~1 '1 o f r v~rlr~el ~,Jit ~-. lt U.~.ss - ~ ~ ~ im Oron o Wee(-klyT-1IMes Wednesctay, May 1, 1996 - 13ý Classi.fied LANE Paul and Kellie (nee Johnson) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their son, Jarrett Michael, born April 2. 1996 weighing 8 lbs Il 1/4 ozs. Big brother Brandon is happy to have a new little playmate. Proud grand- parents are Ted and Gail Lane, Orono and Mike and Carol Johnson, Newcastle. Great-grand- parents are Norm Johnson and Ada Cooney. A new cousin for Jesse. We would like to extend our thanks to Dr. Irish, Dr. Spruyt and the Maternity staff at Buwmnauîville Memorial Hospital. Oap GEACHI Ella - In lov-ing, memory ý,of' a dearvwife, mother, gýrandmnother and great-grandcimoithierwhio passed away May 3, 1992. Those we love we neyer lose, For always fhey will be loved, remembered, treasured. Always in our memory Sadly mssed and always in our thoughts., Her Husband Sam and Family 1,ac At Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto on ThuLirsday April 25, 1996 GLENN NORMAN HAASE ofKendal aged 417 years. Beloved son of Altania and Bernard (Ben) Haase. Dear brother of Gail and huisband Walter Stapleton. Dear uncle of Timiothy and Mark Stapletonl. A Memnorial Service hill be held at The Northc(utt Elliott Fuerl ome ý53 Division st. N. Bowmlanl- ville 0on Wýedniesday May 1, 1996 at il1 a.m. Crem-iationi. Memorial dlonationis may be m1ade to The Charity of your FFgRD MIONUMENTS King St. E. éowmanville, Ont. Ph"e 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN CA LLTOLLFREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERSand CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERIENCES AVAILABLE . ON REQUEST Cati today for your free flower vase and winter wreath. VISA ACCEPTED Orono Area Rep. .,TO.M MENDIERSON 983-9608 ESTATE AUCTION Grist MiII Auction Centre Newtonville SATIJRDAY, MAY 11TH 10:00 A.M. Selling the excellent equipment, tools, and machinery for the estate of Harold 'Shorty' Moore, Pontypool, Manvers 3rd Line, 2 miles west of Hwy 35 (watch for signs). AC-D315 gas tractor w/loader, Arien s il HP riding mower, 3 1/2 HP roto tiller. Brunner shop compressor, McCulloch generator. radial armsaw, Wells metal bandsaw, EFCO chainsaw sharpener. ITC drili press, chainsaws, power tools, carpentry equip, mechanicés, tools, air tools, lumber, conduit, materials, supplies, etc. Full listing next week. Terms: Cash, approved cheque with .D., VISA, lnlerac. AUCTIONEER Frank G. Stapleton, (905) 786-2244 Fax (905) 786-3591 "Celebrating our 25th Year" 1, dU C Peasýe Recycle This Newspaper BANKRUPTCY PUBLIC AUCTION Grist MiII Auction Centre 1Newtonviîîe SATUR DAY, MAY 4TH 10:00 A.M., We bave instructions from the principals of this file to sell the complete stock and inventory assets of Oak Unlimited Furniture Inc. (Former Hwy. 28 location); Including 'numerous round, pedestal, extension, drop leaf, oval and harvest dining tables, 104 arrowback, ladderback, pressback, side and arm chairs, several rockers and gliders, variety Of sideboards, hutches, corner units and curio china cabinets, 38 coffee, end, sofa, and occasional tables of ail shapes and sizes, washstands, drysinks. jelly cupboard., pine and oak blanket chests, armoire, chests of drawers, dressers, vanity, 15 mirrors, night stands, a selection of double, queen and king size cannonhaîl, sleigh and poster beds, 27 bar stools, pub tables, entertainment units, CD and VHS cabinets, deacon, benches, quiît racks, foot stools, coat hooks, high chairs, chiidrens furniture, wardrobes, rope bed, chests, rockers, EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINi1NG,,instituts - Ontario Extension oflers correspondance courses for the Diploma in Counselling Practse 10 begîn April 30ý For a brochure phone Toîl Ires 1 -800-665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. FRANCHISE SALES FRANCON CONSULTING LIMITED. Selîs Franchises for National accounts. Earn $100,000+ potential income ssltîng and sît- ling! It you cao selI, me,wanit youl Fax resumne (416)236-0894. FULL TIME large appliance service technicien required. Vehicis and some bools suppliîd. Appiy 10 Walter's Home Furnîshîngs, Bos 2ý38, Shau- navon, SK, SON 2M0. Fax 306-297-3400. FOR SALE SAWMAILL S4895 Sam logs nmb boards, planke, bsams. Large capacîby, Reat sammîli valus any- mhere. FREE intorm)ation 1, 1800-566-6899. Sîl- vacraft Sawmils, 6625 Ordan Dr., B-2, Misis- sauge, Ontarlo LST 1X2 HELP WANTED DREAM JOB- AS ADVERTISED ON TV. Average '-250-$300 meekly part-tîme shomîng esclusive and aflordabis lins of ladies fashions. Company training program. Also management openings for expsrienced applîcants. Cali 1-(800)363-8976. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lob of money sellîng chocolats bars. New producta avalable. Nobhîng 10 pay in advancs. Fast delîvsry 1-800- 383-3589. KATYS CLOSET, A 100% CANADIAN DIRECT sales company fsaburîng aBfordlable ladies' fash- 'ons neede co-ordinators in your arsa. Earn 30%o commission. For res brochure ceil 519-786-4728. MEDICAL ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex with botS men and womsn? We'd like 10 talk mth you. Make your- self heard by talong part in thîs University of Toronto survsy. Il's anonymous and confidential. Cali for free from anywbere in Ontario: 1 -800-9-Bi- MALE. