6 - Orono Weekly Tues, Wednesday, August 28, 1996 'I Thanét's A Tail Flower From, "Kids 0f Steel" Compote In Bowmanvifle Congratulations to the six Orono young people who competed in last Saturday's ids of Steel Triathlon held in Bowmanville. You showed the determination and stami- na it takes to compete in al three disciplines (swimming, biking, runnîng) under such hot and muggy conditions. The 2nd Annual Triathlon W'as. a well run event with countless volunteers needed to accommodate ail the posi- tions covered. The timie and planning must be endless and everyone thanks Carol Gonder, Bonnie Hibbert, and all the volunteers for their tîme well spent. Many people don't realize the extent of these competi- tions. There is a provincial circuit run by the "Ontario Association of Triathletes" which includes approximate- ly 10 to 12 events from spring to fail. Most of these kids are serious athletes who train all winter and some are local kids entering for fun. Whatever the skill level, it's wonderful to see these young people swim, bike and run their hearts out. As a parent. 'm impressed to see the determination, perseverance, and endurance that these kids exhibit. We cheered for our little group and before long you're applauding every comipetitor across the finish line. We've got to give them all a lot of credit for their efforts. . When the resuits were posted, one noticeable tact was appa rent - the lack of local contestants. With the amnount of kids in Clarington, we were surprised to see s0 few attempt this event. Just to finish is an accomplish- ment and every entry crossing the finish line receives a medal and certificate. They also receive a T-shirt, a post- race meal, a race kit with coupons, etc., and chances for prizes generously donat- ed by local sponsors. Placings of our Orono ath- letes were: Age 9-10 Boys Conrad Seizer 2nd Place; Age 9-10 Girls Lauren Porter 15th Place; Age 11-12 Boys Darrell Kennedy 11lth Place;, Age 11-12 Boys Duncan Porter l6th Place; Age 11- 12 Boys Luke Porter 21st Place; Age 13-14 Boys Matt Eastabrooks 9th Place. One needn't be an ace swimmer, bicyclyst, and run- ner to compete in this event as there are relay classes as well with one athiete per dis- cipline. Our kids are already discussing next years strate- gy and their enthusiasm is infectîous. For any informa- tion on Triathlons, contact Carol Gonder at the Bowmanville Fitness Centre 623-3379. Congratulations again to al] competitors, and from a parent and spectator, y.ou really are "Kids of Steel"!!!! Parliament Hi!!, AZex Shepherd, M.P. Durham The high altitude in Jasper, Aiberta,,imust have caused lightness in the heads of some of Canada's premiers in their meeting last week. Certainly some of thle notions were light on the side of thougyht and vision. Doesn't it seem odd that this meeting would have been partially sponsored by corpo- rations? Now 1 don't fault corporations for wanting to get their say but they have to get intb lîne with everyone else. The cost of lobbying in Canada is tax deductible which legally means it imust be 1.mnoney laid cut to earn inicome". Wine and dinner for politicians must translate into incomie. This conduct is mnap- propriate for lected officials. Tearing downi the federaIl role in the areas of national standards in heaitheare and welfare was some kind of rai- lying cry, of Aberta, Ontario and the separatist govern- ment of Quebec. Now you would think that beîng aligned with people who want to destroy our nation would give some of our provincial politicians cause for reflections. Not Mr, Klen who thoughit Mr. Bouchard's comments were useful. Now don't forget Mr.. Klein's provinces' revenue is mainly from the resources sector. Under the constitution they are the domain of the pSovinces. The national ener- gy policy which attempted to provide resource sharing on a national, basîs was hotly disputed. Who said at the time, refer- ring to the rest of Canada and specifically hèere in Ontario, let them freeze in the dark. 1 believe it was the then mayor of Calgary, Mr. Klein. And of course we ail know where Mr. Bouchard would take Quebec. But how astounding to see our own premier talk about dismantling federal powers. The state of California spends less money than the province of Ontario and yet they have a population greater than ail of Canada. Haven't we decen- tralized a'tad too much? Canadians are fed up with the bickering and petty poli- tics of provincial politicians, and even though at the feder- al level, who are attempting to better their own power base at the expense of a nation. No one sits down and talks about what it would take to make a truly remarkable country as we have the poten- tial to be. School children transfer- ring from one province to the nexi with no certainty of their place in the classroom, his- tory totally rewritten in the province of Quebec, miedical services and quality differing amnong provinces, and one province shipping its welfare recipients to another. This is what the decentralizing moves of provincial politicians have already created. Employment Insurance,- Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, agricultural ser- vices, postal services, immni- gration services, RCMP, and other federal services are adinistered right here ini Durham. Compare this to the top-down administration from Queeni's Park and ask your- self which govemmrent is clos- er to the people. The premier of Ontario is dead wrong to his approacli- es to confederation. We are only four years from the tumning of the 2 1lst centu- ry, it is time ail Canadians expressed their desire to maintain and strengthen what, for me, is the greatest country in the world. 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