easter, David toid them that Easter-Sunday is the happiest, Christmas is 2nd and Pentecost is 3rd. The saddest day is Goad Friday. In same Christian faiths, this Sunday is the saddest, it was the day that Jesus was beat- en and stoned by the people and thorns were crushed an His head. David asked what this wouid do ta Jesus, the children said it would hurt Hlm and make Hlm bleed, just like we wauld if this was done ta us. This shawed that Jesus was hunian, just lîke we are, He knew what it feit like ta hurt and suifer pain. We must remember that He understands when we pray ta Hlm, when we are hurt and in pain. The chiidren's hymn was, "He Is Able". As the chiidren iet the Sanctuary each chiid was given an item tram tic altar ta carryaway. and the Stole tie Minister was wear- ing was also taken. This stripped the altar, leaving it bare. The Scripture was taken from John 11:1-16; 45-57> The Sermon was titled. "Unleasiing Hope". Jesus knew tiat tie people were nlot happy with Him, they had aiready stoned Hlm once, but, He slipped away. When He received the news that Lazarus was very ili, He wait- ed 2 days before He decided ta return. He told His disci- ples that He was gaing back, they ail knew what that couid, mean. It was Thomas that said, let us go with Hi m and die with Hlm. Jesus went back and He raised Lazarus from the dead, some of the people went and told the Pharisees what Jesus had done. The Priests and all those in positions of Power were afraid ôf Jesus, they were afraid they would lose their power, their high posi- tions, their life of weaith and comfort. Jesus was preaching that it was how yau treat your fellow man that was more important, not what gifts you gave ta priests. That isn't' what the priests were saying, they told the people that they must present offerings, foilow rituals, they even told them that there was a proper way to wash their hands. They, didn't want change, they wanted things ta stay the same, then along came Jesus who raised Lazarus from the dead, made blind rnen see and the people saw this and believed Jesus. Jesus taught the people that ît was not important ta foliow the past, but ta follow the way God wants, nat'ta be the same as other people. Jesus taught, flot as a scribe but with authority and the people rec- ognized this. The priests saw this and feared Jesus, they feared the challenge ta their authority. Dictators and leaders of some countries fear challenge ta their authority today. Why was Jesus suci a threat? Because he brought ta the world the vision of Robt. F. Kennedy which he proclaimed a few months before hewas shot: 1sce things as they neyer were and ask, why not? Jesus is a threat ta many people today. Many people are starving ta death, people are being beaten ta death, tor- Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, Mardi 27, 19967 tured, there are mass killings because they have different opinions. They are being denied education. Right here we are being challenged to reach out beyond our own wants and ambitions and ta discover the challenges wait- ing for us in Jesus niame. The people who had Jesus crucified were not concemned whether what they were doing was right or wrang,, Jesus was a threat ta their comfort, to their prestige. They eliminat- ed Hlm before they were forced ta change their way of living. They neyer knew the glary of sharing., They neyer knew the joy of true love, the freedom of total surrender. The glary of Unleashing Hope. The hymn, "There Is A Green Hill Far Away" was sung, a taped anthem, It Is Finished" was piayed, the Prayer of Thankfulness and the Prayer of Concern and Commitment given. The clos- ing hymn was "Ail The Way My Saviour Leads Me"., Glad ta report that Thelma Westlake is back in her own home and recuperating well foliowing her surgery, we miss you. Watch for news next week of some upcoming events at the Church. If you would like to have one of the anniversary books made up for the I 25thanniversary, titied Memory Lane, some reprints were ordered and there are a few left, call Helen at 983- 5883. They are very interest- îng and are a page out of our past. *Speaking of unemploy- ment- the human brain has more than ten billion celis." P. Lowery atvertising ees net cest yeu. 1 i.ney. it riakes yeu. ia.ney Nieed a 'Place tor 'fouir l4istz and Idleas? 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