ýl Orono Wcekly Times, Wednesday, July 17, 1996 -7 .0 Durham Masonic Lodge Honours MeMnbers The Durham Masonic Lodge in Newcastle recently presented service pins to some of its long- standing members. Receiving 25 year past-master pins were Very W. Bro John Scott, W. Bro. Frank MeMullen, W. Bro. Fred Henderson, and W. Bro Clinton Farrow. Beside Farrow is present Worshipful Master John Mutton. Receiving 25 year member pins were Bro. Art Bedwin and Bro. Albert Grahamn. "lWorld 0f Wheels"' RaIIy "World of Wheels" publisher Lynn Helpard and bis wife Angie held the 6th annual World of Wheels Car Rally and Barbecue. Starting at their offices in Scarborough, rally participants weaved their way through back roads and highways, following a list of dlues given to them. A lucky few found their way to Mosport Park, where they were able to open their cars up for a quick two laps around the racetrack. Later everyone retired to Lynn and Angie's farm on Durham Road 42 just north of Taunton Road in Orono for a barbecue. Vice-presidents anid ad executives from many major car compa- nies and auto related industries were in attendance. Awards were given out in three categories; -one for the team getting the most dlues right, the team that completedthe rally the fastest, and the team that had the highest combined score in both. Winners could choose from a $ 1,000 set of Snap-On tools or a portable fridge Istocked with wine.- Lynn and Angie hold this every year as a thank you to ail the support given to their mag- azine by the various companies. They pose here with the win- ners of the-various categories. Photo courtesy of Jack Gordon BoardHihhI continued from page 4 were contracted out. The public board eamns revenue when the separate board uses these services. Describing the agreement as "historic", director.of edu- cation Dick Malowney says "the savings are considerable and this is only the begin- ning." The two boards are currently exploring twelve other areas including sharing human resource staff, and joint purchasing under the agreement. "We'll be bring- ing these forward to the board over the next year and every one brought forward repre- sents more savings for the board." CRITIQgUE CRITIqUED A Town of Cobourg coun- cillor and former director of education Doug Sifton made a presentation to trustees last nîght at the regular board meeting attacking a docu- ment critical of education spending called "What If..." written by Hope Township resident Jack Foote. Sifton told trustees last night, "The so-called facts in this document are so selected and so presented out to con - text as to. be dishonest and misleading or simiply incom- petently assembled." He said not once did the document refer to mandated provincial decisions which cost local sehool boards money or to special education programs, pay equity or the teachers' Collective Negotiations Act. Sifton suggested that trustees must "adopt a more aggressive stance in answer- ing enitical public comment... Identify those issues, research the answers and tackle them head-on." Trustees voted to refer that matter to the Chairpersons' Committee for further discus- sion. Arthur Black if you had to choose the most maligned species of the twentieth century, would you pick: (a) cockroaches (b) sharks (c) lawyers Cockroaches are out. They're just doing their job, cleaning up the messes we slob humans leave behind. Lawyers don't qualifyT either. They deserve ail the maligni- ty we can heap on their weaselly littie heads. I would give the nod to sharks. They have neyer enjoyed a good press. Ever since man figured out how to put a barb on a hook, sharks have been hauled out of the sea and killed - sometimes for their livers, sometimes for their oil. Mostly just because they were sharks. Not just hooks either. Sharks are routinely shot, netted, poisoned - even dynamited. In an average week, American "sportsmen" haul close to haif a million pounds of sharks from the sea. And it's a one-sided battie. In that same average week, fewer than two people are attacked by sharks anywhere in the world. We stili hate 'em with a passion. A lot of the blame for this rampant sharkophobia can be laid at the feet of Peter Benchley. He's the guy who wrote Jaws, the book about a monster Great White Shark, that was subsequently made continued on page 9 rNewcasde Photographic At Newcastle Photographic we do it ail! Weddings - Portraits - Photo Finishing And Now Digital Imaging! Scanning, Photo Restoration, Dye sub prints, Digital negatives, Corne in and sec what technologically can do for you! 19 King st. east Newcastle Ont. 1-905-987-3409 TENDER SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender CL96-19 Two (2) OnIy Vehicles to be Refurbished as follows: 1987 Ford 8000 Pumper 1984 GMC Tanker Closing Time & Date: 2:00 p.m. (local time) Wednesday, July 31, 1996 Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. MNCPLTY OF Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. I'~Iarnnton Purchasing Manager ~!..~--'-Telephone: (905) 623-3379, Ext. 268 ONTARIO Date of Publication: July 17, 1996 P.O.# 6118 i.