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. CANADAS MOST IIIFTED psychc have answers 10 your problems or questions about health, love, relatonship, money, lucky numbers. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 Sours, 1-900-451-4336. LIVE, ACCURATE, PROFESSIONAL PSYCICLS tell you where your future lies: love, marriage raeu tionships, career, reunite y'o, wth loved cis 52.75/minute, 1-900-451-2787,18+, 24 Soxrs. HEAVENLY PSYCHIÇ Answers servJng over 50 million readers and multi-talented psychics. Free astrochart wîith your irst reading! Relationships, Future, Career. $299/ min. 18 + 24 Hours 1-900- 451-3783 IMPOTENCE9 SHYNESS? ANGER? TROUBLEO CHILD/TEEN? ANXIOUS/DEPRESSED? Private, professional recordinge. 'Ail you do is listen". 18+. 52.99/'minuIte. Recordings approxîimatsiy 3 min- utes. 1-900-451-0080, PERSONALS ASHGROVE CHiRISTIAN SINGILS. For compan- ionship or marriage. Ages 18-85. Single, id- owed,divorced. Canada, USA, global on Internat. Write Aahgrove, P.O. Box 2C5, Chias, .0., VOS iMO. Free information. 1-604-679-3543. MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS congratutates Laurel and Brian, Doreen and Wayne and Sarah and Craig on tlieir recent engagements. Coniden- iai. professional service for singles seekîng long- term reistionsliips. 613-257-3531. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Sale, rapid, non-sur- gical, permanent restoration in 6- 8 meeks. Airlîne pilot deveioped. Doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406-961-5570, est. 253; las 406-961- 5577. E-mail. Vision @Montana.com. Satisfaction guaranteed. ADOPTION ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMI1LY MEM- BERS, Canada Wde National Regis1iry and search assistance 1-800-871-8477. Information ine 1- 800-871-8477. E-mail - fcwnr@georgiannet REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershiptîmeshare? We'Il take it Americas largeat, oldest resale clear- înghouse. Resort Sales Iner national 1-800-423- 5976. Timestiare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS... 'Rock Bottom Priceal' Manufatuirer Direct. High Sidewalis. 25 s 30 $2.588 00. 30 x 44 $4,966.00. 35 s 50 57,977.00. 40 s 64 $9,888.00O 46 s 78 $14,44400. Others. Ends Optiona[. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING FR1065 Steel Straitwali Type not quonset- 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14.233, 50s90 $20443, 60xl26 $31,314- other sîzes available - masc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs- 1-800-263- 8499. OTTAWA BASED steel building dstrîbutor. Whole packages.or claddîng only, Secondary lier mhite $60.00 square. Full selection gauges, designs, coinurs. SPECTRUM STEEL (613)745-0178, (613)443-2378 - Luc. VACATIONÎTRAVEL WHITEWATER RAFTING IN EASTERN CANADA on the tamous Ottawa River based lrom beautifut ouldoor resort. Hîgh adventure and family pack- ages. No eperience nscessary. 1-800-264-7238i FEE brochure, round tables, cradies, coat racks, rocking horses, toys, 20 plate rails, lazy Susans, bread boxes, corner shelves, spice racks, towcl racks, dlocks, butcher block, chop blocks, book racks, dart boards, podiums and a variety of other articles. This is an exceptional offéring of new quallty oak and pine furniture. Selling wthout reserves. Plan ta attend Preview Friday Afternoon 1:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Auction Saturday 10:00 a.m. Sharp Terms: Cash, approved cheque, with .D., VISA, Interac. AUCTIONEER Frank G. Stapleton (905> 786-2244 Fax (905) 786-3591 "Celebrating our 25th Year" 1, ac Canada bas one of the highest raitesý of multiple scierosis mn the world. Multiple Scierosis SOriet i 1Canada Is somieone you know reaching a milestone? Wish themn happiness and congratulations in The Orono Weekly Times Feature Home of the Wleek CHARLIE REID Sales Representattve 22 Years Experience Specializing in: 1/2 Acre Lot in Bowmanville 4 bedrooms,' country kitchen, living roomn and dining'room with walkout to, patio, 2 baths, office, finished family room. Super lot in town and priced to sell. $1 58,900. Cali Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FÀRMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES I arn Commii-ittedl To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs!. Working 3ý64 Days ýAYer W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bo wmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914] Cgme to buy oi sei . Orono and area's reol estate rep, Krystyna Jones Z > 983-60013 Alealty'N e ASSOCIATESV(DUJRHAM)lnc 1050 SIMCOE ST N.#103 OSHAêWA 1.11.TEL:(905)721-2112 oet FANTASTIC 5-ACRE RETREATPROPERTY IN KENDAL HILLS, $89,9001 C'eLASSI FIED MARKETPLACE "Adve,tise A cross Ontario orA cross the Country" It's Affordable - It's Fast - It's Easy - One BUI Does It All . Northera Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 Wëstem Ontario $130 - Central Ontario $134 - Ail Ontario $384 4'il, hie Cal l (his papur for detail.s!