impossible tço recognize more than a handful of people. That is what sets a small town apart. t can often be infuriatinig how everybody knows what is going on in your life (or thmnk they know what is going on; this town definitely loves its rumours and gossip!), but it is also neat to know the peopi 'e you pass -on the street, or enter a business and be greeted by your first name. That is just a few of the thirigs that make Orono the special place it is- *ORoNvo:. You JUST GoTr To LOVE IT Orono, for those of you who might neyer come here, is a great place. It is a beautiful litfle town, with fabulous old architecture, well kept gardens arid lawns, a great park, a beautiful forestry (lets hope somebody is. able to keep it that way), and most of ail great peopfle. Arid with these great people come great events. 1 am talking about two recent events ini particular; the Big Beef Barbecue and the recent concert by the Clarington Concert B~and in front of the Library. Where else but in a smnall town would you see somnething like that? 1 remember last year when 1 went to my first barbecue, 1 hardly knew anyone around the town. The sea of unfamiliar faces was a bit daunting. This year 1 looked around and saw fanmiliar faces at every table. That is the amazing thing about events like that; everyone comnes out for these events, and to quote a poptilar t.v. show that is no longer on the air, "everyone knows your name." That sense o f comnwsnity carried over to the concert as well. Altihough not as well attended, tisere were the same familiar faces that come out and support events in Orono. 1 just wish I could have stayed longer, but 1 had a pressing appointment with our MPP. Later, when 1 was in Orono again,1, could still hear the music being camred softly over the stili night air. It was truly a moving experience. This is not to say that lamger municipalities do not hold similar events that are well attended. Norths York is constantly holding events in Mel Lastman Square that draw large crowds. However in'those cases, it is often Beef Barbecue continued from page 1 driving force behind this evedt for a number 'of years now, and have gotten very good at putting on a great meal. Ail money raised from the dinner goes towards improvements for the Orono Arena. Congratulations to the organizers for putting on such a great event. Hope to see you ail agaln next year! Orono Fair contiriued from page 1 Durham Central Fair Committee has worked very hard to keep their costs down. They have been se, good at it in fact, that they are able to offer passports at the same low rate ($15) that they have kept them at for tise last few years. Last year, they introduced an improved more versatile passport, giving a four-day entry with tear-off coupons. This year they have taken that innovation one step further; afly combination of entries into thse fair totailing four will be ailowed (four peo- ple in one day, two people for two days, one person for four days, etc.). You need not purchase- passports to enjoy thse fair. Gate passes will be available at thse fair itself. Adults cari enter for $5.00 a day, stu- dents 12-18 and seniors $3.00, arid public school stu- dents $1 .00. Pre-scisoolers are free (to get into the fair that is). These prices include everythirig you need to enjoy the fair (not including con- cession stands, midway games and rides, or the Annual Fair Dance on September 7.) Book the weekend off now and get yourself ready for Orono's biggest time of the year, thse Durham Central Fair. Local Counciffor To Holdf Public Forums Local Councillor David Scott announced tisat he will be holding a regular 'forum' for his constituents i Ward 3 starting this faîl. Tisese infor- mal meetings will take place on Saturday momnings and will be rotated among differ- ent restaurants in Newcastle, Orono, Kendal, and Kirby. "t is an opportunity for Ward 3 residents to just drop by anid have a chat about areas of concern to them, or to voice their opinion on current issues effecting Ward 3", said Mr. Scott. "lt is another way of being available te, people at a time and place that is con- venient for them. t will allow me to better reflect their views at the Council table". The time and location of these informaI meetings will be advertised in advance in the local papers. The first will be riext month at: MASSEY HOUSE RESTAURANT, Newcastle Village, Saturday September 14, between 10 a.m. anid noon. Councillor Scott said he can be reached at any other time by phone at the Town Hall 623-3379 or at home 786-2494. Referring to this new forum for his con- stituents, he commented, "'U be thse guy sitting in the cor- ner wearing a Clarington but- ton and drinking too many cups of coffee". St. Saviour's Anglican ChEl-u rch MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rect6ry 987-5678 - Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SIJNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 arn. 1 ST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION NEW HOURS effective JuIy 22/96 until further notice Monday 9 -6 Tuesday 9 -6 .Wednesday 9 - 12:30 Thursday 9 -6 Friday 9 -6 Saturday, 9- 3 Sonbon Publishing For Ali Your Printing Needs 983-5301 Kendal United Churcli Kendal, Ontario Sunday, August 25, 1996 9:30 a.m. Summer Worship "Unto The His" SPECIAL NOTICE Bicycle Road-e-o- cancelled because of circumstances beyond our control. Our thanks to Durham Regional Police for ,upport and encouragement. Kendal United Churchi "a good place to be -- a healrh-y place for children" Minister.: Rev. David Black 786-2950 ORONO CHARGE Minister Stewart Miller ~ ,~- Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Cburch Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday,. August 2lst Leskard Evening Service BBQ 4:30 Service 6:15 Outdoor service weathier permitting. Bring- a salad and/or dessert, plates, Guest cutlery GetSpeaker: Ms. Virginia Brand August 28th, 1996 Rev. Mervyn Russell retuns Beginning Sept 1lst, 1996 Kirby United Chiurch 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church il1:00 a.m. Hlealing Service 7:00 p.m. A.A. mneets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009