C)ýQon Q WVe kkIyT ime S, e Jn e s day, i0un ,19 - Classif iedl The family of the late Mrs. Phyllis Dunlop, (nec Hollingsworth) wish to express their thanlçs to relatives and fri-ends for flowers, cards and acts of kindness. Heartfelt thanks to Pastor Vic Stonehouse for the lovely memorial service in memory of Phyllis, also thanks to the patrons of Morris Funeral Home for their hospitality. 5. ac The family of the late Ronald Lloyd Taylor would like to express a sincere thank you to ail our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy durlng the loss of our loved one. To Reverend M. Russell for his words of comfort as well as the Heather Rebekah Lodge for the delicious lunch served following the service, also to Earl & Ross for their support. Floral tributes and donations in Ron's name were greatly appreciated. Minnie Taylor &2ý Family 15. ac The famlly of the late Thomas Wilson extend a sincere thank you to our relatives. neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and constant support durlng his illness and since the passlng of a loved husband, father and grandfather. Speclal thanks to the Doctors and Nurses in Emergency, Special Care and Medical Floor and Memorial Hospital, Ambulance and Fi-e Department staff, and Aif Alldread, Rev. White, hospital chaplain, for his compassion, Rev. Don Stuces for his kind words, Pauline for the beautiful eulogy, Ross Meteaif for the musical offerings, Newcastle, UC.W. for providing luncheon after the committal service, Morris Funeral Home for their professional attention to funeral arrangements. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Memorial H ospital, floral arrangements, food sent to the home, sympathy cards, phone calîs showing concemn and care have been greatly appreciated. June Wilson &fo.mily 5, ap TrOperated By Collins Tae Vacation ________ Travel o Exluiv -800-267-9214 Tours & 1305 Pickering Cruises Pkwy. cruise (At Liverpool Rd. just north Specass of 401) Business Travel A Nerwork,,l Over 4000 OJJaes Airline Across Canada& Tickets Worldvide Country Home Auction Grist MilI Auction Centre FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH 6:00 P.M. Selling the attractive contents fromn the home of AUDREY GAUTHIER, Crooked Creek, pine table w/drawer; maple desk; maple chest on chest: 2 pine low boy-3 drawer chests; extension Duncan Phyfe, refractory maple table matching sideboard and 4 chairs; set of 6 walnut chairs; set 6 captain chairs; walnut kneehole desk; rocking chair; wingback chair; 2 pink Aubusson carpets; bcd chesterfield; end tables; occasional tables; Mitsubishi television; VCR; microwave; washer; dryer; upright freezer; rainbow vacuum; 2 air conditioners; John Deere riding lawn mower w/snow blower & chains; garden tools and lawn COMING EVENTS WATERLOO COUNTRY CRAFT SENSATION. Abert McCormick Arenas, Parkside Drive, Waterloo. Seturday June 8 9am-5pm, Sunday June 9 lOam-4pm. Adults $250, Children under 12 Free, 130+ junied vendors. Irfo: 519- 884-1119. BUSINESS OPPS. HAWAII,- RETURN AIRFARE $150. Ths is just one example of the travel benef ils available to TRAVEL AGENCY owners. Now you cen own your own fraye! business - $12.500. Full train- ng snd support. Full and psrt time, home bssed or office. 1-800-799-9910. AMAZING 7 Day Money Back Guaranteed STOP SMOKING PROGRAM. North American Launch. Proven productlcompany/lesdership (8,000 Doctors>. Business builders/distributors needed. Excellent sales, referrals/residuals (519)746-6236. GOVERNMENT FUNOS. Government assis- tance programe information avaîlable. For your new or existing business. Taes dvantage of the government grents and loans.Oel i 1800- 915-3615. JOIN OUR TEAM 0F MOMS, N BUSINESS' Extra income and flexible hours. Canadien Manufacturer of quality childrens clothing needa home party consultants. Ground floor opportunity. 905 432-8950. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwest- arn School of Auctioneering. Next clas Auguet 17-23/96. Contact Soulhwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock. Ontario N4S-7V9 (519)537-2115ý PENN SCHOOL of Taxidermy. Canadas longeat establîshsd taxidermy training institu- tion wth 25 years experience training succeas- fui taxidermiste acrose Canada. For information cal Kerry 403-291-0460, Calgary, AB. EARN A COMMUNICATIONS degrea by dis- tance educetion. Athabasca University proudly announces the Bechelor of Profeesionel Arts. the first degree of ifs knd in Western Canada for studenta wth 2 year collage dîplomas in communicatîons-relaled areas. Get transfer credif and lake 2 yeers to complete e degres. For information cali: Dr. Evelyn Ellerman 403- 497-3405 or e-mail evelyne@cs.athabas- cauca. