Orono weekl y1mos. wednesday, Jun 26,19963 90 Years Young Kd Kendal Hall News . ....... . ......Kendal C lmn and n H N w Orono resident Eileen Billings celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday with many of her friends and family in attendance. When asked if it was good living that let her reach her lofty age, she replied, "I wouldn't know about that." The party was held at the Durham Senior's Complex on Station St. As a small child celebrates his or her birthday the par- ents are assailed with senti- mental remembrances. The first smile. First words. Those first tentative steps. Slowly the child's person- ality unfolds before you. Mom and dad have been the major players in the small child's life. Until the child enters the school system, no other per- son outside of the family unit will have such a major impact on the development of that child. But what about the work- ing parents~who entrust their child into the care of a day- care provider? Some smail children have had a succession of nannies over a three or four year peri- od of time before starting school. These small children have often endured beliefs, trainings, discipline and reward systems completely different from each other. Sometimes a child is in the care of a babysitter for forty or fifty hours a week. Those hours should be spent with someone capable of adjusting to the parent's child rearing techniques. Also a steadfast figure who will be available for a few years of commitment is ideal. The perfect daycare provider is not easy to find, but well worth the effort of extra screening and accept- able wages. This Sunday Megan turned four. Megan is the youngest of the two girls I look after five days a week from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.That's 45 hours a week for the past two years. Two years ago I became Megan and Grace's nanny. There have been moments of frustration, anger, joy and love over the past two years. The experience has been rewarding. As I watched Megan splash in the pond with her friends at her birthday party I was hit with sentimental remem- brances. At age two Megan was just learning to talk. She could not call me "Sam" as her sis- ter Grace did. The words came out different. To this day Megan still calls me - Mimi ". The name holds such fond On Sunday June 23rd the combined Lodges of the Kendal Orange Men, Ladies and Juniors marched around the streets of Kendal lead by the Kendal Fife and Drum Band. The Lodges then entered Kendal United Church for their annual Church Service. The Flags were presented and O Canada was sung. Rev. Black welcomed all to Worship. The Gathering hymns were sung, "Onward Christian Soldiers," "He Has Made Me Glad" and "Bigger Than Any Mountain". The Invitation to Worship and the Prayer of Approach were repeated. The hymn, "God Is Here" was sung Bro. Dean Polley, Master of Kendal L.Q.L. lead in the Prayer of Self- Exañnination and gave the Words of Assurance. The Benders sang "Sheltered In The Arms Of God". For the children instead of a story David asked Bro. Chad Switzer to come to the front, David then asked Chad why he wore the Orange col- lar, Chad said it was t show others that he belonged to the Orange Order, David then asked why some of the men wore different collars, Chad said it showed they were members but not leaders, David then asked about the collars that the Ladies wore, they are also worn to show that we belong to the Orange Benevolent Assoc. David then said that Christians also wear Badges to show that they are Christians, their Badge is memories that I adopted the name to use for my fifteen month old granddaughter to call me. "Mimi, watch me swim" called out Megan cutting through my trip down memo- ry lane. She dog-paddled aimlessly about in her life jacket, I smiled. "I'm watching" I reassured her. This September Megan begins junior kindergarten. Her sister will start full days in Grade one. Yes, my young girls are growing up. I take a certain amount of pride in knowing I have helped in the emotional devel- opment of two pretty terrific little girls. To Megan, I will probably always be just what she calls me 'her very own Mimi'. Before ending my column this week I would like to pass on a note of caution when choosing a temporary sum- mer daycare provider. Be choosy! Plan ltoday for a healthy tomorrow. Make your chîld's safety and emotional well - being a priority. Try to ensure that those sentimental remembrances you reflect on at your child's future birthdays are happy ones. their smile, they show their belief in God by the smile they give to others. The children's hymn was, "Dare To Be A Daniel" Delores Bender Hone sang the beautiful hymn "Blessed Assurance". Bro. Norm MacGilvary read from Corinthians 9- 18- 27. Sis. Phyllis Lowery read from Mark 4:35-41. The Sermon was titled, "A Faith To Live By". David likened the sudden turmoils in our lives to the sudden storm that came up as Jesus and His followers crossed the sea. We never know when the phone will ring bringing us news of an accident, or that a loved one has passed on, that plans we have made sudden- ly have to be changed. We may react like the Disciples or we may because of our Faith in God be like Jesus, remain calm. At first because we are human, feel a sense of panic but then we pause and realize that what ever hap- pens it is in the hands of God and we must put our trust in Him. The Hymn, "In Days Long Past" was sung. The Prayer of Thankfulness given. The Offering was taken up by Nyal Stacey and Elaine Cathcart- Delo.res Bender Hone sang "Love, In Heavens Eyes". The Prayer of Conçem and Commitment was given. The hymn, "A Living Faith" was sung. The Service closed with the Commissioning and the Benediction. God Save The Queen was sung, The Lodge Members marched out of the Church behind the Flag Bearers. Following the 'Service 982 Authorized Sales & Service Centre for: everyone was.invited to come over to the Hall for Lunch, Glad to see that most of the regular attendees of the Church were present for Lunch and a time of fellow- ship. The 12th of July Celebration is being held in Marmora on Sat. July 13th. Paradé starts 2pm. The Junior Lodge will be having a Picnic again this year, but at the present time I don't have the date or the place. What a mess was made of several gardens on Sat. morn- ing, the hail cut plants right off and others, the leaves were riddled with holes. So much hard work wiped out in a minute or two, lets hope some of the plants will recover. P. Lowery rhis Ad ccst only (befoire C.S..T.) Trent University faII-Winter Session Part-Time Studies Brochure Available Now! Take a course or p~ursue a degree. Courses offered mornings, afternoons and evenings. 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