_ 4 - Orono Weekly limesý,WedInesdayv, August 71996 Vitamins, Minerais, Nutritional Supplements, Herbs & Spices, Herbai Extracts & Teas, Homeopathic Remedies, Orgarîic Foods Complete Iune of Essential Oils & Aromatheraphy Supplies Natural Body Care Products Health Books, Art, Crystais, Iewvelry, CD .<e9Dream Catchers & Native Music S Reflexology & Aromatheraphy Treatments & Workshops Members ofCI/0 The Canadian Fedieration of Aromatherapists etledi The Natural Qils Research Association Canadian Heaith Food Association, Ontario Herbalists Association Michael Hackenberger of the Bowm-nanvillec Zoo plays witb his son Kurt on the back of Limiba, an Asian elephant. 16-month old Kurt pays about as mucb attention to Limiba as a child would pay towards a dog, but the genitie pachyderm watches over the littie tyke like hie was her own son. A special relationsbip bias developed between the two. Some eilîdren develop a special relationiship witb a dog or a cat or a similar pet. A Bowmianville boy bias devel- oped a relationsbip witb a 7,500 pound pet. Michael lHackenbergser of the Bowmanville Zoo took time out of his day to share with the Orono Weekly limes the story of Limba, a 35-year old Asian elephiant and Michael's 16-mionth old son Kurt. Limnba spent the first 30 years of hier life at a small zoo in Quebec, alone and sepa- rated from-- other elephants. Being a social animal, this separation was very hiard on Limba. "Elephants need ele- phanits," says Michael. It wasn't that the zoo owners were cruel, tbey just did not know how to care for Limiba. Five years ago, Limiba camne to Bowmanville Zoo to learru what it meant to bc an ele- phant, to roam in the stream and develop that social attachment that she was lacking vhile alone tin Quebec. Lsrba however, neyer real- ly ftin. 1HIci-long yvears alone mnade hier hiesitant, and even alter long years of w'ork, shie neyer ral bonded witb any of thec other elephants. Tbat is becituise she neyer leamedc to trust, says Michael. Trust is important in anyv relation- Ship, wbether it isbtwn humans or animaIs. Lackinig this trust, Limba neyer ft in. This all began to changeu 16 months ago. 16 montbs ago Kurt was bomn. Since that dayhie lhas spent almost every day with Limba. 'nie chiang e in the ele- phaint bias been incredible. "Wberever Kurt goes, Limba is happy to foflow,- says Wendy Korver, Kurt's mnother and a local veterinar- ian. "Sbe's totally gaga over hlmin." Tbe two of them spend hours together every day. Limba walks around, making clicking noises witb her tongue, always conscious of where the boy is. Kurt on the other hand, runs around like any other 16-month old, eas- ily distracted and totally oblivious at trnes to Limba's presence. To most children, an elephant would be a thing of wonder-. To Kurt, growing up in the zoo atmiospbere, Limiba is as commnonplace as a dog. A very large dog. Momi and dad are neyer far away from the two; Limba is still a 7,500 pound animal. Even as gentle as she is, they have to) be careful Pround eachi ot her. Kurt bas even become part of the Animal Kingdom show at the zoo. Limba is brought out for the crowd, and then Kirt j oins ber and bis dad in tbe ring to show the crowd bow theý two of tbemn get -Mig."Wen sbe came to us, she wats pretty dysfunctional. She-s calmer, happier, far m-ore like an elephant now," says Michael. "For some rea- son tbis kid bas kick-started bier maternal instincts." Lim-ba is now beyond ber cbild-bearing years; Kurt bas becomne almnost like bier own cbild. It will be interesting to sece bow this relationship between the two develops as years go by, SERViCES905-983-9579 LA ýD SCA P 1N G *GROUNOS MAINTENANCE -iS *-DESIGN * CONSULTING - INSTALLP - WVATEP SPECIALIZI" i DERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES MN Northcutt Elliott SEFuneral Home THOUGH 1'Ul 1NESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famni1 y Owned Business, Offering: [raditional Funeral Ser-vices Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremnation Arrangements Alternatives,,, o fraditional Funierals - Out of Town Shipping ConyKuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontarlo Li C 2Z8 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING Lndmay Polurboraugh 35 115 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT x Rd. AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR- Tandy Craft - The Leather Factory *Bristl Leathers 401 Closed Wednesdays 8335 Hwy. 35/115, Orono LOB 1iMO (905> 983-9540