4 q4dýimný W ç prit 10,AM1OI9" lis ad a Loss For Goraldi Insurance Geraldi Insurance takes the tic On April 2nd Minor Tyke Leafs played their first playoff game in Darlington Arena against D.J. Soundmaster. What a great game. Orono was a littie sluggish in the beginning but aftieu D. scored the first goal they buckled down and played some good hockey. The goalie for DAJ. kept themn in the game. Orono had lots of breakaways being stopped by thec buzzer, the post and the crossbar (Robert #66) until the last shift of the game. Down 2-O #9 Troy Webster pulls off the nicest deek of the year, unassisted. Great effort Troy. With under a minute to play the guys head down the ice a solid eff ort by #66 Robert Kay. Robert has been robbed several fnes this gamie but sornehow finds the opening with one second to go to tie it 2-2. Wthat a shift! The Orono Burer King Bantans In For the second Urne in as rnany tournaments the Newcastle Bantarns have bat- tled to win their first game in overtimie only to lose in the serni finals to the eventual "A" champions. April 6th found the tean in Schornberg where we played a team from Grand Bend. The first period was played mostly in NewcasUle's end but Jim Conboy came up with the needed saves to keep the period scoreless. Early in the second Vince Norton dug the puck loose from a scramble in thec goal crease and lifted it into the net to put Newcastle on the scoreboard. This lead was short lived as the Grand Bend teami broke in on the face-off from centre ice to tie it just 5 seconds later. Both teams pressed for the win but the end of regulation tîrne saw the score tied i -1. This was nainly due to Newcastle's dynamnic duo in net as the shots on goal favoured Grand Bend 32-13. The first 5 minute overtine was scoreless, as was the first one minute of the second ovtim. Then with just 4 skaters eachi Newcastle's tumn to1 Senbors The Canada it w as break in A-Vol( Safety ' Couinci's 55 ALIVE/MATURE DRIVING course is fast becorning more and more popular with mature drivers over 55 in Ontario. Those drivers who have already enrolled in the programi have enthusiastically endorsed it because this driver refcreshier course helps ther nmaintain their dl pnenelonger. ( t t i [ans cheered while D.J. fans ývere disappointed, their Çoach jumped on the ice in lisagreement to the goal - but ýhe ref calis thbem as he sees hemi!. Lucus Leech #29 played a -reat game in net stopping ýons of shots and covered up he rebounds. Good job Lucus! Donuts "Creamn" Leafs On April 3rd we played ,kylight Donuts to bie defeat- IIdL 5-1. Skylight Donuts ilayed a solid garne firing hosail gamie at #29 Lucus ,eech. Lucus made sonie ýieat stick saves and showed ots of courage. Nice gaine ,ucus! Our only goal toi break hfeir shot out was by #9 Troy ebster, assisted by #33 ioùin Kelly and #66 Robert ~ay - good hard work guys! Next gameé agaînst ewcastle Photographic April Ilh in Orono. Go-Leafs-Go. rournamenl AQion n thec face-off from centre ice. tandy Brennan won thec face- ff, back to John Arrnishaw rho carried it over the blue ne and let a blast go that eat the Grand Bend goalie, iving Newcastle a heart topping 2-1 Win. Dusty tapleton's heroics iii net for re last haîf of the game was noughi to win him M.V.P. for ewcastle. Our second gamne in thec "A" emi-final was against thec ost team. Schornberg had a ~st skat ng hard hitUing team iat camne to play hockey. A pass out frorn behind the et in the second minute of lay put Our host's up 1 -O. ewcastie in thîs garne were gain outshot by a wide mar- in but the score remained 1i untrtil mid way through the econd when a screen shot 'om the point found the back f the NewcasUle net. The Newcastle Bantams ever gave uip and did have a umiber of sconing opportuni- es but could not complete ien. Final score this carne ~as 2-0 for- Schornberg, who tent on thec next day to win lie "A" title. Well deserved . V. P. f or Newcastle in this -ame was the other hialf of thec yniainic duo Jim Conboy. 4 hey leamewd the e'lemenlts of ale drivinýg and it maude themn warec of the, physical fet [the agïing pr-ocess,- and hlow compensate and cope in day's lhectie driving ev rnrInent. The sharing of experiences nd conicems by peer group irticipants and drivlng infor- ation provided by trained structors is an integral part -ol ms - v