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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1996, p. 5

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Lîke so mnany residents of town, if there is a nteed ta be met, Joyce is right there ta lend a helping hand. However, try ta tellllier that she is something special, and von wll have a bard time con- vincing her. "I have just done, what anyone else around here does."1 For the past 35 years, Joyce bas cailed Orono her home. Together with her hiusbandi Russ, a life time( resident, they raised three cblldren, Michele, Dwayne and Jason. Michelle, her husband and. cbildren stIli1 iive here and are very active in the community. Jason is busy in Windsor where- he attends university and gets home on the holi- days. 1However, octob)er 27, 1989, the fain-iy was struck by tr-agedy wenDwaynle %was killed in a motor- veicle a1cci- dent. "That -was sa bard on us. After 'tbat, we wereni't involved withi the Arena Committee or anytbing else. We needed time ta ourselves. My first grandchild is t Brandon, who was 2 months oid at the time. Megan came aiong 2 years later. Having tbem around realiy belped pull me tbrough 9, terrible time." Together with loas- ing ber mom, 2 years aga, Joyce has put a lot of time into helping others. Thraug h ber church, Orono United, she visits ex-r-esidlents in a nursing home in Osbawva twice a montb. Joyce is there for wbat ever need they may bave, whether tbat isi read, pray or just taik. "-If is sa rewarding for me." In Newcastle, Joyce is a coin panion ta a young persan witb MS, wbom she fakes oui and spends fime with. She also helps older aduifs in many capacifies, such as helping fhem arrange birtb- day parties. if you know Joyce, you will know thaf bier generasity is nlot a recent thing. The Oon oW%,Vekl Time~s, Wednesday, April 10, 1996 5 it7L-By Kate Lang tes tat worked very bard at etigte town a new arena. four kids spent sa much time n there, that we wanted ta ~kt sre that it was safe tnd up ta date." Sa, with :hat, Joyce and Russ rallied ip support and maney, ta relp the Community Centre e wbat it is-today. For r 25 years. Jayce [as been an active member n the Rebekah Lodge. "Lîke xnything else, you get out of if hat yau put in." That sbould be a lesson for ~nyone thaf wants ta see sometbing accomplisbed in eir communify. The Fair used ta sport nany of Joyce's creative tai- éýt9 sucb as ber baking, sewîing, kitting andc pre- ser-ves. After innl ings a 1rn,-any vrib-bonis, sh) e relized Lh1at she mst be pretty gooI,)d M t iad decided ta bow out for a wbile. Lately tbough, she lias been tbinking about re-enitering. "We have sucb a ~reat f -air and should be sup- porting it. Tbe entries over hepast few years have real- [y been dimmnishing and we need ta boast it up again." One of tbe reasons that tbhis town is as great to live in as it is, is because we bave neighlbours like Joyce Major. ýOPSEU Deal On1 Sunday March 31 5f a ;entative, agreement reacbed ietween tbe Gavemment and JPSEU was ratified by bath 1 le Cabinet and the union 1 I am pie ased OPSEU rnecmbers have ratified the (jeal," John OToole MPP said. The agreement is fair and easonable bath ta members f OPSEU and ,thle taxpayers f this province. It is nat a ,,tse of who won or lost: io-body ever wins in a strike." John iOTFoole said 1"the di(, cieves (the gaverilnmeln's Orono PubIié SchooI News Our news fram the grade twa class. Befdre nile lvarch Break, we had an Invention Convention. FaF the Invention Convention, we had ta, build a tawer ouf of newspapers and tape. t had ta be 30 cm. tali for the kindergartens ta grade tbree. The grades four, five and six had ta buiid theirs 1 m. tail. We had ta balance appies an top pf aur towers. Tbank you _ýëY mucli to Allin' s Apple orchard for donating the apls fe testiflg aur toW@r, we ail galt-ta eat an apple. After the Màfch Break, aur walls were tatkpn dawn. Naw aur classroami is much BIG- GER. We participâted in a Taste Test at school: We bad two kinds of Fruit LMOPs. One was the regular kid an d one bad blue Fruit LoôP in 1t.Th new kind of FPiit Laops was sweeter. In thé regular Fruit Laops, some of us thaught if tasted fruitier. Bath of the cereals tasted good. Our eîass t tbe measie shat. We likè ta have Hot Lunch at scbP0l. Our class bas been regding Robert Munsch book§: We ike read- ing fhem. s0ffle af us like ta wark an the pomputers at school. We mâcle pictures of ourselvesmand .fiendS having the measies. Most Of us thougsht the measle shot didn't burt. Oe Of us faintd A lot of us th0ilght tbe measie shot burt. Ajjer the measie shot, we got suckers. The measle needIe feit like a bee sting and a biLckfly bite. We watcbed a maVie after we gat the needie. financial objeètives. It allows us tbe flexibilita proceed with the refnis necessary ta bring about ?