Oron Wekly ime, WenesaySeptemnber 1196-3 Sunday The hamess racing was always a big draw to the fair, but this year it could flot compete with trop- ical depression Fran. It was perhaps one of the most poorly attended hamess races at the fair in recent history. The Big Brother's pet show is always, a highlight at the fair. Here Allison poses with her dog Chester. Chester won for the best dressed dog and came in second in the Fair President look- a-like contest. The horse ring was busy in spite of the rain The site will be the spot for the Ontario Rodeo Championships in just a few weeks. The i 44th Durham Central Agricultural 'Fair may flot go down i n history 'as one of the best attended fairs, but it was stili great ail around. Many days and months of hard work and preparation went intothe planning and impie- mentation of the event, and the people responsible should be proud of their efforts. Next year's fair wili hopefully flot have Mother Nature to contend with. Ail in ail it was an enjoabie(if not a ittie wet) time. Hope to see everyone back at the fair next year! he aýro.qýo ê' k 1 es o i o w i n 9 làcati ns: -0 isecke'ý,:,..,,-,, riciv's tutt . . . . . . .... c r mi, Drug M*Ikeýý k Le. 'Nêwtonville Convenience Uf Non Hôu DrIkstro., The Earth Angels, made up of Pat Irwin Lycett, Nancy Barber, Janie Dodds, and Cheryl Reid (out of site is pianist and director Mary Claire McKinnon) perfoinned for a large crowd during Gospel hour at the Orono Fair. Sunday was pretty much rained out, as not many people came out to the fair. Stili, some dedicated competitors showed up, and put on a good show for those, that braved the elements. The Big Brother's Pet Show was well attended, as was the gospel h our. Harness rac- ing suffered. from- the ramn. Last year, the grandstand was fuli, and it was almost impossible to get past the voting area. No trouble of that this year.