ORKONO WEEKLY lIMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing Pui-blica-tionis Mail Regstr-ation No. 0368 PuibIjsbingI 47 Issues Annua1y at the Of fice of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 2Ô9, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Edi tor e Publisher NO REAL EDITORMAL THIS WEEK I arn going to take a break from my normal rants and raves this week because I really don't feel up to it. 1 arn stili recovering from the kidney stones I mentioned last week. Two weeks of being in and out of hospitals has taken its toli on me, and 1 stili have yet to pass them. The, tube they stuck inside me to help them out is not the most comfortable thing in the world. I think this week l'Il just sit back and take it easy on the any number of topics 1 could have ranted upon. Kaitlion continued firom page 1 of these problems had been dealt witb. She believed that this wais nothing more than a clever approach at gaining a lot of free publicity for the concert, calling it "media hype." "What you read in the press a lot of times is just 'free publicity' for the event." Toronto radio stations that are promoting the event have really targeted the mayor, ..'wîvth many of the on-air per- sonalities really making fun of the whole problem. As it stands now, the festi- val will probably be a go. Mosport should corne up with the necessary written assur- ances and satislfr the parking issue. Eden Entertainment Inc., the promoters behind the festival, will want to use Mosport in the future tostage similar events. In fact, anoth- er concert, "The Warped Tour," has already been planned to be beld at Mosport this year. The one day con- cert will be held on July 27th, and is also promoted by Eden Entertainiment. For those wbo are interest- ed in going to the Eden festi- val, tickets are available local- ly at Ganaraska Leather craft,' located just north of Orono on the 115 Highway, or by calling 983-9540, and will be available rigbt up until the show. Souvenirs"and memo- rabilia will also be on sale at Ganaraska Leathercraft. The ticket sales and memorabilia are being sold by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen, witb money raised from the sales going to them to heîp them out in their local causes. Mosport coninued from page 1 Kaitlin Group bas helped to ally some of the concerns. Buildings built in the devel- opment will not be allowed to exceed 3 stories in beight, s0 as to not block lakefront views. Anotber matter of con- tention was a proposed gate- bouse that Kaitlin was going to use for on site security. It was felt that a gatehouse would create the perception that ît was a private commu- nity without public access, similar to the situation at Wilmot Creek. The Kaitlin Group agreed to eliminate the gatehouse entireîy. in retumn for allowing this project to get underway, the Kaitlin Group will be giving the Municipality a stretcb of land along the lakefront to be used for public access. Part of this will include the Waterfront Trail. There was sorne contention between botb sides over how much land would actually change bands. A final figure of 51 feet was reached and agreed upon. SMayor Hamre also clarified for those present wby the Kaitlin Group was not being required to pay any develop- ment charges for the proj ect. Thàt is due in tact to the "hole in the wall" underpass lead- ing to Bond Head and the site. The entire access into the area will necessitate some major reconstruction work, work wbicb the Kaitlin Group bas agreed t0 undertake and. pay for. If the Municipality was forced to pay for it out of development charges, Mayor Hamre dlaims that they would go up by "a $ 1, 000 across the Munidipality." The two sides have been working side by side to help reach an agreement that takes into account the con- cerns of the local residents, while allowing the Kaitlin Group to build a first class community down on Newcastle's lakefront. Kendal United Church Kendal, Ontario Sunday, June 30, 1996 1 1: 15 ar. "A Single Maple Leaf" Cana da Day an invitation ta worship every Sunday in July: 9:30 Worship & Sunday School a good place to be - a health'y pla< e.for chi/dren" St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 * Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE. SUNOAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 ar. 1 ST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE S Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene , ~Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Cburch Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, June 30th Kirby Uný#ed 9:30 a.m. Orono) United 11:00 a.m. Sunday, June 3tb Evening .Service at Leskard Barbeque 4:30 p.m. Service 6:15 p.m. Pleasýe bring cups, plates, cutlery, and your favorite casserole or dessert. Don't forgect your Iawn chairs (lst Sunday of Every Month Communion Sunday at Orono and Kirby United Churches) A.A. meets ever Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 Claissifici Adnr RaDte-s $4-75 fo>r first 25 uýorcjs .09 ca uc>rcJý abve25 SCRATCH PADS & 50e ea. or 3 for $1 What a, deal! As oflJuly 1, 1996, We now require that ail classified ads be paid for before they are published in the newspaper. Ads wiII flot go into the paper if payment bas flot been received by Tuesday of the week the ad is to be published. Sorry for any inconvienence this may cause. JUI jU,, ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009