19u1 Il]i r F A' J 1 1' !1i I l i L1 '1 bJ! i0111 Iliýl b t ,,I Mi I N lltitîeittiRI 6I i h1i ~~Orono Weky imsWednesday, Septlember 18, 199(36 17 Multiple scierosis canl cause ioss of balance, impaired speech, extremne aeb fatigue and doublevsin Multiple eScierosis - b b SOCl.lY Of Canada 1-800-268-78 Cet your business cards, envelopes, and letterhead done by us, and receive a free 1 month insertion of your ad in the Orono Weekly Times! (a $4800 deal.) Right now, 1000 business cardsl, envelopes, and letterhead are only $155.00! only at Sonbon Publishing 983-5301 REIMAX CQRNERSTONE REALTY, LTDI Total Privacy - Central Village Location Walk-out f rom the spacîous, sunny family room of this immaculate custom home ta the huge deck, overlooking a sparkling stream and picture perfect grounds. Be completely encircled by the quiet woodland setting - yet within easy walking distance of ail amenities. For more information eall SalIy Staples Associate Broker 623-6000 CLASStiFI ED. MARKiý'ETPLACE6% "Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" COPAING EVENTS FOR SALE ARTISTS ENTER 11TH ANNUJAL INTERNATIONAL JOCUS TCYS. New annuel catalogue has just srrived. exhibition miniature Art. For entry form write/cati: Del1 Over 350 quality toys, games, arts and crahts. 71%o under Bello Gallery, 788 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario $15. Consultants needed for home presentations, cata- M5V 1N6. 416-504-2422. logue sales, fundraisers, etc, Caîl 1-800-361-4587, ext. 9379. BUSINESS OPPS. I3OVERNMENT FUNOS. Goveroment assistance pro- SALES HIELP WANTED grams information avalable. For your xew or eisting business. Take advantage of the govemment grsnts and $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make s lot ot money selling leas. Caîl 1-800-915-3615. chocolats bars. New prodacts anailable. Nothing to pay in LIVE SUMO WRESTLING - The hottest new fon and avne atdlvr -0-8-59 enfertaisiment business. Massive profits per day/nîght. $t12,400 complete tartop, training and promotion pack- MEDICAL sge. Cati 1-613-267-4895. 20/20 WITHOUT CLASSES. Sale, rapîd, nion-ourgical, DREAM 0F OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Ontaro permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weekx. Airline pi devel- Window Manufacturer ofers: protected lerritories, com- oped, doctor apprxvedi. Free information by mail: 406- plate training, huge potentiallsmatl investment. Complete 961-5570,' ext. 253; fao 406-961-5577. http:// ine xl Windows available. Cati 1-800-861-7546, est. 32. www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction gaaranteed. SCHNEIDER'S POPCORN PARTIES. Excifing new sys- lem with increaesd proitabilify. Representative needed Ix PAY TELEPHONE SERV. market pspcorn producîs. lnteresled in esrning extra incomelbsme based business caîl 1-800-665-6484. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers !iervingovoer 50 million, HOM BUINES rwaringincmefleibl hsrs resders and mult-talented psychics. Free astrochart witb great product! Designer fragrance canidîe companry 100k: orfrtraîg eaîosiuFtrCre.$.9 ing for part-ime sales consulants. Frees information pack- m in. 18 +24 Hours 1-800-451-3783. age. Recsrd name and addresx, 1-800-661-2840. ESNL DOWNSIZING VICTIMS, ENTREPRENEURS, home E OAS basiness, low tart sp coat, uniqae edacational prxducts. ISN'T IT TIME YOU MET SOMEONE NICE? Linds Pauls Free training. Tarnkey support, 10 day mxney back guar- of Misty River Introductions is Ontarios traditionsl match- antee. Direct sales, Not MLM, No inventory 1-800-281- maker. Lindas service box been featured on tlevîsion 7098. and radio. 