C D 2 - Qno Weeklylims, e-%1]loSda Y,ýMay 1519 U RONO WEEKLY TIMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing Publicationîs Maifl Regfistration No. 0368ý Pubhlsingiýy 47 IsusAinnually ait the Off ice of 'Publlicationi 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 2Ô9, Orono, Ontario LOB i MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301""0 Troy Young Editor e Publisher ONE YEAR LUATERD . Unbelievable as it seems, I have now been at the helm of the Orono Weekly Times for one year now. 1 took possession of the business May 1 of last year, and put out my first newspaper. on May 17. t has been both a stressful and enjoyable time. 1 would like to thank those residents and readers who have shown me a great deal of support and encouragement in this Urne. It is you people who make doing what we do worthwhile. I would'also like to thank my staff for the help, they have given during this time. They are Elaine Stainton, Sean Pickard, Christine Faulkner and Julie Cashin-Oster. Wthout the work that these people have done over the course of this year, 1 could not have done as much as we have. Iwould just like to use this opportunity t0 give themn the recognition they deserve. There are many other people that I could thank, but 1 will close it by thanking my parents for ail their help and my wife for her support. There are many times 1 thought I would go crazy at this job, but you have managed to help keep me sane (so far). 1 think we have done a lot in one year, especially for a kid right out of school with absolutely no experience whatsoever. The subscriptions for the newspaper have increased from 735 f0 1117 during this Urne and we have definifely become more colourful. We have made some- improvemients (and many mistakes) over the course of the year, but the important thing is that the newspaper is stili here, and stili commifted f0 giving Orono the best news if can. If will be inferesftng to see what the nexf year will bring. Due to the holiday on Monday May 2th, we would ask that ail of our regular contributors please submif their columns, ads, etc. to the office by Friday May l7th to allow us to get fhem ready for May 22nd's newspaper. Thank you for your considerafion in this matter. Do You Have Any Ideas For -Features And Articles For The Newspaper? Our Police Beat Is The Result 0f A Rq<eader's Suggestion. If You Have Ideas 0f Your Own, Please Cal Us 983-5301 continued frtirn page 1 ricochefing fpear his home, and has eveni been tbreatened by an armed bunfer wben he asked the himter to unload bis gun and îeave the vicinity of bis proptry. He also included ev-idence of guns being discbafged on Miil St. near the villâge of Kendal. The reasôns bebind this increase in the number of hunfers in the area stems from the fact that Kendal is now the area closest to Metro Toronto wher- pheasants are released. Thë closing of hunt- ing areas in and about the Toronto area have lead to a greater nurnber of Toronto hunters to hlunt in Kendal. On opening day of the hunt- ing, season, 137 vehicles were counted at the park. Most of these were from groups of people,. rather than single drivers. "Even if there is a modest three hunters per vehicle, this wouîd, amount to one hurndredt and eleven hunters in that area where they release pheasants," said Mr. Atkins' letter. The area, with the large number of hunters and poor visîbility "is just a serious accident wait- ing to happen." There'are complaints that hunters are leaving the park and hunting on private prop- erty. A fence around the properfy and ownedby the Ministry was beaten clown by hunters in October 1994. Mr. Atkins was forced to repair the fence himself before this past year's hunting season or risk having a hoard of armed men wandering around bis property. Signs have been put up in the pasf witb "Restricted Zone" printed on them, but they have been tom down by hunters. Presently, red dots paînted on posts are sup- posed to represent "No Trespassing", but Mr. Atkins dlaims that the bunters don't seem f0 pay any attention f0 tbem. In the past, Mr. Atkins has reported to the authorities about bunters trespassing on bis land. By the time the Ministry responds to the cal the culprifs are long gone. Once Mr. Atkins phoned the Durham Regional Police, but the officer was afraid f0 leave the safety of bis car, fearing he might be accidenfally shot by a hunfer. Mr. Afkins would like f0 see somefhing done about the situation. Property owners living near the properfy sbould nof be fearful of their lives and property due to out- of-control hunting in the area. "Lef's put this pretfy liffle area f0 a more benign use and let more people safe- ly enjoy if. The mosf impor- tant thîng of ail, lef's hear the laugbfer of children again in thse park." The- Municipalify bas staf- ed fhaf if will follow up this letter wif b fhe Minisfry of Nafural Resources regarding the situation af fhe park. Coninunity elping Conirunit St. Stephen's Secondary Sebool in Bowmanville will be participating in a food drive on Friday, May 24th. As part of the religion class curricu- lum each year students par- ficipate in a refreat program, with empbasis on some aspect of service to the wider community needs. Students of Grade 10 classes will be going from door f0 door, canvassing for food to replenish St. Vincent de Paul's Food Bank: This is a timne when food banks do run short in supplies due to increasing demands. Please participate as best you can to help us help others. If stu- dents, for some reason or other, do nof manage to get to your door, you may drop off ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell Marlene Risebrough, Secretory 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, May l9th Kirby United 9:30 ar. Orono United 11:00 ar. (l st Sunday of Every Month Communion Sunday at Orono and Kirby United Churches) EXPLORERS Wednesday, May 15 meet at Rosalyn Allin's home 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -16 yrs. A.A. meets evcry Thursday 7:30 p.m. your food donations to St. Stephens Secondary School off Concession St. East in Bowmanville. Kendal United Churcli Kendal, Ontario Sunday, May 19, 1996 11: 15 ar. "Go And Tell" Worship & Sunday Sehool Ila good place to be -- a healthy place for children" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectoty 987-5678 Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. 1 ST & 3RD SUNDAY OF MONTH HOLY COMMUNION "A Full Day In The Country" Kendal United Church Sat., May 18 Yard Sale Pie and Bake Sale 8:00 arn. 3:00 p.m. Ham & Salad Supper 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Aduifs: $9; Cbildren 12 & Under: $4 Gospel Hymin Sing 7:30 p.m. The Benders and Family Craig Brand Freewill offering Everyone invited For dinner tickets cati: 983-5371 Sponsored by Kendal United Church Victoria Day! First Summer Holiday *8 hours of continuous UVA/UVB protection** *ELEGANT FORMULATIONS - Water proof -PAIN- Rub proof - Sweai prool - For babies, kids & aduits Varjous Sun protection from SPF 4--30 Kodak film & cameras t ~*...for summer fun memories ORONO, ONTARIO 9350 %. 1 1 983-5009