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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jul 1996, p. 7

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MW ~Orono Weekly T1ns, WVednesdJay, July 10, 1996 - 7 Trac-..;tor W înner BACKJOWORKPROGRAMIF John R. ôlToole. MPP D)urham East ýtdvised that Ministry empîepyment pro- ç grams are being reorganized into a results-driented pro- gram for welfaro- recipients f0 get back to wofk. Tbe pro- gram will provide supports and include a fee-for-perfor- mance job placement policy. "Access tf0 rmployment Steven Gorrili of Little Britain was the lucky winner of the Turf- Power lawn tractor at the Orono Co-op Unlock the Power Giveaway. Here Steven and bis two sons, Richard and Corey are congratulated by Lyle Jackson, General Manager of the Co- op. Stayi ng In Touch John O'Toole, MPP Durham East, The Crombie, "Who Does What", commission bas made ifs first announicement. They have recommended that the enfire province should have a uniform assessment system. As you prolbably kniow, the last two governimenfs of Ontario have affempted f0 establish a uniform assess- ment sysfem. You may recail the markef value debate in Toronto over the pasf few years. The GTA, Golden Report as well as the GTA Panel bofli agreed thaf the assessment sysfem was bro- ken. I believe that the cabinet will approve the re-assess- mnent and implement the new Actual Value Assessment sys- tem. Briefly, municipalifies thaf do nof have a current assessmenf base will see more change than those who have a more up f0 date mar- ket value sysfem, Assessment value, no mat- fer what ifs' name, is simply a mefhod of equalizing or spreading the fax burden fair- ly. For instance, anyone liv- ing in a 1,500 square foot borne in a particular munici- palify should pay similar taxes. That does nof mean you would pay the saine as someone living in Toronto or Mississauga. The level of ser- vices (fthe budget), for the municipalify will determine the taxes levied. Remember, that your municipal fax bill simply atfempfs f0 spread the fax burden over the assessment, base in a fair and equitable manner. Provided that the budget for your municipal area stays the same, any re- assessmenf would not increase the total revenue from taxes collecfed. Ail re- assessment would do is atfempt to spread the cost more equitable. Toronto bas an assessment problem. Generally, their industrial & commercial taxes are too high and their residential taxes are f00 low. As 1 have said before, 1 have no desire f0 solve Toronto's fax problems. You will hear more fuss about assessment from Toronto than almost any- where else. There is more to this than I can explain in this single article. The mill rate applied by the municipality and the cunrent discount of residential assessment to industrial commercial is another factor that lias not been widely discussed. Many municipalities want f0 have a variable mill rate and this wvould allow municipalities to shift the burden f0 taxes between residential and com- mercial. There is anot ber factor that you sbould pay close atten- tion to during this debate, education financîng., The funding education as you know accounts for about 60% of your municipal taxes. The province is examining a change in the method used f0 pay for edutcation. The recent Royal Commission on Education as well as The Fair Tax Report, botb suggested that the province sbould fund education. Currently, the funding of education is about 42% provincial and 58% munici-- pal. Tbe arguments against pooling of assessment are very controversial. However, I believe that we need a sys- tem that is fair f0 ail students. Perhaps we need only one educafional systemn thaf allows religion f0 be taught as an option if the parent and students choose. Please stay funed in f0 this issue and caîl me With your opinions as if is my responsi- bilify f0 represent your opin- ions at Queen's Park. On July l5th, the Ontario Drug Benefit program will see changes. If you need assis- tance, please eall my office at 697-1501 -or 1-800-661- 2433. Ail senior citizens are automatically entitled f0 drug benefits if they are over 65, live in Ontario and bave a valid health card. The changes will require a co-pay- ment. If your income -is less than $16,018.00, you will now pay $2.00 per prescrip- tion. 'If your income is over- $16,018.00, you will pay $ 100. 00 per year plus the dis- pensing fee of $6. 11. If you have a retirement drug plan, you should check with your compaýny. Long term care residents will pay only the $2.00 co-payment for each prescription. These changes will allow Ontario f0 extend drug benefit coverage f0 an additional 144,000 Ontanio's working poor. Over the nexi while, we must examine the number of prescriptions and the process could perbaps be cbanged f0, aîlow those on life long medication f0 bave their dispensing quantities f0 be extended. With the increas- ing costs and use of drugs, this has become one of the fastest growtb areas of health costs. Tbere is a meeting on July l6th at the Orono Town Hall f0 discuss the options for the future of the Orono tree Nurseries. This is an oppor- tun ity f0 examine options for the future of this property.. The 200th anniversary of Clarke Township will be cele- brated on Saturday July i 3tb. The Lovekin family still occupy part of the original Crown land grant and are descendants of the original family. As we look f0 the future, with all the needed changes in Ontario, we must always remember our roots and OUI communities. Ontario was, and stili is the greatest place on earth. 1 hope you are enjoying the summer between the- ram sbowers. Please keep in toucb. FOR WNEIFARE REIPIENIS Mosport tools will be made available at the Ontario Works offices for recipients", said Mr. O'Toole. Recipients who bave been out of work for some time need skills to become employ- able again. Basic education, skills training, language, any- tbing that links recipients to jobs will be provided. Agencies will be contracted by tbe Ministry on a fee-for- performance basis for tbose ready for employment but wbo require a referral.' Recipients witb potential business ideas wifll be referred to agencies that specialize in belping entrepreneurs. Only wben businesses bave been establisbed will these agen- dies, receive money for their efforts. Mr. OToole said, "Our gov- ernment will flot support training for training salie. If must be employment out- corne based." Today's announcement provides a new vision for wel- fare in Ontario., This is the beginning of the end of the dependency cycle, and one which will bring new hope for welfare recipients f0 get off the system. Concerts continued from pageI of agreement wîth Mosport to cost-share the cost of the engineers now and in the future and corne to some sort of agreement witb tbem so that future concerts could be beld witbout ail of these com- plications. Staff will be on band at the concert, as well as baving set Up a bot line for people to phone if they have any com- plaints. 18 someone you know reaching a milestone? Wish themn happiness and congratulations in The Orono Weekl'y Times BALLS -RADIO & TV. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s R.. Box 27-52 R.R.2,Orono, Ont. (905) 983-52 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Fzere Professiona(Etiquette is Important" Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Willams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANS WERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS At Newcastle l>hotographic we do it ail! Weddings - lPortraîts - Photo Finishing And Now Digital Imaging! Scannmng, IPhoto Restoration, l)yc sub prints, I)igîtal negatives, Corne in and sec what technologic-ally can do for you! 19 King st. cast Newcastle Ont. 1-905-987-3409

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