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Instituts - Ontario Extension offers correspondance courses for the Dîploma in Counsellîng Prectise beginning thîs month, For a brochure phone Tol-frea 1- 800-665-7044, SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Meke a lot of money selîng chocolate bers. New producîs avaîlaleî Nothîng f0 pa in advance. Fast dslivery i1-800-383-3589. - MUSICAL INTEREST CLASSICAL, JAZZ AND BLUES CD mail order catalogue FREE! Cali 1-800-310-1116 for cata- logue. Liste every titIs available in Canada. Excellant collactors resource. Shop at home. pc. glass iron furniture; 5 harvest table; diet;6tsbacks; set 6 set 6 pres ý chairs, dry oak dinin 'y sink, sta dek Gravcly iQhp garden tractor and attachments: electric orgâfli etc. Auctiofl starts at 6:00 1p.m. Plan t@ attend. Terms: Cash , cheque w/.D., Visa, MCInterac AUCIONEER Frank G. StaplëtOn (905) 786-2244 NOTE: Pleaïg join us for our AnniversârY Auctions June j2jh and 14th "lCeIebratinj pur 25th, Year" 5, ac ORONO UNITED CHURCH SAT., jVNE 8TH 7:3d P.M. Selllng Saturday, June 8th at 7:30 p.m. for the Orono, Kirby and Leskard United Chdrches in the basement ëf the United Church iprono the followlng lisi of fine items: antique àft spinning wheel, Trisila Romance print, a fàick Moiton watercolouff painting, quilts, fine Irish pottery, framed picttwes, complete PAY TELEPHÇ)NE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC e.nswers serving over 50 million readers and fflplti-tiented psychîcs. Fre est rochert with yol.r firaf readîngi Rela- tionahîpa, Futuie, Caisat, $2.99/ min. 18 + 24 Hours 1-900-451-3783. CANADAS MOST GIFTED psychics have answers to your probleffl5 or questions about health, love, relationship, money, lucky num- bers. $3.49/minute, 18,, 24 hours, 1-900-451- 4336. PERSONALS ARE YOU A MAN WH@ HAS sex with both men and womren? Wed like f0 talk with you. Maka yourself heerd by taking part in thîs Uni- versity of Toronto survêy .If's anonymous and confidentiel. Cal for fr85 from anywhera in Ontario: 1 -800-9-Bi-MALÈ MALE IMPOTENCE eâ§iIy corrected. Ovar- comealal erection probî8Fis ceueed by egîng, medications, surgeiry, di@btes, etc . et the fecte: Performance MëiJicai, Box 418, Vle- mounit, BC, VOE 2Z0. 1 0âp-663-0121. MISTY RIVER INTRObUCTIONS. MATCH- MAKERS who specieiit8in rural and smeli town Ontario. Reesonabie Rates. Compîetely confidential.P.O. Boa §25, Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 3P4ý 613-287 3531 ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. For com- panionshîp or marriage, Ages 18-85. Single, wdowed,divorced. Canada, USA, global on Internat. Write AshgrO vs, P.O. Boa 205, Chase, B.C., VOIE iMO. Free information.1- 604-679-3543. ONE TO ANOTHER. Christian compvnionship magazine. Hundrede of readers and advertis- ara. Affordabla, confidentiel and reiable. Send large SASE. Write. 302B, 1502- 2nd Avenue South. Lthbridge, AB, T1J 001 REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUNO memrbership/time- share' We'lI tae itl Amnericas lergest, oldeat resale clernghouss. Resort Sales Internation- ai 1-800-423-5g67. TîmeShare rentais nasdad. Celi 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SALE... Manufacturer Direct. 20 s 30 $2996800. 25 v 40 $4,488.00. 30 s 44 $5966.00. 40 x 56 $6,856.00. 40 s 66 $7,988.00. 44 x 70 $9,44g.00. 50 x 90 S14.944.00, Cihar sizes, Ends ontionai Pi-ý near 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS, S.Serîas StraightwaII Building S25'W X 38'L $5839. Doms Ovonset Building 35'W X 32'L $6726. Buildings ara comîjieta wth Ends and Doors. Cail Future 1- 800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Sisal StraîtwaII Type- not quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50s90 $20443, 60x126 $31,314 3ther sîzes evailabia - misc Clearance Paragon- 24 hrs- 1-800-263-849g. VACATION/TRAVEL TAMARACK COUJNTRY INN. Gataways, tamnIv reunions, rtreals. Marvelous memories are worth the cost. Book yours now bafora your channeais lbat.ADOPT-A-WEEK-PROGRAM 1- 800-865-6659. hair salon, trip for two to Niagara Falls, afghans,, flowcr arrangements, folk art, frcsh flowcrs, cords of Wood, dinner f'or four people at Kawartha Downs, dinners at many fine restaurants and homes in the area, knitting, home made chocolate, dinner for 8-10 people scrved in your home, sets of Blue Jay tickets, flower painting, baking (pics, cakes) galore, plus many more items to mention. This is going to be a fun night, entertainment provided, we want a large crowd so be sure to come, Please help support the 3 churches. Everyone Welcome If you have items to donate, every item is important to us, cal 'bharlie Reid - Auctioneer 905-623-3393 5, ac CHARLME REID Sales Representative 22 Years Experience Specializing in: Recycle Total, Package Special! 1000 Business cards, Letterhaa, and envelapes anly $20000 Calli Snhan Publishing 983-5301 Feature Home of the Week Just Listed - $108,500 'Spotless 3 bedroom townhouse, 3 baths, upgraded carpet, walkout, full basement, single car garage, paved drive. Excellent value! Cali Charlie Reid- 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAN D; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES 1 arn Committed To Serving AIl Your Real Estate Needs! "'Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK RE1.L ESTATE LTMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 JO" 4 Co$ 4 me to buy or sel. Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones 983-6013 Realpt y-N et ASSOCIATE <DURHAM)lnc. 1050 SIMCOE ST. N. 103- OSHAWA TEL (905)721-2112 NEW LISTING! EXCELLENT VILLAGE HOME ON BEAUTIFUL LOT, $119,500 KENDAL CLASSIFIED "Advertise A cross Ontario orA cross the Co~untry" It's Affordable - Ifs Fast - It's Easy - One Bill Does It Ail - Northera Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 Western Ontario $1» - Central Ontario $134 - Ail Ontario $384 - Nauonai Packzïes Aailable Cali this paper P)i detail,!