m--ý2 - Orono Weeldlims ededyArl2ý499ý6 ý re2nýeýWEEKLY lIMES Publications Mail Regiistr-ation No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issues Annually at the Offi ce of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 2Ô9, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor e Publisher CLA RING TON 'S LIBRARY SYSTEM Evelyn Stroud took the time to corne before Clarington Council to speak ber mind on- the Public Library System in our town,. According to her figures, Clarington is rated very low on its Library System (see article). Having once been a student in this town, and baving used the libraries, 1 can agree. Back in high school, when the time came to do research outside of our own libraries, many of us went to the Clarington Libraries to do our, research. This however did not Iast very long. Unfortunately, for the m-ost part, the library did not meet our needs. The libraries as 1 remember them held mostly novels and children's books, not reference books. This rnay have changed in the six or seven years that have passed since 1 have last used the public libraries, but from the sounds of things from Evelyn Stroud, it hasn't. Ciarington, to become the truly great municipality that it dlaims to be, must do something about the inadequacies within its library system. What can be done affordably to remedy this, 1 do not know. There have been rnany different ideas frorn the public at large about this but the one I have heard the most from people is to arnalgamate the public libraries with the high school libraries. I have my doubts about this as a solution. The money it wouid take to amaigamate them wouid be great. The bugs in the system that would have to be worked out in order to have it mun smoothîy, would take years to find and fix. The present school facilities would be too small to accommodate ahl of the municipal collections. Problems with staffing and who would be responsible to pay librarians and keep schools open after hours would ail have to be deait with. There is also the problem that the schooi board would not go along with it. It is easy to identify problems, but harder to rectify them. I -arn sure that ail members of Council realize that our Library System couid benefit from an, increased budget. Unfortunately, there is not enough money to make this possible. So as much as 1 agree with Evelyn Stroud and feel that our libraries need improvement, the reaiity is that this is not going to happen. For the time being, the best we can do is to hope that the library budgets remain at their present leveis. The Town xiii have to rectify thîs situation in the near future, but for the time being we xiii have to wait. CRITI CIzING THE FEDERAL LIBERALS On Monday, Liberai MP John Nunziata was throwl' out of the Liberai Caucus by Prime Minister Jean Chretien for flot following the party line in voting against the federal budget. Mr. Nunziata was protesting against wbat he saw was a breaking of a promise to the Canadian citizen when the G.S.T. was not removed in' the budget. For this, Mr. Nunziata was tossed out of the government. He will continue to sit as an Independent. Since wben does Jean Chretien wield more power tban the people of Canada? John Nunziata was elected by the people to represent their best interests. In his mind that is what he was doing. MP's shouid not have to live with the threat of losing their place in the caucus because tbey don't. agree with the party line. Our own MP, Alex Shepherd, also found bimself i bot water for not toeing the uine. This cannot continue. Last time 1 checked, Canada was a democracy, in which people are allowed to vote as they see fit, without fear of repercussions. Imagine if Diane Hamre were allowed to disrniss Councillors becaus e they did not agree witb ber. We would cali ber a dictator and a tyrant. These words could be applied to Jean Chretien for bis actions in recent months. Mr. Chretien sbould reconsider these actions, or Mr. Nunziata may not be the oniy former Liberai moving to the Independent section of Parliament. Orono Public School News Our grade 1 class lias sprung into spring with an exciting unit on seeds. Again, we are working with Mrs. Caron's class on Seed Activities. We are excîted about the growth of our marigold plants that we. planted in late Mardi. We are measuring the lengtli of roots and stem of a bean inside a ziploc bag. We are also leamn- ing about tubers and bulbs. In preparation for Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd, we were reading books about our earth and the importance of keeping it dlean. Our entire school will be celebrating Earth Day. Ail students will be participating in a variety of activities focussing on envi- ronmental concems and are encouraged to bring litterless lunches. 1Congratulations go out to the Orono Schooi Choir, the Orff Ensemble and Mr. Martin's grade 6 class who attended the Oshawa/Whitby Kiwanis Music Festival on Is someone you know reaching a milestone? Wish them happiness and congratulations in' The Orono Weekly Times Wednesday, April l7th. The choir pefformed Alouette (a French song) in a non com- petitive category and received an A -standing. The Orff Ensemble placed first witli an 86% witli their performance playing xylophones, metala- phones and glockenspeils. The grade 6's came out on top with an 80% performing Bransie Des Sabots (a French Dance) and Sakura (a Japanese song). Thanks to Mrs. Caron, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Bek for ahl their effort and aIl participants for rep- resenting our school so-well. Kendal United Church Kendal, Ontario Sunday, April 28, 1996 11:15 a.m. "Peace In The Family" Baptisnz Worship & Sunday Sehool " a good place to be -- a healîhy place for chiidren" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St."Saviour 's Anglican Chu rch MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 # Church 983-5594 SIUNI)AY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 ar. IST & 3RD) SUN DAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL r, Mervyn Russel ~ .~ Risebrough, 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, April 28th Kirby United 9:30 ar. Orono United 11:00 ar.. (1s sinday of Every Month Communion Sunday ai Orono and Kirby United Churches) Evening Service Leskard Communion Pot-Iuck supper ai 5 p.m. followed by service ai 6:15 p-m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, April 24 meet ai Rosalyn AIin's home 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP mect Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 9350 .......... 1 983-5009