mmmmmýýl 4 - Orono Weekýly TiieýsWedýnesday, August 28, 1ý996 ý'O Deadine for Service Diretr Ž2T T ~ ' ~ T L % lC P TtTel. 983-5301 MotayNooJ:ShVÂ-JICE DIRECTORYIýJ~ ~The ýApple Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFTS Ororio 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don'tjust specialize - We make every order special PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 BARINA HOME CHECK "Let us make your home looked lived in" *Vacation Home Checking ~ *Wedding Day Services * ...or whenever youre away" INSIJRED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetter - Ina Cox Sering Newtonville. Newcastle Orono, Kendal and surroundng connuntes Lsedin aiWhte aMdlYeIIow Pagest FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS G/FIS anýI CRAFFS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - Hi-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghourse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Maglo Chef - Hoover 983-5108 GRULNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy 2 approxlmately 50' lots avallable in small prestige subdivision in Newcastle Village. Excellent builders terms available with low down payment. $49,500.00 each. Make an offer. Caîl Ed Vanhaverbeke, Edvan Realty Ltd. (905) 987-3211. 14, 21. 28 ac ORONO - Country setting, 3 bedroom bouse on 15 acres. Forced air, oil. Available Immediately. $850.00/month + utilities. Phone 623-6198 or 983-5646. Ufn Office, retaîl and mnedical space for rent, Newcastle Village. modern buildings, excellenit locations, main street space available, from single office to 6.000 sq. ft. Excellent rates. Cal Ed Vanhaverbeke 987- 3211 14, 21, 28 ac Store/Office for renit Weil decorated, King Street, Newcastle Village $575.00 per month. Avaiable August 1, 1996 Call 987-3211 14, 21. 28ae NEWCASTLE STORAGE Self Storage Units for renit from $39/month Sizes up to 30' x 30' Short or long termn rentais available. Call 987-3211 14, 121, 281a Luxury one bedroom apt for rent, Newcastle Village. Secure Building. neuti'al colour, air condltioning. $615 per month plus utilities. Available September 1, 1996. Caîl 987-3211. 14, 21, 28 ac Two bedroom aprt for re nt, Orono Village. $560.00 per month plus utilities. Available October 1, 1996. Cal 987-321.1 One bedrooma Newcastle $4 50-00 Perr utilities. September 1, 987-3211. HORSEBA( Colonial Equesi Commercial- space for rent, Main Street Orono, Approx. 500 sq ft + basement. Available October .1, 1996. Cal 987-3211. 28 a MAITLAND -DA JAMES - Sept 2/81 Always remembe always missed forever loved. Foreve my heart moin Shadybrook Farm is acceptlng registraticr horseback riding les Come and join the Some boarding is available at reasoi rates. For further d caîl 263-4018. 7, 14.21, FALL GUN AUCTI( GRIST MILL AUCT CENTRE NEWTONVI SEPT. l2th, 1991 Thursday 6:00 P. Sell ing a variet Shotguns, R Longarms and re equipment from va sources and estate< consign to this au and for flu information conta( Auctioneer: Frank Stapletc (905) 786-224, 1-800-263-988 Fax (905) 786-3E AUCTION SA] SIJNDAY, SEPT 11:00 AM MACGREGOR' AUCTION HAL BOWMANVILL 14, 21, 28 ac Take #12 Hwy to Scugog St-. & north 1 km. This apt for rent, Sunday features a varied Village., selection of articles, month plus Antiques, Collectables & Available Household contents, 1996. Cail including Antique Hall Stand, Tables, Dressers, 14 21, 28 ac Boxes & Trunks, Washstand, Glass & S China, old bottles, Couches, Chairs. Beds, Compressor, Etc. Something for one & all. ,4» Cail for ahl your auction ttt needs. K RIING MacGREGOR AUCTIONS strian Centre, (905) 987-5402 ý,I,1jrtrP.