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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1996, p. 13

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-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 9, 1996- 13 Classîf ied WOODWORKER/HOUSE- HOLD AUCTION October l2th, 1996 Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Selling the. Attractive Household Contents and lnteresting Shop Equipment of Weston Banister, Cambellcroft (on site -on Ganaraska County Rd. 9 10 C miles east of Hwy 115 or 4 miles west of Hwy 28). 10 pc. Mission Oak Dining Suite with 2 China Closets; 7 pc. Roston Maple Dining Suite; 3 pc. Provincial Walnut Bedroom Suite; Pr. Provincial Single Beds, Occasional Tables; Occasional Chairs; 3 PC. Burled Walnut Communion Table and Chairs; 2 Drawer Writing Desk; Matching Side and Arm Chairs; 2 pc. Entrance Table and Mirror; Cedar Chest; 2 Antique High Chairs; Plant Stands; China Figure Lamps; Books; Wilton Carpet; Fireside. Sets: Pool Table and Equipment; Bedding; Linenis; China; Glassware; Kitchenware; Smfall Appliances; Westinghouse Fridge (Almond): GE Fridge (1939); Moffat Dryer; Kenmore Washer; General Chest Freezer: Beaver-3300 14 in. Bandsaw (lhp); Beaver 36 in. Lathe 1/3 hp (Chucks, Marples Tools); Beaver 9 in. Table Saw (3/4 hp); Beaver 6 in. Planer (1/4 hp); Moulding and Dado Sets; Canadian 15 Drill Press; Lincoln 180 Welder (Rod,* Equipment); Grinder & Motor; 1/2 hp. Compressor; Quantity Lumber; Cedar Posts; Anvil; Vice; Pipe Vice: Threaders; Mechanics Tools; Plumbing Tools; Sheet Metal Tools;, Mason Tools; Power Tools; Router: 1/2 tin. Drill; Set Branding Tools: Numerous Wood and Steel Planes; Tap & Die Sets; 4" Belt Sander; Jacks; Chainsaws; Motors; Several Clamps: Bits; Bit Sharpener; Files; Saws; Blades; Stones; Quebec Heater; 7 ft. Steel Table; Int. 10 hp. Cub Cadet 106 Ridîng 42 In. Mower; AC 410 Shuttle Shift 10 hp. Rlding Tractor w/45 in Mower; 36 in. Tiller and 40 In. Snowblower; Garden Tractor Attachments & Parts; Eastern 100 Litre Electric Pull Sprayer; Double Skidoo Traller; Garden' Tools; Chains; Wheelbarrow'; Gas Weed Eater; B&D H-edge Cippers; and numerous other Household and Shop Contents. Auction Starts at 10:00 a.m. Lunch Available Terms: Cash, Approved Cheque with I.D. .êUCTIONEER: Frank G. Stapleton Newtonville, 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 9 ac ESTATE'AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE, OCT. 11TH, FRIDAY, 6:00 P.M. Selling two Estates from Cobourg and Port Hope. 9 pe. Duncan Phyfe dining suite with breakfront, 5 pc. Florida dinette, two single craftmatic beds, dressers, chesterfields. wood floor Iamp, Jenny Lind crib, Exerciser, Air conditioner. Microwave, China cabinet, Antique chairs, Quantity of glassware, china, collectibles, and antiques. Preview Frlday afternoon. TERMS:. Cash, Good Cheque, Visa,-M/C, Interac. AUCTIONEER: Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 800-263-9886 9 ac HOLIDAY MONDAY AUCTION GRIST M1ILL A UCTION CE NTRE NEWTONVILLE, OCT. 14TH, MONDAY 11:00 A.M. Selling the contents from the home of Ken Williams, Bowmanville. 