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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1996, p. 9

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-Qr Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 17, 1996 -9 ) O01Toole continued from page 6 ers, they grow the food you eat to stay alive. While on the subject of summer gardens, 1 noticed the article'in the Canadian Statesman on the Ecological Garden n Bowmanville. The article failed to mention that the largest contribution was made by the Ontario Minister of Heath, with a grant of a few thousand dollars.. 1 often wonder if' the people of Ontario are only getting the dark side of the news. We assisted the organizers in get- ting this grant and not one word was mentioned. I won- der who the reporter was? Summer is a wonderful time ta celebrate. This past Saturday, I attended two events. The 200th anniver- sary of Clarke township and the 5th anniversary of Branch 419, the Royal Canadian Legion, Port Perry. I amn always humbled to bec around veterans as these pe- ple have served their country and cotinue ta serve their communities. Every parade that 1 arn in or watch,- they are there ta serve. As their motta says, we will remember them. I amn planning ta close the constîtuency office for two weeks. The weeks of July 29th and August 5th, we will -be closed but we will. be respon ding toalal messages and wlll assist in any emer- gency. If you have any con- cerns before these dates, please cali 697-1501 or 1- 800-661-2433. I amn consid- ering nat writing a new article these weeks but ta be hon- est, I will stîli be readîng my mail and if there are impor- tant decisions, I feel it is My duty as your MPP, ta report them. Please keep in touch. Basic Black continued from page 7 into a monster mavie. What did we learu from Jaws? That sharks are malevolent, almost indestructible killers withi an insatiable appetite for human flesh. "An eating machine" in Richard Dreyfus' memorable words. Well, hardly. Ninety per- cent of the shark species in the sea wouldn't bite you if you lathered your foot in mayonnaise ai-d dangled it in front of their snouts. As for the other ten per- cent, well they might take a, champ out of you, but you might win next week's 649 and/or get hit on the head by a meteorite. The chances are about the same. Mind you, wheni they do get a fit of the munchies, many sharks aren't fussy. Biologists .dissecting the gut of one large Great White about 300 pounds of horse- meat, eight legs of mutton - and one car battery. Poor old sharks. They don't even get any respecet under the waves. A few years back there was a story from one of the American Marine Worldi aquariums about a group of doîphins that shared a tank with a 12 foot shark. They co-eýà,fpacd tll for many mr-th,,-i of the female doîphins was about to give birth. Whereupon the rest of the dolphins in& up at one end of the tanKthen, raced through the water, one at a time, smashill'g into the shark -with their be.ks. 1The shark lasted about five WILSON REALT Y INCO SERVICE as LowÂs 3% BILL WIL SON BROKER/OWNER (905) 983-6090 (905) 404-1550 "MIDNIGHT SPECIAL" $189,900 LOOK! 3 bedroomn brick bungalow with 3 bathrooms, full în-law suite wîth fireplace and 3 walkouts ta a private backyard onto open space. Cali Bill at 404-1550 or 983-6090 CALL BILL WILSON TODAY (905) 983-6090 1 (905) 404-1550 miember of Durhamn & Toronto Real Estate Board CLASI FI EDu ) MARKETPLACE 'Advertse A cross Ontario or Across the Country" COMIi<G EVENTS MEDICAL DIAMOND RIO, RICKY VAN SHELTONý, CARROLL 20/20 WvITHOUT GLASSESI Sae, rapid, non-surgical, BAKER, Mac Wieman, Farmers Daughter, Asleep At, permanent restoraton in 6 - 8 wveeks. Airline pilot devel- The Wheel, Johnny Paycheck, The Goods, August 8 and oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- 11, Havelock Country Jamboree, camping 1-800-539- 961-5570, ext. 253; tax 406-961-5577. http://www.- 3353. Tickets. For Flyer sentd self-addressed stamped Satisfaction guarenteed. envelope to: Box 100 Havelock, Onaro KOL IZO, c/o Jack Blekely. MUSICAL INTEREST BUSINESS OPPS. GUITAR STRINGS WHOLESALE. Great prices. Bs ML, 3 sets - $30.00. Acusfic mediums or lighfs, 6 sets GOVERNMENT FUINDS. Goveroment assistance pro- $30.00. Electric 9's or lOs, 6 sets - $3000. Cali: 1-800- grams information evailable. For your new or existixg SLED 000. Bonus pack with order. Money Back Guar- business. Take edvantage of the govemment grantu and entes. Sed Ds9 Music, A Canadien Catalogue. boans. Caeil1-800-915-3615. TRAVEL BUSINESS - Invesment $12495. Full t rining PAYTETLEPHONE SEIqV. and sngoixg support. Full-ime/part-time- Home or HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answere serving over 50 million Office. Many Travel Benefits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. readers and muti-taîanted psycics. Free astrochart with T.P.. Canada li., 1-204-987-3322. your lirut reading! Reletionehipo, Future, Casreer. $2.99/ GET PAID OOING ARTS AND CRAFTS prodscte. For min. 18 + 24 Hours 1-900-451-3783. FREE dtaile send self-addressed tamped envelope to: CANADAS MOST GIFTED psychics have anorrers to Distinctive Crabes, 94068-3332 Yoxge Street, Toronto, yuur problemes or questions about heelth, love, relation- Ontaro M4N 3R1. ship, money, lucky numbers. