mmmmýý~4 - Orono WeeklynTmeýsWedýnesday. ýJuly 3 1, 1996ýJ Special Evening For Orono Brownîes Orono Unfted Church Vacation Bible School'Makes Donation tu food Bank _7__ The Vacation Bible School held at Orono United Church last week was flot only a fun lime for al the kids involved,1 but helped to contribute to a very important local charity. The kids and their parents helped to raise a playpen fuli of noni-perishable food items for the East Clarington Food Bank. Food Bank coordinator Beth Lamb was on hand to congratulate the kids and to pick up the food. This is a very important time for the food bank, as supplies often get low during the summer months. Anything non-perishable is greatly appreciated by the volunteers who work at the food bank. be the best possible start to a tradition of Clarington show- casing some of the greatest musical talent out there on an annual basis as well as a reputation for our communi- ty celebrating and respecting youth and their culture. We give our youth so little credit at times ... what a pleasure to see 50,000+ be such a credit to themselves and their peers!!!! The concert was so much more though than just about music. The Global Village provided a forum for "Youth Against Hate", a little-known organization based in Toronto educating youth about the "hate industry" and its costs and perils, as well as "Amnesty International" which welcomed thousands of curious youth seeking more information about this international human rights organization. It struck me in this booth that this concert was also about celebrating freedom ... think of how much 4 of the world would neyer allow such a concert, let alone such a forum to permit the exchange of pertinent and- world-changing information. How thankful we in stodey old Clarington should be to have the prîvilege of being host to this great evenit. Why don't we open up our hearts and homes, if not to strangers, then to friends and relatives from afar and invite them to come join in this extravaganza? Why not orga- nize some town events to cel- ebrate this event, perhaps a parade or a sidewalk sale to run untIl midnight with al stores joinmng in the festivi- ties: we could work on a flrst- ever Clarington "Mardi Gras"!! Consider that the Indy 500 is not just a car race; rather, it is a social event as well, last- ing for an entire week of fes- tivities. As a result, the host- ing city enjoys a major influx of dollars as well as publicîty. This could happen here with a united communîty effort. The population of Clarington doubled in 3 days; consider the benefits if this were to become a week-long celebra- tion! Come on old-fas-hioned sta- tus-quo keepers of Clarington .recognize the potential.. economic, creative and just plain FUN ... in embracing and working with such an event as EDENfest. Welcome these young people into our community; they have already shown us we can have faith in them so let's show how much we appreciate and respect them. Let's prove our com- mon interest and enthusiasm for what could become a tra- dition showcasing world- renowned music groups and let the positive spin-offs be our bounty for well-placed trust and community involve- ment!! Here's to the second annual Edenfest!! Carson Elliott Regional Councilor, Ward 2 Travel Talk ~I with Elizabeth Belanger-L ink lette r C TC SUMMER GETAWAYS Getaways are popular the whole year through and in the summer many of us think of the holidays week ends as the perfect time to just get away f rom it ail. These short holidays vary in length and destination and are only governed by the dictates of your pocketbook. The most popular short term getaways are Nassau and Las Vegas, however we have also found that more and more couples are to take advantage of the resorts that we have right Ontario. The train is popular ail year through and the most common destination for package holidays have been Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City, each has a charm of its own and is close enough to just take a few days. Cruising is very popular with short cruises going from Florida twice a week, they include everyth-ing from food and entertainment to air fare and transfers, and with some quick caiculations you wiil find that they represent a very good value. A trip by car can also be an inexpeInsive alternative, and of course you control your own Urne. By train or by ship or even by car have a safe and happy holiday. Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLESSIG TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mill 623-0005 2nd Orono Brownies Ist row: Cheryl McLeod, Amanda Stewart, Kaitlyn Leech, Caitliïn Cameron 2nd row: Jennifer-Lyn Gunn, Jennilee Hodgson, Shannon DeJong, Jenette Standeven, Kelly Hughes 3rd row: Jean Turner (former Tawny Owl); Madeline Heard, Brown Owl; Anna Strike (former Brown Owl) ln thle lall-ot 1995 the Brownie Program went through some major changes. One of these changes is that the Brownies do not earn "Wings", and "Fly-up"'. This has been changed to . advancement". Instead of wings the Brownies now earn a Fun and Friendship pin, when they leave Brownies. On May 22, nine Brownies in the 2nd, Orono Brownie pack, receîved the last Golden Hands and Wings from the old program. They were presented these "wincis" by the very first ~& SERVICES Brown- Owl in Orono. Anna (Staples) Strike and Jean (Turner) Stevens were our guests for the evening. These two ladies were the first Browni Owl and Tawny Owl in Orono in 1945. They told the Brownies about Guiding in the past, and the girls asked many questions and were very happy to meet Mrs.- Strike and Mrs. Stevens. We ended the meeting with a spe- cial cake and juice. This evening flnished the Guiding Outlook for the new Brownie Prograrn. JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-9579 L AN D-SC A PIN G Le INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCEe eWATER PONDS - DESIGN - CONSULTINGe SPECIALIZING IN PERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES - 531 FBévw NNorthcutt Elliott. EFuneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famdly Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President Division Street 623-5668 rmanville. Ontario Li C 2Z8 OFF STREET PARKING 15GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Tandy Cràft - The Leather Factory eBristol Leathers Closed Wednesdays 8335 Hwy. 35/115, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 ouwi 1 lai iviiim, %.di itai IV 1- 1