7 pc. Maple Colonial kitchen set, 8 pc. Dining suite, Chesterfields. Occasional chairs, 3 pe. Coffee suite, Colonial lamps, Mantle dlock, Entertainment unit, VCR, VHS movies and tapes, Bookcases, Cassette cases, C.D.'s and stands,, Credeuza, Single beds, bedding, linens, Quantity of good books, Colour T.V., Decoys, Projection and camera equipment, Deacons Bench, 3 pc. Cedar set, Microwave, Quantity of glassware, China, Dishes, Kitchenware, desk and chair, Gas mower, Tools, 12 ft. aluminum'Boat and Trailer, Sporting goods, and a large variety of other interesting articles. Auction starts at 11:00 am. Holiday Monday. Preview morning of sale. TERMS: Cash. Cheque with I.D., Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER: Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 800-263-9886 OUTSTANDING THAINKSGIVING SUNDAY AUCTION SALE MacGregor's Auction Hall. Bowmanville Antiques. Collectibles & Rare Lighters Sumday, Oct. 13th, 10:30 (viewîng 9:00) Take Hwy 2 to Scugog st. & North 1 km. Our holiday auction features an exceptional offertng of Antiques refinished & as found condition, plus Rare & Unique Collectables from days gone by, Hoosier Cupboard (complete),. 6' Pine Harvest Table w/drawer, misc. Dressers & Chests of Drawers (Highboys, Cottage Chests, Lowboy, etc.) Eastlake Parlour Seat, Victorian Settee set, Washstands, Chairs & Rockers (Pressbacks, set or 5 & 6, 10 Cottage chairs, Habitat, Parlour, Oak Etc.) Misc. Tables (Round Oak Tilt Top, 2 large Kitchen Tables, Occasional, Parlour etc.), Hall stand', Blanket Boxes, Steamer Trunks, 5,.Section Stacking Bookcase, Oak tee Box, Library Desk, 3 old Benches 10' & 12, Rtchen Wood Stove, Mantle &, Gingerbread dJocks, Gamne boards, Medicine Chests, Qutîts, Spinning Wheel, Qil Lamps, Milk Cans, Old Pictures, Doors, Ashtrays, Kitchen collectables. Crocks & Jugs, Coins & Jewlerery,' CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or A cross the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. SALES HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govemnt assistance pro $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of xxoney selling grams information available. For yoar new or eitng choclafe baro. New producif avalable. Nothng to psy in buineo. Toto advanage of the govemment grants and advance. Fot delivery 1-800-383-3589. Il ans el1-800-915-3615. UNEMPLOYED, LICENSED ELECTRICIANS needed ffi MEDICAL accoracy test Hydro meirs Territories av:able trough- 20/20 WITHOUT GL4SSES! Saet, rapid, non-surgical, out Ontario. Woris from your own home. SmaII invetment permanent retorafion in 6 - 8 week. Airline pilot develt- required. Fao resamne tf0,Mter Watch 1-905-707-8684. oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- HOT! HOT! HOT! VEND-A-MINT. Highat profita in the 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http/ sanding indutry. Canadien manuatcurer. Esa fuiltfime Safisfaction guarantid income, working xnIy ona day a weak. Exclusive areaa available. For a FREE brochure, phone: 1-800-661-1832. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. HOME PARTY SALES - CHILDRENS GAMES, educa- HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Anowra. Spirifual consultation. tional producta - Earn h19h commissions for parf.time,> Relafixnohip, Carear, Life. Only 82,99/,mia. 18+ 1-900- flexible home-baoed business. For informaftion and cafta- 451-3783. logues cai Leaders In Leamil 1-800-609-7277. SCHNEIOER'S POPCORN PARTIES. Eacifing naw sys- PERSONALS fam with increaaed profitubility. Repreaunfafive nieddtf LEARN TO READ THE BIBLE afectivaly. Eociting 12 maret popcorn prodocto. Interetedin earning extra part correspondance courue. FrI Non-deniominationul. income/home baaed business cati 1-800-665-6484. Wrte: ASK, Box 57513, 1500 Royal York, Weston, ON ARE YOU A HOME-BASED BUSINESS producing giff M9P 3V5. items? Do you menit your business lx grow? The Fourth ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES, For compunionohip Ontario Creative Arts Show invites you lx participate ao or marriagu. Ageo 18-85. Sngle, widowed,divorcad. Ail part of Southex Exhibitions Toronto Spring Gift Show. acroox Canada. Write Ahgrove, PCO. Box 205, Chaoe, lnferested enhibitors muaI submit samplea of Ilheirhat .0., VOE 1 MO. Free information. 