2- Orono Weekly Mmes, Wednesday, June 19, 1996 FORONO WEEKLY TIMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing Publications Mail Reistrationi No. 0368 Publisingiý 47 Issuies Annually at thie Office of Puiblication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 2Ô9, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Edi tor e Publisher 25 Vears of History at the Grist Mili 1 remember when 1 was younger, baek in the days when my parents owned an antique shop in Newcastle, spending many a Friday night at the Grist Miii Auction Centre. Back then 1 wasn't interested in any deals or fumniture; mostly 1 just wanted to go home. But as years pass and you grow up, you look back on things a littie differently. Visiting the Miii on Friday to celebrate its 25 year history brought back a few familiar old sights, and just a feel in the air. Suddenly ail those nights spent there were no longer long forgotten. In fact, now 1 found that these were treasured memories. 1 stood and looked at the Grist Miii with a different iight. For those who have met the owrier, Frank Stapleton, you wilIl probably know that you would be bard pressed to find another person as nice as he is. I was truly impressed to see him interact with the people around him. So what am I saying? I guess 1 am just wishing Frank, his family, and the Grist Mili a happy 25 year anniversary. That is a lot of Friday nights. And a lot of memories. Vour paper is a littie thinner You might notice that your paper is a littie thinner tbis week. That is in part due to the fact that 1 have been in and out of the bospitai for the treatment of kidney stones. The painful littie buggers have been plaguing me -for almost two months now, but in the last week flared up to the point 1 had to go to the hospital. Because of them, I have missed a few local events, most notably the iast' whistle at the Orono Tree Nursery. 1 am going to Lo ndon this week to have themn broken up by a laser. Hopefully by the weekend 1 will be feeling like my old self again and can get back to work - covering the stories around the aru. A Thank you for the Gift ofSight This s a reprint of a letter to Mrs. Altaina Haase from The Canadian ns titube for the Blind thanking her for her son Glenn's donation to the eye bank. Mrs. Hasse hopes that this may encourage other peo- pie to do the samne. Dear Mrs. Haase; We are writing to tell you how very sorry we are about the ioss of your son, Glenn, on April 25th. We are also writing to Ihank you for Glenn's donation to the Eye Bank. We are aiso thankfui that at such a sad and difficuit time in your own life, in your grief, you thought of others and permitted Gienn's dona- tion to go forward. Nothing can relieve your grief at the ioss of your son, but in the bopes of offering you just a bit of comfort and support, we wouid lîke to tell you what happened after that donation was made. Two corneal transplant, operations were performed as the resuit of your kindness. Both of these transplant surg- eries took place in Toronto on April 26th. We are writing 10 you now on behaif of the two individu- ais who are so very thankful for having received these corneas. They want you to know they will be eternally grateful to Glenn for the git ot sight. They wiil also be lbrev- er Ihankful lu you for rnaking their surgeries possible Ihat day. Sincerely, Marilyn Schneider, Ph. D. Adlministrator. Eye Bank- Recycle Letter to the Editor Dear Troy, On behal of Bowmanville Toastmasters I extend sincere thanks for the faithful and courteous coverage accorded 10 our activities by the Orono Weekly Times. We look forward to contin- uing this fruitful relationship with "Orono Weekly Times" in the years ahead.- Sincerely Connie Nelson, presidlent Bowmanville Toostma.sters Calling Al Eager Readers The Clarington Public Library is hosting the Eager Readers Club at the Bowmanville Branch from JulY 5 to August 9. This pro- gram is for children in grades 1-3 who have learned the fun- damentals of reading but need practise during the' summer. The club meets for a six-week period. every Friday moming from 10: 00to 11: 30 a.m. Each reader is paired with a student volunteer and spends an hour and a haîf practising reading skills through oral reading and reading-related games and activities. Registration for readers begins June 18 aI the Bowmanville Branch. Register mn person or caîl 623-7322 after 10 a.m. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 - Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE. SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 arn. ST & -3RD SUNDA Y Or MONTH HOLY COMMUNION Q)ePQK()N __________________ - --s." --- ) ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sundaiy, Jiîne 23rd Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.rn. (1lst Sunday ot Every Month Communion Sunday at Orono and Kîrby United Churches> A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. m11vPh ma 983-5009 I ORONO, ONTARIO Classified Advertising Works! But WhylTake Our Word For It. Place One Today. Kendal United Churchi Kendal, Ontario Sunday, June 23, 1996 1 1: 15 ar. "Faith For Life" an invitation to wor.ship every Sunda> in Julv: 9.30 Worship & Sunday School "a good place to be -- a healthy place for children" Minister: Rkev. David Black 786-2950 S AL E Original Paintings by Audrey Gauthier Saturday, June 22, 1996 9:00 - 2:00 at Crooked Creek School House 3828 Newtonvilie Road proceeds for Kendal United Church