Orono Weekly ies, Wednesday, Septexnber 11, 1996 1Celebrates 8Oth Birthday Catharina (Rina) Storsbergen, born September 5, 1916 in Amnsterdani, Holland. Immigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1951 with her husband and two children. Rina and her husband ran three successful businesses in Brampton and Toronto before moving to Orono in November 1960. They bought the Park Plaza White Rose Service Station on the # 115 highway. They remod- eled and renamed it The New Dutch Oven Restaurant.Rina and her famnily built a very successful business and operated it until 1972. Despite being very busy they also ownied and operated the Mr. Roast Beef Restaurant and the Texaco Gas Station on # 115 highway, near Newcastle. Many people, will remember Rina (affectionately called Mom) for her excellent cooking and easy going manner. She currently resides lu Bowmanville and likes to spend her time with her 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. From Parliament Hil! Alex Shepherd, M.P. Durham Many parents watch, apprehensively, as their chil- dren proceed down dniveways boarding buses to begin a new school year. It's the parents, not the chiidren, understandably I guess, who harbour the hope and worry for the child's future., Maybe there is a linkage with the opening of Parliament this month and a parent's first school-day wor- ries. Stop and think for a moment? Are we going to leave those youngsters with a financiai burden so huge that when they take over the reins of govemmi-ent they will blame us for the country's financial mismfanagemient? Will they deem it necessary to decrease our financial ben- efits? Or will they, out of necessity, cut retirement ben- efits altogether? While l'ni the first to admit we are taxed too high the fact is the deficit exists. Despite the fact we have reduced it over 50 percent and are dealing with the prob- lems stemming from the deficit, it isn't the time to give ourseives a tax break. Ultimately it will be those children heading off to sch-ool who will shoulder that bur- den. And keep in mind our deficit is our unpaîd taxes not theirs. Like schooi I too have homework which is due upo n the resumption of Parliament. The assîgnnment this summer was getting ready for the introduction of my private members bill cailed the Programn Cost Declaration Act. The proposed legislation deais with how government misspends tax dollars and how that can be prevented. It wouid require programs to be costed and certified» by the Auditor General before they became lawý. The legislation wouid aiso require costs. to be broken down based on every individ- ual in Canada. For exampie we couid say that if the feder- al govemment was going to re-pave the Trans-Canada Highway it would cost each Canadian $20 a year for the next 25 years. Based on this example, which aren't true figures, we could decide whether or not we wanted to see the legisia- tion passed. I wonder how much past legislation would have seen the light of day had we known there isn't a miagi- cal steward paying for pro- gramis. It's you and me.-1 1 find, it odd seeing mem- bers of 'Parliament: voting for legislation with not the slight- est idea of what the cost is. What's worse is that people would consider seeking pub- lic office having had a hand in running up huge deficits. This is especially true now since people want an expia- nation for why we are in the fiscal state we're in and they want to know who is respon- sible for it. There's no question afl gov- ernmients have mnismanagsed the county's finances in the past and we are now paying the price for that. Our sin will be the failure to puit into place controls to ensure mismanagement, or Jack ofjudgement, isn't com- monplace in the future. As Johnny and Jane trot off to schooi, carrying with themn all the hopes and dreamns of a prosperous future, it is up to todays' ieg- islators to ensure their future will nlot be blocked by imped- iments you and 1 have creat- ed. Yes financial administra- tion is boring stuif but if we don't pay attention to it we will create either opportunity or an albatross around the neck of our children. 1Wîll they forgive us? I sus- pect not. As you pack their nutri- tional lunch to take to school take a moment to consider their financial health as well. Canada is a nation with a great many resources. Our youth is one of its greatest. Let's ensure ýyouth gets a fair shake by using' the greatest resource of ail, the one between our ears.- Orono Fi"gure Skating ClubD Registration August 27th and Sept 1 2th, 7 pm - 9pm at Orono Mrena Canskate fee (2 hrs/wk) - $208. 00 from Oct./96 to Apr.197 Aduit Skate - Fee depends on registration - 12 week program Fees mnclude CFSA & EOS 60%ý due at Registration plus a Post-dated cheque for Dec. lst for balance. $ 15.00 late registration fee. For further information call Joan Moffat at 983-9561. 14. 21, 8 ac Go e Water Effiîcient! With Durham Region 's, Water Fixture Replacement Program The Water Fixture Replacement Program is offering a 40% subsidy towards the replacement-and installation of teilets, showerheads, faucet acrators, sprinkler timers and rainbarrels. You can get a toilet replaced with a 6 litre toilet for S153.00 plus GST. This price includes installation by a qualified contractor and one-year warranty for materiai and, labour. To participate in the programn for the installation of iow flow toilets and water efficient fixtures, have your water billing account number ready and eall Green CAP at: (905) 71-727 Watch your mailbox for full details in the "Durham Works" newsletter or pick up a programi brochure from your local Municipal Office, any Regionai Office, Info Oshawa Booth (Oshawa Centre) or your Public Library. Green CAP Green Conservation Action Program TENDERS CLARINGTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION INVITES TENDERS FOR Caretaking Services Tender #(96-05 CT) from November 1, 19964o November 1, 1999. SEALED TENDERS, shali be submitted no later than 9:00 A.M. Thursday, September 26 1996 to: Mr. R.W. Plain Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission 2849 Hlwy#2 Bowmanvilte, Ont. Li C 3K9 Tender documents can be obtained f rom the office between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P. M., Monday to Friday. The lowest or any bid not necessarily be accepted. Date of Publication: Wednesday, September il, 1996