RONO WEEKLY lIMES' erv Eat- -nt beyod ice 197 650 GST Included Wednesday, July 3, 1996 ALL AGES ENJOY STRAWBERRY SOCIAL PARKING PROBLEM PERSISTS Mel Green, Manager- the small area immediafely Engsineering Services at east of the main entrance. At Me morial Hospital, the moment, it is signed to Bowmnanville is scrafching his indicate that parking there is head over a parking problemn restnicfed after 2 p.m. that won't go away. "Tee The 2 p.m deadline was are two particular areas set to accommodafe our 3 where we're having prob- p.m. toil1 p.m. nursing staff lems", says Green. "The cir- shift. There is a security con- cular driveway at the front cern for these individuals. entrance of the Hospital is They're coming off shiff late one. We're not concerned af nîght, and their vehicles about those who simply drop 3hould be accessible. We've off or pick up a patient - that's also had cases of vandalism wfiat the area is there for. of cars parked ouf in that lot However, we're finding that late at night and staff are people will park their cars in understandably nervous that zone and then go into the about this." Hospital for exfended periods Green is appealing f0 the of time. These people should public f0 help by not abusing be parking in the parking lot these areas. .they are violafing Parking "Id hafe f0 see f hings get f0 Bylaw #9158 by parking in a a point where we have f0 signed fire route." issue tickets and impose fines The lot is designated for f0 stop fhe misuse, but that's the elderly, the disabled and definifely a consideration if evening shift nursing staff is we can'f correct fhe situation also being consisfently fhrough educating fhe pub- abused, says Green. This-is lic." SPECIAL TASK FORCE ADVISE ONLu YO]Ir0U TH 'P R00BL iEM S Mmm, Good! That mighf be whaf Colin Larners would say if he could falk. Colin was just one of many enjoying fresh sfrawberries and cream af fhe Sfrawberry Social hield af fhe Orono United Church on June 25. Enferfaiinenf for fhe evenf was provided by the Country Four. The event heldat the Orono Unifed Church was just one of many such Sfrawberry Socials held in the Clarington area. Happenngs.. Orono Town Hall Euchre Resuits Carl Todd - 94, Eileen Alun - 9 1, Wanda McNeil' 86, Hilda Caswell - 80, Clara Meuleman - 79; Low: Velma Jakeman; Draws: Velma Jakeman, Bob AllUn, Charles Stapleton, Marion Sears, Wallace Boughen, Charles Campbell. Coping with Anxiety Support Group Next meeting Tuesday, JuIy 9th, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Orono Unite d Church. For further information cali 983-5438. Blood Donor Clinic Blood Donor Clinic af Bowmanville Lions Centre will be held July l7th, at 26 Beech Ave., Bomanville. 12 noon to 7:30 There is a horrendous need for blood. Please give. The long awaited reply from the Ad Hoc Commiftee f0 Assist Youth was unveiled f0 Claringfon Council on June 24. The 34-page report was compiled by the work of volunfeers, bothi adults and youth, in an effort f0 idenfify any problems befo re the youf h of Clarington and f0 suggesf possible remedies f0 said problems. Council passed a resolu- fion on December 12, 1994, direcfing that a special fask force on youth be formed f0 advise Council on the growing social problemns among youfhs in Claringfon. Members of the community, both business leaders and average cifizens, volunfeered, their fime f0 help fulfill the Council's wishes. During the course of their sfudy, the group started up a felephone hotlîne so citizens of Clarington could express opinions on youfh issues. Focus groups were organized among youfh themselves, via sehools. youth groups- and the like, f0 help gain an insight into how the youth of Claringfon not only view themselves, but their place in society and f0 idenfify any problems from their point of view. Surveys were also dis- tributed f0 students across the Municipalify. The responses were fairly opfimistic. From the respons- es on the hofline, and from the youth fhemselves, if became apparent that fhere is a problem, albeit nof a large one, and fhaf some simple steps can be faken f0 make sure thaf Clarington does not end up wifh the kind of prob- lems that people associafe wîfh Toronto's urban sprawl. Some of the perceived rea- sons for the problem facing Claringfon's kids are fairly simple and straight-forward. Many of the teenagers are finding if increasingly harder f0 find jobs in the summer. This not only gives fhem an abundance of free time wifh nofhing f0 do, if also keeps thema from making any money of their own fhaf fhey may have used f0, go and do some- thing more constructive. This can lead f0 many of them hanging around in the busi- ness centres because there is no where else f0 go. One idea put forth by the Commîttee was f0, construcf a youth centre. The old firehall on Church Street in Bowmanville, previously men- tioned as a possible site for the Older Aduits Centre, was given as a prime location. Unfortunately, says the report, youfh have no orga- nized lobby gro up that can work over time f0 wear downi Confinued on page 2 Volume 60, Number 26