2-rooWecekly Timnes, Wýedne-sýayOctýober 2, 1996 - - THE NEXT MUNICIPAL ELECTION:E ITes CLOSER THqANi You THINWK Clarington and other-municipalities in Ontario will be going ta the polis once again next fali ta, eleet a new batch of representatives ta their municipal caluncils. Rather than wait until next year, when paliticians are campaigning once again, ta decide who yau may vote for, start your evaluation process now. It is obvious ta anyane who has lived in a democracy and paid attention to thue political scene even in a smail way, that politicians are at their best during election Urne. One only lias ta look ta aur neighbours, the United States, ta see Bill Clinton getting tougli on welfare and flexing his muscles in the Middle East. 'Ail of these are carefully caicuiated attempt ta win over the American people ta support himi for one mare terni. Lost in this is past scandals (Gennifer Flowers, the Whitewater Affair, etc.) and people tend ta forget the past. The vating public often lias short memories, except for when they are grievously injured by government palicies. The federal Tories had the largest loss in Canadian politicai history, ahl because of the GST, after having only one term before set a record for the iargest majarity ever enjoyed by a gavernment. But when it cames ta smaiier issues,, like those found locally, things tend ta be forgotten. True, it is one of the jobs of the' press ta remînd the reading public of what their govemnment lias done in the time they were in office, but it really cames down ta the voter ta remember what was done in the past three years. That is no easy task. Already in Ciarîngton, the battie uines are being drawn, as people are expressing their desire- ta run for certain seats on Council. A few are'even actively campaigning already. It may seem a little pre-mature, but the next election will be here before you think. Sa this is my recammendation. Rather than w,.att until next year ta decide, when campaignîng is at its highest, and many politicians and would be politicians are ýÊ Letter to the Editor RE: S.B. Rutherford Scholarship To Whom it may concem: Recentiy I was able ta attend a three day course at the Queen's1 University Bialagical Station through the generasity of the S.B. Rutherford Memoriai Foundation. The course ran from Thursday evening until Sunday aftemnoon, and was entitled Bog and Wetiand Ecoiogy. The course was very edu- cational and eniightening., Most of the instruction that we received as part of the course was given. outside in the'fleld. We learned about some of the plants that con- tribute ta wetlands and how each one of them is important in its awn way. One unique characteristic of the location of the station is that althaugh it les on sedi- mentary rock, a finger of the Canadian Shield, which is granite, cames down riglit near it. This contrast in bedrock creates a unique diversity of plant life in the area due ta the different water and soil conditions that it cre- ates. There were alsa a great abundance of carnivaraus plants, i nciuding pitcher plants and sundews, that actually digest insects ta get nutrients because the sub- strate-that they live on is s0 nutrient poor. In clasing I would like ta thank the people of Orono, through the Foundatian that gave me a chance ta partici- pate in this weekend excur- sion, your generosity is great- ly appreciated.- Thanks once again, Steve Hegarty Orono, Ontario Sonbon Publishing For Ail Your Printing Needs 983-5301 St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 è Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNL)AY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 arn. IST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION QRONO WEEKm TIMES Produced Weekly By Soubon Publishilng Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 PubýIshIIIDg 47 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Stret, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Teleplione 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor e Publisher NEW HOURS effective JuIy 22196 until further notice Monday 9 -6 Tuesday 9 -6 Wednesday 9 - 12:30 Thursday 9 -6 Friday 9 -6 Saturday 9 - 3 pramising you everything under the sun ta get your vote, take the time now ta talk ta the people that are campai gning and ta your elected officiais themselves. Now is the time ta ask your questions, and in the case of aur presenit eiected officiais, hold them ta task. You have a year ta, get your concerns heard, and ta see what response yau get. Use that ta heip in your decisions, rather than fancy speeches or the number of public appearances people put in. That doesn't decide a good politician; iistening ta the people and showing that in their actions is. The bail really rests in the elected officiais court;, if they do the job well, they get re-elected, and if nat, then start looking to the others lîning up for the job. If you don't want ta go through ail of that, then start documenting what -your politicians are doing. Cut out clippings in the newspaper that detail what the politicians are daing (try ta take it from a number of papers, as personal prejudice can find its way into articles far tao easily, even if it is nat intended). Take these clippings and save them. Set them aside and read them just priar ta the election. See what your officiais have done and said during their time in office. That is the best way-ta make your decisians, rather than from personai appearances and the number of time they get their picture in the paper. Choasing your elected officiais is a very important respansibility, and should not be taken lightly. It is a decision that shauld Inat be left until the next electian; it is an on-going pracess that must continue through the termis of each gavernment. Use next year's municipal election as a trial; the, next federai election wili be held soon after that. It is easy ta forget what happens during a terni in office;, educate yaurseives ta ensure that you make the riglit decisions. sý Kendal United Church Kendal, Ontario Su nday, October 6, 1996 Worship & Sunday School 11:15 a.m. "Corne and Dine" Worl,'d Cmunion Sunday Please join us ý'a good place to be a healthy place for children" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE S Minister Rev. Mervyn Russel Marlene SRisebrough, ~., .~' Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, October 6th World Wide Communion Services Kirby United 9:30 ar. Orono United 11: 00 ar. Healing Services 7:00 p.m. E XPLORERS Wednesday, October 2nd meet at Leskard Church 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -18 yrs. JUNIOR CHOIR continues on Thursday, Oct. 3rd in the Lower C.E. Hall from 4 - 5 p.m. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ;0ýo 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO