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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Sep 1996, p. 18

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---ý ý i & - Oýrono Wýeekly T1nmes, ýWednesýday, Seýptemiber 11, 11996 Deadine for Service Directory iS EI C i I I I Mo«ýday Noon JiiVJ.-I% JJJRjj:CjJCR'Y Tel. 983-5301i ~>The A) ppe B1o',ssm FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983 91 55 Oshawa 433-ý2515 We don t just spec,alljze We make eveîyodrspia "Ha/r Mit Flair For LADIES and GE."NTS Main Street Orono 983-5333 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473, BARINA HOME CHECK l, 1us ake your homfe lookeýd lvi m" ii INSURED REIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 13arh Shetler - Ina Cox FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIETS andi CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 310eM1wa ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - Hi-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghourse Frigidaire - Whirpool Wfýood's Freezers Magio Chef - Hoover 983-5108 Country Upholstery Quality Work ln tUpholstery R.R. 2 Orono Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy M ed Cedar Trees for Hedgc 31/2 ft-4 fi $4100 eachi Fresly -dug 9& delivene Caîl Bob)98-7-2149 Trees Planit now for guaIIranIteed resits Colorado Blue Spruce & Austrian Pine to 7' Sugar Maple to 20' 905-983-5877 Hockey equiipmenit, fits1 size approx 12 - 14 yt Heilme(t. gloves like ii kniee pads, elbow p shoulder pads, andhioc bag - $50,00 PhIone9 5721. Computer Clearance C( -used - IBM 386 SX55 2/30 IBM 386 SX55 260 IBM 386 SX55 4/80 VGA mono monito r fr VGA colour montor teo - new Micro Mania sysems 486 266s l 486 2/80s fle 486 4/1 00s fra 486 8/120's from 486 8/133s trom seri Notebooks- IBM 386 4/80 new.ý baU. ZEOS 486 8/120 mono Digital 486 4/170 mono NEC 486 4/210 colour We buy used computers. l ori1O0 164 Baseline Rd. E. - Bowmanvile 905-61 Hlondla XR100 Dirt 1995 excellenlt coni iludl(es hielmiet and ajccessories. $2200.00. 983-9334 4, Il cpni 81 G'MC 2500 Pick-up, 3,50 V8 Auto. as is. $;2500, goo(i ruinilg Condition, body nieeds work. New 8 plyV tires on last year. Caîl 983-9334. .,1Il opa 1986 Pontiac Aqaýdiani, runis, caJl witb an ioffer 983-9373. pi p Orono Co-op Bo00k your site now -lft X 1 Oft - no charge for September 28/96. Duirinig normal working hlours of 8 ram 4 -1Pm.1 Big Brothers of Clarington Yard Sale and Balte Sale Septemrber 14, 1996 23 SuggStreet, HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial EustinCentre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courticel) s now accepting new students (children and adýuits) for aur riding and horsemanship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information and to register cal 1-905-623-7336 Home of the Bownan ville Fony Club Sept 13 - 14 9 amn - 4. pm 5504 Vickers Rd., ilmiie Eastof0 Oonio Tw1,in beds, antiques, crocks, old doors, books. old har-dware, and mnuch mnore. 11ac 4 - ORONO - Country setting, 3 acbedroomn bouse on 15 acres. Forced air. cil. Available boys ilm mpie d i at ely.ý ears $850.00/mionthi + uitilities. aew, Phione 623-6198 or 983- pads 5646. ckey fin 983- 8 cpn Commercial space for rent, Main Street Orono, Approx. 500 sq it + basement. entre Available October 1. 1996. 13. Office. retail and miedical 8195* $275. space for rent. Newcastle rom $45. Village, modemn buildings. m$135, excellent locations, miain is- street space available, fromt 'Om $6735. sinle office t0 6,000 sq. ft. 2m $775, Excellenit rates. nm $1098. ) $1240. Store/Office for renit Weil $750, decorated, King Street. $1199. Newcastle Village $575.00 $1500. per mionth. Avalabile $695. immiiediately. moe Cal Ed Vanhffaverbeke 987- 5 9730594.32l1a NEWCASTLE STORAGE Self Storage Unts fer rentl from $ý39/nonth bikeShort or lonig tem reiaIs dition available. 1 othler Cl987-3211 . C.ait lac iluxury one bedroon, rent(, NewcaStle Secure Building,i colour, air conldit $1 5 per mountli tiiities. A\, September 15, 1991 987-3211. Newer large 2 hî counitry apartmlerl Mosport, laundry h, lo children welcoill smiokers or pets. boardinig, a immiiediately 983-516 1 apt for Village. nieutral ionling. vailable (. Caîl 4, 11 ac it nlear ok-ups. e, no Hors;e i8. ilap 2 approximately 50' lots available tin small prestige subdivision ini Newcastle Village. Excellent buiders termis available woith low down-i paym-enit. $419.500,00 eacb. Make an offer. Cal Ed Vanhlaverbeke, Edviani Realty Ltd. (905) 987-32 11. Order Vour Firewood NOW Building Supplies and Hardware *Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stals "A Centre for AilYu BidngNee (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 (evefllngS> ON HVY 35, 2, MILES NORTH O)FHWUY 115ý Trail Riding, Ganaraska Forest, max. 3 riders. gre-at t rail S. place youir beef and turkey order's iow. 983- 9373. ilp ELECTROLYSIS Tired of tweezlng an1d shavlng? Get rld of unwanited bair ,permaniently. Free con)sultation. Body wa'xing1 available. Caîl Gail for an appointment at 905-983- 9790. ilap Top cash for gold silver coins. collections. early paper, medals, badges. post cards prior to 1960. Free appralsals. We pay $5.00 ea. for a 1991 25e piece. Mister Murray Mon. to Sat. (905) 623-7901 1,lac -,I Folk Art Classes Registration will be bel Monday Sept. 9 - 14th Favorite Pastimes Wooderafts 5331 Maini St. Oronco Prýojects are oni display Window. Joyce Rosseau, C.D. presenits r Folk Art and Decorat Painting Classes Open Houise: Thursday Sept. 19/969 s Friday Sept. 20/96 from 12 nioon to 8 p.ri Inistruction inm acrylics, ci wvater-colouir. All classes p)rovýided with written nc colouir copies or- photos classroom p Jaints. U1) date colour schemes anff latest techniques. 86 Churcb St., Oronio, ON LOB 1MO 905-983-6408 10 -Daycare availableti n'my smcoI)ke-free home. Mother of two looking for full or part timew. Flexible hours. ail ages welcomec. Dailytv te, hot lunchies, and healthy snacks. 983-11168 il ac V *'Our Little Boy" 91 MALDA - Rena and Stephanie are thrilled to announice the safe arrivai of their little brother, Kevin Ross Bent, on August 30,' 1996, at 7:46 a.m. weigahing 10 lbs. 13 oz. Ver>' proud parents are John and MIichelle (nee Stacey). Kevin le welcomied by bis Grandparents Frank and Sharron Stacey of Napanee, Ben Malda of Orono and Grace Malda of Oshawa. Greatpgrandparents are John and Claira Malda of Wbitby and Mary MacDonald of Oshawa. Special thanks to Aunitie Barb, Dr. Tremiblay, Dr. Hyland and the nursing staff at Oshawa Genieral Hospital. il ap h at The Junior Beef Show Commttee of the Durham tin Central Agricultural Faitr would like to thank our îac falthfu-l sponsors. Windvlew Feeds lnc. - Trophies: L&F Woodworking - trophy; H-omnestead Hilis Stables - Medallions; Gerald Gibson, Newcastle-money; Sun Brier ~Stables, Newcastle imoniey; North Fork Red Angus, Port Perry-mioney: Little Valley 1ive Farm, Orono-money; and of course ahl the boys & girls wbo showed their cattle for making the 4Ltb Annual show and a success. Tnuk you Harvey & Helen Robnson ils &" & Nicholas BoydI s ar'e ap totes, s and Nancy. James and] Lloyd 1to- Stephenson would like to di the offer our most sincere appreciation for the many cards. lowers and extreme 10 words of appreciation an(] condolence during the loss of our beloved wlfe an-d mother, Bessie Mldred (nee Clark). They will ever be reme'mhpred. :j September 13 - 14 9am - 4 pm 5504 Vlckers Rd 1 mile east of Oroflo Twin beds, anitique crocks, old doors, books, old hardware. and nmucb more. il a rNEWCASTLE AUTO BODYI J~ SHOP &GARAGE Tire Special $1000 OFF any new tire with I couponl . CoMpîste Auto Body Service Ail Mechanical Repairs I 4 WHEEL ALIMNENTS i 80 King St. E. 987-1694~ 11ac The family of the late Lila Cbapmnan wishies to express t sincere thanks to relatives s and friends for thieir thou'ghtfulness and y expressions of sympathy on the passing of a dear mother and grandmnotber. Thanks also to the staff of Strathhaven Lifecare Centre and to Dr. M. Angl for thecir care and concern; to Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell and Rev. Don Sties for their visits. prayers and klnd words; to the staff of Morris Funeral Chapel for their guidance and kindness: and to Kirby United Cburch Womnen for the wonderful lunch served after tlie funeral. Frlends are. a great support at a time like this. Clair Chapmnan Erla and Francs Jose an-d family Il ap NEW OAKJANTIQUE LIQUIDATION AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTON VILLE Sept. 20th196 6:00 p.m. Sellinig (tie entlre Stock anud Ilnventoriy of a niew Furniture and Antique Ouitlet fnicluding several oak roll top desks. Oak computer desks and file. cabinets. Oak pedestal tables, over 100 chairs, oak china cabiniets, etc. Complete lIfst niext week.. AUCTIONEER: Frank G. Stapleton (905) 786-2244 ila Prîze Wînning Apples & Pears E . Paula Red Apples S$3.,75 lOibs C-grade Fruit Market FehSetCr ~$2. OO dozen Ontario Fresh Peaches & Plums Fia vourful Tomatoes Brown's Potatoes -- Farm Fresh White & Brown Eggs - 100% Wylie Fruit Jyices -Fred's Apple Juice Souhof Orono - 983-5628 J ARD... Fz', C 0 TH...... 's , =SERVICES- AR S & CRAFI 1 L

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