613-257-3531. Ladies under 35 receive 3 fre CAREER TRAINING lrdutin LEARN AUCTIONEERING a the Southweatem Schooî ADOPTION o Aucfioneering. Net cass November 16-22/96. Coni tact: Southwestern Ontario Schoî5of Auctisneering, R.R. ADOPTEESiBIRTH PARENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, #5, Wdsfsck, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519537-2115. Canada Wide National Regîstry and search assistance 1- BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR...witb sur great hsme- 800-871-8477. Information ]ne 1--800-871-8477. E-mail - stady course. Cal! today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- ffcwrgeorgian.net 267-1829. The Sheffield Schoi, 1069-38 McArthur Avenue, Otawa, ON Ki L 6R2. STEEL BUILDINGS AN EXCELLENT WAY to save money. Sinice 1875 sfu- ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE.. Go Ontario Factory dents have been aaving mosey with an Income Tas Direct. Many Sizea and Styles. Example: 30 s 40 now Preparation Course from U & R TAX SCHOOLS. Study ai $5,998.00. 35 s 50 now $9,488.00, 40 o 60 nsw home in our spara lime. For FREE BROCHURE, cail: 1 - $11,44400. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. 800-65-544, & TexScholsSTEEL BUILDINGS, Ail Steel S. Series Straighfwaii EDUCATIONAL OPPS. Building 30' W X 52L $7988. Dome Guonset Building BE ASUCESSUL WITE...wit ourgret hme- 20W X 40L $3998. Buildings are compiete aitb Endwals study coarse. Cali today for ysar FREE 800K. 180 n i or alFtr 1-80068863 267-1829. The Writîng Schosî, 38 McArthsr Avenue, BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straîtwail Type - nol Suite 2601, Ollaws,ON, KIL 6R2ý quoset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x9O $20443, 60xl2(3 $31,314 - other sîzes avalable - misc. clearance. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. Faragon - 24 bru -1-800-263-6499. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Agex MU$T $ELL IMMEDIATELY. New SlraîgbtWall pesked 18-30 wth agrîcultarat eoperiance Ix Ive/work with famiy roof steel buidngs. 1-25 v 30, 1-30 x040, 1-40x 50. n Australis, New Zealand, Europe, Japax. Cots/delsils - riced tvo el qsîckiy. Faclory direct. 1-800-549-0854. 1-800-263-1827. #105, 7710-5 Street SE., Cagaiy, AB, T2H 2L9. - Its Affordable - I's Fast - Its Easy - One Bill Does lt Ail eNothem Ontanio $76 * Eastern Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130,* Centrai Ontario $134 - Ai Ontario $384 National Packages Avalabte Cafl thîs paper for details! Fr uit Marhcet Prize Winnîng Apples & Pears Paula Red Apples 3.75 10/bs C-grade Fresh Sweet Corn $2. 00 dozen Ontarlo Fresh Peaches & Plums Flavourful Toma toes Brown's Potatoes -- Farm Fresh White & Brown Eggs - 100% Wylie Fruit Juices -Fred's Apple Juice [south of Oroino LHWY.115 &35 983-5628] Feature Home of the Week Just Listed -42.4 Acres -Orono CHARLME REID CustomnoUilît brick buga.3 bed- Sales Representatsve huge covered deck, living roomn and din- ing room, fireplace in basement, aotid 22 Yars xperenceoak trim and doors, double cargarage 22 Yars xperenceplus 24' X 32' steel ahop. This is an extremely wetl built home and beautiful Specializing in: property. $249900 CatI Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914. RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES 1 arn Committed To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 JN Co';" re to buy or seil ...- Orono and area's real estate rep. 4 Krystyna Jones Z > 983»6O13 R1Eolaty -N et ASSOCIATES 0(DURHAM)Inc. 1050 SIMCOE ST.N. 8103. OSHAWA ONE OWNER, HUGE LOT, IMMACULATE CONDITION, MOVE RIGHT INW! ORONO S Simpson Memorials M "Nowjin Bowmanville" 121 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6f4 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions Indoor 1 Outdoor Displays .Excellent Prices Guaranteed Workmanship Etchings - Personal and Scenes - Wooden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you decide by visiting our new Sales Office, or cail us and arrange for an appointment in the cornfort, of your home. 11,1111ilia l-AR-J 1 1JUI- 11,11 111 111111 1111,11- 11