ý smaller yet mare efficient Public service." Highligbts of the settie- ment include: *no increase in base wage rates for thé termi of the contract tbrougb to December 31st, 1998 -double severânlce packages, but no special buy outs *no cast of livirlg increase the job affer guarantee bas been eiminat&d -restricted bul'npiflg rigbts - only three bumps are aliowed, wbicll1 wiii have ta be exercised il the first two weeks of the notice period. Previousiy bximping rîghts had been unfestricted and could be exel'cised at the end of the not-fjçe period *natice pefiods were reduced ta a standard six months from up ta eleven montbs in soffle cases "With the 5stike behind us, we hope al of pur empiayees xiii participafe in the effort fa restructure guyerflment and that ail employees xiii partic- ipate, in the effflt to reCstruc- ture gavemment and that al eniployees, as they bave in the past, place first priority on serving the people of ATTENTION PARENTS! The Parent Advisory Committee of Orono Public School thinks you should know: The On tario government is considering a proposai t o amnalgamnate the Northumberland-Clarngtofl Board of Education with surrounding boards. At-its current size (24,000 pupi1s. our Board is one of the most effiCient in the province one of the lowest administrative budgets - leader in introducing new technology - leader in special education initiatives flexible enough to tailor programs to meet local needs Bigger i sn't always better. Amalgamation may provide benefits for some boards, but not for ours. Mike Harris knows there is no real financial incentive for-amnalgamating, Sa he has asked his MPP to find out what his constituents think. SPEAK UP! THIS TIME YOUI CAN MAKE A DIFFERIENCE! Caîl or Write Your MRP TODAY John O'Toole, MPP, Durham East 75 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario Li N 2H7 905-697-1501 Tell John. "DON'T MESS WITH SUCCESS!" ~.N Northcutt EIiott )EF uneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditionat Funeral Services. Prearranged & Pr epaid Services - Cremnation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditionat Funerals - Out a f Town Shipping Cary Kuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 2M 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING PUBLIC NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS BUDGET MEETING SCHEDULE The Council of the Municipality of Clarington will be holding their budget deliberations in accordance with the following schedule. Day Date 1996 Meeting Tirne Meeting Agenda Frday April 12 Special G.P.A. 9:00 arn ta Counail Deliberations. 3:30 pm Each Department presents details of budget. Monday April 15 Special G.P.A. 9:00 arn to Deliberations contnued. continued 3:00 prn library/Museurns/ Visual Arts present budgets. Monday April 22 Regular G.P.A. 9:30 arn Public opportunity ta appear as delegation to speak ta budget. Monday April 29 Regular Council 7:00 pm Budget ratification; final opportun ity for public delegations on 1996 budget. Each of these meetings is being held in the Councit Chambers, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, and is open ta the public. Anyone wishing ta- address the Committee an April 22 or the Caunicil on April 29 is required ta contact the Clerk's Department, 623-3379, by 12:00 noon the Wednesday prir ta the subject meeting. NPTROF Dates of Publication: Wednesday, Apri3, 10and 17, 1996 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Municipality of Claringtan 40 Temperance Street Bawmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 P.O. 5798 MW

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