li I M I V I l i I I RONO WEEKLY TiMEs ern EatC -n«o beyod ce- 1937 650 GSTlncluded Wednesday, September 11,y 1996 Orfmono Fir "t' ATradition!"1- Tropical Depression Fran may have dampened the area but it could flot dampen the spirits of those troopers that came out to enjoy the Durhamn Central Fair held at the Orono Fairgrounds this weekend. .Although attendance was flot as high as last year's fair, due mainly to the weather, the 144th Durham Central Fair was stili a success. That could be seen in the smiling faces of the kids as they rau through the Midway, or watched Barnee the Dinosaur perform. The aduits enjoyed a variety of things from har- ness racing, the Saturiday night dance, the shows and exhibits (a few were also seen sneaking a peak and tapping their feet to Barnee as well). The theme of this year's fair was "Its a Tradition." As Durham MP Alex Shepherd pointed out that the 144 year is "a long time, especially when the nation is only 129." Agriculture is the backbone of our nation, and the fair is a celebration of those tradi- tions. The 'fair lets us "remember who we are and where our traditions corne from," said Ale x. Tradition was everywhere at the fair, from the displays of quilts, to the cake auction, the displays of antique trac- tors, beautffully kept up and stili quite capable of putting in a hard day's work. There was something for everyone and nobody went away dis- appointed. The officiai kick-off for the fair was held on Thursday night. The four levels of gov- ernment all had their repre-, sentatives in attendance at the ceremony. As a special thank you to people who have helped out in the past with the organizing of the fair, spe- cial gold cards were given out, which not only recognized their dedication, but equated to free life-time passes to any upcoming Durham Central Fairs. Roy Forrester, Bill Reid, and Gerald Rainey were honoured for their work. Also honoured were Past Presidents of the F air Board. They were made Honorary Members and presented with similar gold cards. Honourees were Tom Moffat, Carol Bailey, Grant Yeo, Ray Staples, Don Welsh, Aleck Moffat, Harold "Mac" Ransberry, Gord Berry, Jim Rîckard, Dîck Lovekin, Bill continued on page 2 Fair Board President Bill Tominson -poses with Argus (owned by Laurie and Duncan Porter) at the Big Brother's Pet Show on Sunday at the fair. Argus was voted the pet that looked most like the fair board president. See pages 9-12 for more pictures from the fair. Let's Ail Give Th e Wonderful Volunteers A Great Big Thank You On Behaif 0f Ail The People Who Went To This Year's Durham Central Fair. None 0f This Could Be Possible Without The Hard Work They Do. Volume 60, Number 36 gý il 11 NI 1 ý 1 ýjl:l i: w y 'il: