j- 12 - Oroni Weekly Times, Wednesday, Aprils17,1996 Wha t's Happening At St Francis O0 Assisi There were prizes to be won at St. Francis' bake sale. Here Christine Swynal, Martin McCarthy, Megan Capon and Julie Speziale pose with their prizes. On Tuesday April 2nd the primary students along with some of their parents and teachers travelled to Toronto where they saw a live produc- tion of Cinderella. Everyone who went said it was excel- lent and the performers did a fantastic job of bringing a fairy tale to life. It was an experience that will be remembered for a long time to come. On April 2nd students from St. Stephen's High School in Bowmanville came out and put on a black-light production ail about violence. All the lights in the gym were turned off so that everyone in the audience could see the masks and props that had been spray painted with a flourescent paint to help cre- ate the special effects. There was also special lighting that was used to help the audience see the performers better. A big thank you goes out to all the actors for their time and efforts and also for their spec- tacular performance from all the students and staff at St. Francis. On Wednesday April 3rd, Mrs Clements along with her grade six students, held a bake sale and several Easter Draws in their classroom to help raise funds for their trip to the Ganaraska Forest that is to take place later this year, The rest of the students and staff took turns visiting the bake sale and purchasing some of the goodies that were being offered. They were also able to purchase a ticket on Easter baskets or take a guess as to how many jelly beans were in the jar. A big thank you goes out to every- one who made the bake sale a great success from the grade six class and their teacher Mrs. Clements. They would also like to congratulate Christine Swynal who won the small Easter Basket, Megan Capon who won the basket filled with bath and beauty aids, Julie Speziale who won the large Easter Basket and Martin McCarthy who won the jar full of jelly beans. On Thursday April 4th all the students and staff were in attendance at a special assembly that was held in the gym to help them remember the children who live in pover- ty. Songs, prayer, and a lunch consisting of boiled rice and a piece of bread were served. For the past few weeks, Mr. Butler and his grade six stu- dents have been hard at work selling tickets on the assort- ment of prizes that had been donated by the students' gen- erous parents, to help them raise funds for their trip to the Ganaraska Forest which will take place later this year. Congratulations go out to all the lucky winners. Students who took part in the Values, Influences and Peers (V.I.P.) Program were honoured at a special V.I.P. graduation ceremony held in the school gym the evening of Tuesday April 9th. Alena Shah, who was master of cer- emonies, opened the celebra- tion by welcoming everyone and then introduced Mrs. Hawkley, the school's princi- pal who said a short prayer. Next on the agenda were the several short plays that ranged in content from vio- lence, vandalism and drugs to smoking and drinking and the consequences that cornes from each one. All the plays were created and performed by the students who had par- ticipated in the V.I.P. pro- gram. Once the plays were over P.C. Peter Bramma said a few words about the pro- Apil 3 A civil dispUte erupted at a home on Regional Road 42 when a persotl tried to move into a home tiat was being vacated by th@ prior tenant. The person thât was attempt- ing to move in did not have the necessary proof that he was the new ÔWner. The old tenants have since moved out and the new ôWner is in pos- session of the property. April 4 A young gffender was arrested for pulling a fire alarm at Clarke High School during a student protest. The perpetrator ha§ been released with a court dâte. The My Apgthecary drug store in BoWlganville was robbed by a 31 year-old cus- tomer. Two ffmale employ- ees were forced to the floor and the accuýed left. The accused was recognized by one of the wômen and was arrested at his home a short while later without incident. April 5 Two security guards at the Roy Nichols Ciev-Olds deal- ership surprised two men try- ing to steal Wheels off of a vehicle. The sijspects ran off, leaving a nulpber of tools behind. Suspects were scared off by an alarm during a break-in at a house locat@d on the 7th Concession in Newcastle. Nothing was tgken from the residence. Apil 8 The tractof portion of a Western Star tractor-trailer was stolen froiR the corner of Church and EfgilY Streets in Newcastle. There is a chance gram and then presented the children with their diplomas. The children then presented Bramma with g small token of their appreciation. The V.I.P. progran has been in operation since 1984 and to date there are 115 schools in the Durham Rgion who use it. A big thank you goes out to P.C. Bramnhi and all the other officers Who travel to different school§ teaching this program from the graduating class at St. Frafcis. On FridayApril 12th there was a special âuthor's cele- bration that wâs held in the school library tp honour the 19 students frôln grades 2-4 who were cho§en by their teachers for their exceptional writing skill. All the parents who were in altendance lis- tened attentivly as one by one the childrfn read their stories. Mrs. ferguson, the school's vice-principal, con- gratulated the children on the great job they did and then she presented the children with their certificates of achievement. m Plrborough 11s GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT co Rd. :a R d .AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Tandy Craft • The Leather Factory l5/is • Bristol Leathers Ville 401 Phone ahead or by chance 8335 Hwy. 35/115, Orono LOB iMO (905) 983-9540 Is there a new baby coming to your house? Then you'l want to come out to the Welcome Wagon BABY SHOWER MAY 9, 1996 7:00 P.M. BOWMANVILLE LIONS HALL Space is Limited Demonstrations lMaternity Wear Fashion Show Exciting Gifts for every mother-to-be Numerous Door Prizes By Invitation Only For Invitation Inquiries call Maria Boone 987-5030 N. POLICE BEAT that the trailer may have been repossessed. April 9 Lockhart Public School in Newcastle was damaged by vandals. The school suffered a broken window, two broken outside lights, eight damaged screens, cut phone lines and obscene writings on the front. Police have no suspects. A home on McCrimmon Cres. in Bowmanville was broken into. A VCR, CD play- er and various other items were taken. A vacant house on West Beach in Bowmanville was ransacked, with $3-4,000 damage being done to the house. April 10 A truck and a trailer con- taining two seadoos was stolen from a residence on Old Scugog Road north of Taunton Road. The trailer was later discovered in Bowmanville, minus the two missing seadoos. Police have no leads. MacGregor IDA in Bowmanville was robbed by an intruder brandishing what is believed to be a gun. The suspect demanded drugs from the employees, and was given outdated drugs by a quick thinking worker. The suspect is still at large and police are cautioning people that they have yet to deter- mine whether the gun was real or not. April 11 Three young offenders were cautioned by police for shoot- ing a pellet gun out of a sec- ond story window at street- lights at a residence on Lawrence Cres. in Bowmanville. The pellet gun was seized and destroyed by police at the request of the parents. A man informed police that he had found what he believed to be stolen property in his son's room at their home on Rossland Cres. in Bowmanville. Police also found what they believe to be tools used for breaking and entering. Police are investi- gating to see if the young offender can be linked to any unsolved break and enters in the area. A garage at M.J. Hobbs school in Hampton was bro- ken into and two propane tanks were stolen. April 12 Youths set fire to two skids inside at the construction site of the new Newcastle Publie School. No damage was done to the structure. April 13 The Esso Gas Bar on the 35/115 Highway in Newcastle was broken into, with thieves making off with an undis- closed amount of money, cof- fee and cigarettes. This is the second time in a month that this business has been bro- ken into. The LCBO store in Newcastle was broken into. Thieves attempted to get into the safe but were unable to do so. An undisclosed quan- tity of liquor was taken from the premises.