muimimuoeiuiuuuuul{ 2 Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, May 29, 1998 j O RONO WEEKLY TiMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issuies Annually at the Office of Puiblication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 2Ô9, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Edi tor -, Publisher LIFE MEANvs LIFE Canada's Criminal Justice system is quickiy becoming the iaughing stock of the entire western world. Where else does a life sentence equate to 25 years? And under Section 745 of the Criminai Code, life can mean as littie as 15 years. Clifford Oison, the animal (sorry for tbe insuit to animais everywhere) wbo committed some of the most brutal murders in history, stalking and killing children out in B.C., is applying under section 745 to be allowed out after only 15 years of his supposed "life" sentence. Now we know that Mr. Oison will probably neyer ever see the iight of day as a free man, but the fact that such a provision even exists is completeiy iudicrous. And bis is not the oniy case. Paul Bernardo will also be ailowed to appiy for this same provision under the current status. Convicted rapists and murders, a complete danger to our society, couid theoreticaiiy under this criminal code of ours, be out and prowling your neighbourbood after only 15 years of a "life" sentence. Karia Holmoîka, and ber "sweetheart deal" wiii be out and about a free woman sometime next year. And they cali this tbe justice system? What about tbe Young Offenders Act, tbat piece of i&islation that allows young criminals to commit crimes witb sometbing akin to immunity? We bave recently beard of tbe il year old rapist in North York wbo bas been picked up over and over again for a variety of illegal activities, but because be is under the minimum age to charge criminals (12) be goes free. There is now talk of lowering the age to ten, but wbat happens wben they encouniter a nine year oid hardened criminal? Not being allowed to pubiisb the name of young offenders is also a crock. You would want to know if the 17 year old next door was recently charged witb a rape if you bad young daughters. Wbose rigbts come first, society's, or tbe crminals? I remember during my teenage years (tbey are not tbat long ago) that many of tbe trouble makers flaunted tbe Young Offenders Act. Tbey were not the bardened criminais tbat the 11 year old rapist is, but they knew that even if they got caugbt, tbe worst tbey would get is a proverbial slap on tbe wrist. 1 can support tbe Young Offenders Act in part, and understand wbat the government was trying to do when it brougbt it in. A 14 year oid wbo is caugbt sboplifting or doing petty vandaiism sbould not have the rest of bis life stigmatized because of some minor infraction of the law. Keep tbeîr name out of the papers and clear their crîmînai record at 18. That i can live witb. But when violence of any sort becomes part of tbe equation, tben it is off to aduit court with tbe offender. Even an il year oid knows that it is wrong to rape someone. Witb ail of tbis outrage in our society regarding the pathetic excuse for a life sentence and. the coddling of young criminais, wbat does Justice Minister Allan Rock and tbe federal Liberais do to tbe Justice System? Tbey pass gun reguiations in tbe vain attempt to curb crime. Guess what felias, criminals won't be registering tbeir guns. Sure it may now be easier to track down guns stolen from legitimate owners, but ail you really bave done is make crimînals out of otberwise law-abiding citizens. You could be in jail longer than Karla Holmoika if you get caught Witb an unregistered gun in tbe future. That's justice? It seems that our whole Justice System needs a good shaking up, rigbt from its very roots. It is time to remember tbat people are criminalIs because they bave violated the rights of others. Tbe rigbts of the victim sbouid corne before the rights of the criminal. And every 4-me you-pick up a paper or turn nthe news, it seems, PROMOI7iNGa WELLNWESS FOR A Gooo CAUSE The volunteers from Body and Sole, Bowmanville Family Chiropractic, and Clarington Rehabilitation and Sports Injuries Clinic and the wateriess car wasb donated their time on Saturday to help raise money for Bethesda House. Around $300 was raised by the "Spring For Healtb" promotion. While 1 was there I took tbe time to try out some of tbe services that tbey bad avaiiable. 1 must say I bave neyer been so relaxed. 1 had the scalp treatment, reflexoiogy and massage, and feit so revitalized and invigorated, I just bad to tell you about it. If you bave neyer tried reflexology and massage, you realiy shouid try it. It makes you feel good ail over and uplifts you. You can receive these treatments in many areas; Body and Sole offers a full health spa treatment, whiie reflexology and aromatherapy is also avaiiable at tbe Naturai Nut, the Pineioft, botb here in Orono and T.L.C., located in Newcastle. Try it once before you past judgement on it, and see bow it mfakes you feel. Anything that makes you feel that good must be good for you. Giant Second Hand Book Sale Saturday June lst It's aimost here... .tbe Clarke Museum's Giant Second Hand Book/Yard Sale. Thousands of books to choose from! Fiction, non-fic- tion, children's, history. how- to, cookbooks, gardening, ref- erence, both old and niew and much more! In addition to tbe June Book Sale, we are fea- turing yard sale items as weli. Definitely something for everyone. The sale runs on June 1 st from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Absoluteiy no browsing before 10 Paperbacks are just 10 cents each, hardcovers are 25 cents eacb or 5 for a ion- continued from page 1 fields. I think we bave lost sight of the reason why we needed user fees in the first place. It's a dollar and cents issue, and l'ni sorry that the kids have to suffer," said Councilior David Scott. Instead of user fees, we could reduce our budgets by $6,400 for miaintenance. These groups will bave to accept a lower level of main- tenance" Certain members of Council were opposed to re- opening the fee discussion issue. "Once you make an exception for one group, you have to get to the point where you stick to your guns. Maybe we were wrong to impose the user fees (when we did). I cannot support a reduction to a specific group for $6,400-00," said Councillor Ann Dreslinski. N da 'Place for y~our 1i.sts an'd Idleas? lfe OronrIo 'jIlez ha.s te .sol11t3.OL- SCRATCH PADS & 54 ea. 0 or 3 for $1 What a deal! nie. Yard sale items are indi- vidually priced. F111 a bag, a box, your ....... a great buy at a great price. In the event of rain the sale will be heid on June 2nd. Donations for the sale will be received at the Museum until 4 p.m. on May 3lst. Please caîl the Museum to arrange to, drop off books or items. Clarke Museum and Archives is iocated in Kirby at 7086 Oid Kirby School Road, Hwy 35/115 at Regional Road 9. For more information or details cali (905) 983-9243. Kendal United Church Kenda.,Ortario Sunday, June 3, 1996 1 1:15 ar. Preacher: Virginia Brand Special Music: Craig Brand Worship & Stinday Sehool ' a good place ta be -- a health.v place for children Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 e Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. 1 ST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION (MONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. * Mervyn Russell Marlene '~ ~ Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, June 3rd Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sehool Anniversary The Clown Troop from Blackstock Orono United 11:00 a.m. U.C.W. Sunday Guest Speaker: Mary Sproul Healing Service 7 p.m. (I st Sunday of Every Month Communion Sunday at Orono and Kirby United Churches) A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. Recycle This Newspape'r FATHER'S DAY SPECIALS Ail Timex Watches Save 50% Introducing the ail New SIGNET by Speidel Save 1/3 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO