Oron WeeIyTiftWednesday, April 17, 1 96 - 11 Kinsmen 'Pancake Adventure' HeId At Ganaraska "Sheriff' Bob -Metcalf of the Falconry Centre in Tottenhamn shows a Peregrine Falcon, the fastest animal in the world, to the people attending the 'Pancake Adventure' held at the Ganaraska Forest Centre this weekend. An afternoon show featured a demonstration froin the Orono Cat World. The very successful event was well attended, and should be the first of many such events to be held there. A Brief History on Falconry Falconry, or hawking, is the sport of hunfing wif h hawks. Believed f0 have orig- inafed in central Msia around 2000 BC, if was introduced f0 Europeans by the mounted horsemen who led invasion forces during the decline of the Roman Empire. Faîconry was popular among European nobiify befween the 1Oth and 1 7fh cenfuries, but ifs popu- lanity began fo decline wifh, the lafer introduction of guns. Interesf in the sport revived after World War 1, particular- ly in Great Brifain and Europe. An organizafion for falconry, esfablished in the United Stafes in 1942, was From Parliam ent Hili Alex Shepherd, M.P. Durham In spife of the United States musings about ifs role as a world peacekeeper I find liffle practical evidence thaf there is any reality 1o this dlaim. Receritly 1 travelcd fothe United Nations and learned this lesson. The trip, 1 mighf, add, was paid for by the Parliamenfarians for Global Action, nof the faxpayers of Canada. To give you some idea how counfries'around the world view the UN, fhink of if this way. The UN's budget is approximafely one-third thaf of fhe New York City Police Force. Image. Even worse, the U.S. has not paid their membership dues. A whopping $1 .5 billion i s outsfanding. succeeded by the North American Falconers' Association. The style of hunfing varies from country f0 country, depending somewhaf on the kind of hawk available f0 the hunfer. Short-winged hawks, such as fhe goshawk and Cooper's hawk, hunt ground- level prey from a high perch. Long-winged hawks, such as the peregrine, gyrfalcon, and merlin, hunt from the air and f ake flying prey. Short-winged hawks are frained f0 refurn fo the falconer's glove, but long- winged birds are frained fo refurn f0 a lure-a mock bird swinging on a cord. Meanwhile Canada is owed over $250 million for ifs own peacekeeping operafions. You don'f need a Ph.D. in p ublic policy f0 figure out mosf of this oufsfanding debt is owed by the United States. 1 was surprised f0 learn thaf counfries like Pakistan and Jordan, counfries we would consider third world, make up the majorify of peacekeeping forces. The U.S. and its other Secunify Council colleagues only recommend grandiose schemes as world policemen. They fail fo hack their poli- cies wifh commitmenf. When bullefs fly, if's fthe fhird-world counfries caughf in the crossfire. These coun- tries are nof fighfing forces f0, be reckoned wifh. They are poorîy equpd and trained. Seurtycuncil members are also goodat recommend- ing UN intervt fltiofl in areas like Bosnia aId Somalia. Yet, again, the forces going into these areas are poorly equipped and do not have the manpower to dlo a proper job. in the case8 of Bosnia and Somalia therfl was no peace to keep at tple fime peace- keepers were sent. This kind of action shëiUld be outside the mandate of the UN. The meetifIgs I attended af the UN werê joint meeting between 10 djanadian parlia- mentarians and a similar number of U.5. congressional leaders. Only three congress repre- sentatives ev-r showed their face and th@se three only stayed for a unref perîud. To me this shows the com- mifment of the U.S. to the United Nations.* Members of Parliament câ~me fromas far away as British Columbia, but congress representatives, many of whoïn were from the New York cityy area, couldn't make it acro55 the Brooklin Bridge. The UN, in sOmewaYs, is a bit of an intËrnational joke. It's dependent on the gra- ciousness of its 185 mem- bers. But as you can guess, when their nmwmbers become preo.ccupîed with self inter- ests, commltment to the international body takes sec- ond place. 1 have suggested.an inter- national tax on armament manufacture§ to allow the UN a degree of independence from self int@resfs. But if is just this indCpendence the U.S. bas no inferesf in devel- oping. Recent history has shown that now isftle fime f0 clarify the mandatë of the United Nations. And f0 askjust who if is that is going f0 foot the bill. Allowing ttie US. f0 fancy themselves as world police- men, while jhey fail to put their money where there mouth is, is îetfing fhem gef away wifh po§tulafing. Viewed thi§ way if isn't a very large îeap f0 undersfand why we as a nation are having difficulfy witfl the U.S. when if cornes f0o ôtr supply man- aged agricuiniral sectors and soft-wood lurPber- The U. S. Wil1 continue play bully unfil someone fakes fhem f0 tàsk. Why nof Canada? Let USdive It A Try Sonbon Pubtishing For AIl Your Printing Needs COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1 MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAK ES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W TVs AND VO .R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 ESTATWQPETY SERVICE PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SERVICE " WE OFFER A FULL RANGE 0F MAINTENANCE PACKAGES, WITH EQUAL PAYMENT PLANS - LAWN GARE (CUTTING, TRIMMING) - WEED SPRAYING, FERTILIZING, CRAB GRASS CONTROL *GARDIENS, SHRUB & HEDGE PRUNING " WE USE PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT ONLY ALL COMPANY ACTIVITIES ARE LICENSED & INSURED 983-8126 Mr. Ron Goddard, Steve'sfather, presented "A Recognitiont Award" to Mayor Hamre, in remembrance of the unfair treatment his son received in 1995. In 1995, Steve Goddard a former employee with the Municipality of Clarington was told he had an image problem. Hîs union CUPE Local 74 also complained to elected officiais about the unfairne ss. The record shows Mr. Goddard performed his job admirably. When the munic- ipality was asked for an explanation, there was nothing but silence. We believe Steve was treated unfairiy. He Ioved his job as an animal control off icer, and the public he served. That is why we are urg- ing the Municipality of Clarington to establish a "fair hiring and promotion code of conduct". What happened to Steve, must not happen again. A message from Friends and Famlly