16 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 11, 1996 512 New Homes For Newcastle A subdivision slated for the corner of Beaver and King Streets in Newcastle may be a little different than originally planned. The original plan of subdi- vision was submitted on Augusl 10, 1992 for 349 sin- gle detached dwellings and 21 reserved lots. In November of 1994, the applicant applied for an amendment to the Draft ApprovaL. The project, named Victoria Woods, has been changed to 200 single detached homes, 170 semi- detached homes or link dwelling units and 142 town- houses for a total of 512 unils, an increase of roughly 47%. 2 Ravces F or Mosport Mosport will be wrapping up ils 1996 race season with two separate evenîs in September. The firsl, being held on September 14 and 15, is a CASCAR Stock Car Race wilh an anlicipaled allen- danice of 4,000 people. The other event is also a stock car race, with 2,000 people expecled at the September 21 race. Mosport President Bemnie Kamin applied 10 the Municîpality for the proper permils tb hold the events. An exe mpiion wafs required to allow the events to be held, as normal circumslances dic- tate Ihal special events licens- es must be applied for 45 days in advance of the event. The Municipaiity has granted the exemption to allow the event 10 continue. Recy.&ojcle this newspaper. The proposed changes con- forma with the existing Durham Region Officiai Plan, and the proposed Clarington Municipal Plan, so it will almost definiitely be allowed. Council gave its support to the proposed change at Monday's General Purpose and Administration Comm- ittee Meeting. Black continued from page 15 names - how about Humperdinck Fangboner? He's a lumber dealer in Sandusky, Ohio - married to Fanny Fangboner. And then there's the f4êrewood salesmnan in Cambridge Massachusetts - Mister Vestibule. Mister Marmalade P. Vestibule. The most outrageous name of alI time? You'd have-to go some to beat the son bom to John Brook, i New York in 1876, a centennial year. Mister Brook, who loved attending performances at the John Hodge Opera House and manufactured ýgargling oîl, also supported Samuel J. Tilden who was running for the U.S. presidency. So naturally, Mister Brook christened his son John Hodge Opera House Centennial Gargling Oil Samuel J. Tilden Ten Brook. His friends called him "Buck"'. Names. My favourite story about weird names comes from a weirdly named chap- the comedian Groucho Marx. "Groucho!" a stranger snorted to him one time, ..surely that's not your real namne!" "0f course flot" said Groucho, waggling hiis-caler- pillar eyebrows. "Fra just breakinig it in for a friend." $4.75 for First !25 uijards .09 ca uc>rcJ cibo>ve -25 Comrlpare -tha>se- with aihe-r nceuwspaipe rs! - - - - - -Um- m - - -om mm F- - -mm Umm m Um mm m - SMALL BUSINESSES CAN NOW RECYCLE!1 If you: n receive municipal curbside garbage collection, and ware located in an area which currently receives residential curbside Blue Box collection, Egenerate less than 2 Blue Boxes of recyclables in a two week period, then you are eligible fo participate in the Region of Durham's Curbside Blue Box Recycling Program! mm mm- mm om um- M Um m OM-u umm= m m=m_ o " "ttn cl ISCOTTSTORY SSERVICES 905-983-9579 L AND S CA PIN G e INSTALLATIONF ROUNDS MAINTENANCE e e WATER PONDS - DESIGN - CONSULTING SPEIALZIN INPEENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES WILSON REALTY INC. Just saying thanks for Ietting us help support your community "Growing together from Bill & Mary, Wilson's Real Estate" Photo and fax services available for your needs from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (905) 983-6090