ý(905) 987-3664 3706 Runui'a Rdt. (UouI'.. is now accepting new students (children and aduts) for aur riding and horsemanship programs, summer camps, etc. For furher inforrmation and ta register cal 1-905-623-7336, Home of the Bowmanville Pony Club advertisiflg net eest y it riakesj iienei Yeu [Cii ESTATE AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTON VILLE AUG., 30196 FRIDAY 6:00 P.M. Selling a Local Private Estate; Kenmore Almond IFridge and 30 in, Self Cleaning Stove; Kenmore Microwave and Stand; 5 pc. Colonial Kitchen Suite; Hitachi Colour TV %LVID (remote); Occasional Tables; Swivel and red, Platform Rockers; and Matching Bentwood er in Rocker and Tables; 3 pc. Tufted Chersterfield and 'n Loveseat Suite (Blue 28 ac Teal); Metal Desk and - Chair; Cabinet; Pine Book Shelves; IKitchenware; Sml Appliances; Linens; 3 pc. Bedroom Suite; Co-op Turf Trac Riding Mower is now (10 hp. 34 in.); MTD 5 hp ns for Tiller; Mastercraft 8 hp. ýssons. Snowblower; Gas Mower; e fun. McCullock and Pioneer salso Chain Saws; Air nable Conditioner; Shop vac; Eetails Mechanics Tool Chests; Power Tools; Hand, bols; 28 ac Garden Tools; Aluminum Ladders; Wheelbarrow; S Misc. Hardware; 10 Spced Bike; etc., The estate vehicle will also be sold; 1989 Olds Ciera, ION Air, Tilt, Cruise, (as is). TION TERMS: Cash, Approved VILLE, Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac 6 AUCTIONEER: .M. Frank Stapleton CAL ICCA ty of (905) 786-2244 Ufles, 1-800-263-9886 elated Fax (905) 786-3591 ,arious 28 ac s. To Lction arther Clanssi fie<_cjIRIAd ct the fRcit e s ton $4-7-5 fo>r first 44 25 uiDrds 86 _09 ci uJarci 9R. C-IboCve -25 28ST LE C.D.A. (1988) Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12noon -4 p.m. C Oher âimes by appoiLment - 86 Church'St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 NEWCASTLE AUTO BODYl SHOP & GARAGE Tire Special - $1 0.00 OFF any new tire with i coupon Is Complete Auto Body Service Ail Mechanical Repairs I4 WI4EEL ALIMNENTS i 80 King St. E. i987-1694~ CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION BERRYBANK FARMS, ORONO HOLIDAY Mon., Sept. 2nd/96 10:00 a.m. Selling a full lime of farmn equipment, Tractors, Machinery. Vehicles, Hardware. Tools, etc., R.R. #2 Taunton Rd., Orono, 1 1/2 miles West of Hwy 115. Tractors MF - 1135 Diesel w/Cab (120hp), JD- 1120 Diesel Tractor. David Brown 3800 Gas Tractor, Fordson Major Tractor, Case Vac Tractur, AC 5040 (3 cyl.) Tractor, 30' Tandem Bale Rack, NH 469 Haybine. JD 450 Hydra Push Manure Spreader, JD 780 Hydra Push Tandem Manure Spreader. MF 721 Single Axle Spreader. Massey 775 Swather w/12- 1U2 Draper Head, Massey 35 Pull Type Combine, JD 4 Furrow Plow. Kvernland 3 Furrow Plow, Set of Leveling Harrows, 24" Vibra Shank Cultivator, Culitvator 3pth, Disk Spth. MF 33 Seed Drill, JD 7000, 4 Row Corn Planter. Int. 4 Row Corn Planter, Papac Silage Blower, Patz Silo Unloader (12-16' Silo), Cockshutt Grain Grinder, WIFO 3 pth Loader, -1NH-30 Whirlafeed Silage Blower (1000 RPM), New riding lawn mowers, new 10 HP Snowblower, 5 HP Air compressor, Comercial Foley Saw Filer, Robert Order Your Firewood NOW *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stalls ACentrfr Ai0Yor Building Needs' (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 (evenings) ON HWY. 35, 2 MILES NORTH OFWY11 (4Oft Carniage 50" Inserted Tooth), 20 in. Cowan Jointer Planer, Hortizontal Shingle Mill, Power Washer 3 pth scoop, Honda 3.5 Water Pump. Packer, Ridlng Mower/ 3pth Snowblower, 50 Gal. Weed Sprayer, Lawn Roller, Lawn Seeder. 25 Bus. Rotary Hog Feeder, 3 Stainless Farrowing Crates, motorized Lawn Sweeper, Push Mowers, Round Bale Feeder, 15 Ton Hydraulic, Press, New Homelite Generator 4800, New 826 8hp Snowblower, Shop Mate Lathe Side Sander, 3 Stage Compressor Head, 36 in. Metal Roller,, Vehicles - 1983 Ford Bronco 4x4, Chev Cube Van, 1981 GM 1 ton Dual Wheel Stake, Double Skidoo Trailer, Box Trailer, (List Subject to Additions & Deletions) For information and to Consign to this Auction, contact the Auctioneers John D. Berry, RR2 Orono, (905) 983-5787 Frank G. Stapleton, Newtonville (905) 786-2244 28 ac STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle, Ont. Phone 62 3-8150! OUT OF TOWN CALLTOLLFREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERS and CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS, AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST 'Call today for your free flower vase and winter wreath. VISA ACCEPTED Orono Area Rep. TOM HENDERSON 983-9608 A Fresh Sweet Corn $2. 00 dozen Apple Specials $3.75 10/bs Fruit Market Fia vourfuil Tomatoes by the bushel or basket Ontario Fresh Peaches & Plums Brown's Pot atoes We stili have Farm Fresh Eggs -- Wylie Fruit Juices - Fred's Apple Juice, 'You wii hear the taste." South of Orono 9352 HWY. 115 &35 1 -11