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 hosrs, 1-900451-4336. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTtONEERING et the Ssuthwasfem School PERSONALS of Asctioneering. Nex clasa Augut 17-23/96. Contact: NEEDED: Losee Sp f 20 Ibs in 30 day». Ail new Herbai Soufhwestemf Ontanso SchooI of Auctioneering, R.R. #S, Nutrition. Calitofday toi eem how 1-800-461-0429. Woodtsck, Ontaro N4S 7V9 (519)537-211. YOUR MOTHER WAS RIIGHTI Lofe of pebbies on tbe EDUCATIONAL OPPS. beach, lots of fish in tbe sea. Misty River Introductions - professiosal mat chmeling for ail ages. 613-257-3531. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER...witb sur greaf bome- tudy corse. Cali today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- REAL ESTATE 267-1829.' The Writing School, 38 McArhur Avenae, GOT A CAMPGROUND membersiptimeshare? Well Suite 2588, Ottaw,ON, KI L 6R2. tairelift Americas largeot, oldet resale cearinghouee. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Intitte - Ontario Extension Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeehare offers correspondance courses for te Dipoma in Cous-. rentais naeeded. Cali 24 ors a day. seling Prectisa beginsing Iis month. For a brochure TE B LW S phone Tol-frea 1-800-665-7044.STE BULIG COMPUTERS. No prenlous computer esperience neces- STEEL BUILDINGS, Ail Steel S. Seraes Straightwalî sary. Exciting opportunities 00W availeble in computer Building 30 W X 54L $7996. Domne Osonset Building programming. We will trainsusitable epplicante. CMS 1- 45W X 70L $11,337. Buildings are complete with Endi- 800-477-9578. wal and Big Doore. Cali Future 1-800-668-653. HELI-LOGGING. 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Valid unI il $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot o monay slig December 1997. $375,00. Hsrry wofft ast long. PASS- selfo PORT Promotions informtion 1-902-868-2060 Order 1 chocolate bars. New products aveiaoia. Noting iu puy in 800-437-6723. advence. Fast dlivery 1-800)-383-3589. ts Att ordable - t's Fast - t'a Easy,* One Bill Does It Ail- -Nothemn Ontanio,$76 - Eastern Ontario $138 -Western Ontario $130 - Central Onario $134 - Ail Ontario $384 -National Packages Avait able Cati this papar for datai tel tank, they cou]d find no marks at ail on the outside of the shark. An autopsy revealed ail the sharks internai organs had been mashed to puip. But dolphin gangs are the least of a shark's problems. It's humans who reaily do a job on them. Fishermen kili themn because they're compe- tition. Resort owners kili them because they frighten tounists. Sports fishermen kili them because it makes them feel macho 1 suppose. You'll hear lots of kind words about humpback whales and bottie nosed porpoises and harp seals, but not sharks. The irony is, sharks aren't even close to being the bitingest animal on the pianet. You've got a better chance of getting bitten by a Pekinese than a shark- CD.,rIy -t Ott bt ot more humans than sharks do. Why, each year more than 300 people are bitten by rats in New York city alone. Mind you, each year more than 1500 New Yorkers suifer bites from an even more exot- je species. Other New Yorkers. Two- legged ones. Which tells you which species on this planet is truly the most dangerous one. 1-- Feature Home -1 CHARLIE REID Sales Representative 22 Years Experience Specializing in: Great FamiIy Home! 4 Bedrooms, main family room with fire- place, newer gas furnace and central air, new septic tank and bed ail on a super lot. $116.900. Caf i Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES I amn Cornmitted To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 Col i me ta buy or self!. Orono and area's real estate rep, Krystyna Jones Z > 983-6O13 Paeoa ItyNe ASSOCIATES (URA>c ls iEe OESTN. 11o3 -OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 JUST LISTED ... Super Orono Village Bungalow, $122,000! IThis ANd co»st ow-ly m --- 1 2 e

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