1-604-679-3543. work byi November 27, 1996. There la a non-refundable ]ryixg tao ot $35.00 unit an adiitionial $150-200 for suc- WINTER IS TOC LONG TO BE ALONE. Cel Misty River cestal applicants tocuro trade show pace, which nor- Introductions and met soroeone peoual xo§pendt coid mally costis $750.00. For turher information cati 1-800- winter evenings with. Onlarios traditional matchmaker. 672-0103 or- fax (604)854-3087. 613-257-3531. CAREER TRAINING ADOPTION LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southweslern School AI)OPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, ot Auctoaeering. Neol clas Novembar 16-22/96. Con- Canada Wide National Regstry undt earch assistance t- tact: Souttimetero Onîr o chool of uctioneering, R.R. 800-871-8477. Information ina 1.800-871-8477. E-mail - #5, Woodslock, Onaro N4S 7V9 (519)537-21115, fcwnr@georgian.nut AN EXCELLENT WAY ta save miny Since 1975 sf0- SERVICES deno have buan saving money with an INCOME TAX PREPARATION COURSE from UJ & R TAX SCHOOLS. OUCH!l HYDRO BILLS TOC HIGH( our Hydro Mter Sludy al home in your sare im. For FREE may be defective unit svurchargiog yosi! You couli BROCHURE, cat: 1-80-665-5144, U & R Tax Schrools. ruciv large cash refonds. For free video ixfrtjorin cali Mater Walch 1-800-804-6662. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Inslitula ot Canada offers cr- STEEL BUILDINGS reupoodenice courses for the Dipomna In CûunnelIing GRAIN STORAGE SPECIALS. S. Serres Straighlwali PruclIse begînning Iis monfb. For a brochure ph one Toi- Building 25W X 42L $6877. DomeCona Building tires 1-800-605-7044. 40W X 64L $9977. Buildings are complele wilbr EndNalls and Big Doors. Cal Future 1-800-668-8653 et. 514, FLEA MARKETS ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE.. Go Ontario Fuctory CRAFT ANC CHRISTMAS VENDORS. Coma f0 the Ban Direct. Muny Sizesaund Styles.,Enamplu: 30 o 40 no*, in Peterborough for oar unique hritmias Markiet. Nov. $5,998.00. 35 o 50 nom 69,488.00. 40 x 60 nom and Dec., eekando onl. $300.00. Steve 1-800-335- $11,444,00. Pioner Steel 1-800-668-5422. 8635. MU$ $ELL IMMEDIATELY. New Straight mal peaked roof steel buildings. 1-16 x020, 1-20 s 24, 1-25x 30. HELP WANTED Priced t oeil quickfy. Futr direct. 1-800-549-0854. JOCUS TCYS. Nem,, annuel cataogue heu (ual arrivedt. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Srtilmli Type - nol or 350 quuity Isys, gumes, arts and crutt. 71% under quonsuf - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50090 $20.443, $15. Consultants needed for home renenletionu, cala- .60x126 $31,314 - other izen uvilable - miisc. clearaxca. oue sales, undruluers, etc. CatlI-80-361-4587, et. Prugon -24 ru- 1-800-263-8499. 9379. ARENAS, BARINS. SHEDS, SHOCPS. Enginuereitula $1 0.00/Hour + BONUSES. PRODUOT DEMONSTRA- firae with clips for woxcf/steel girts and purlins. Easy toi TION ANC SALES. Immediate consîderalion t0otgoing, butild youraaif and saoul Pionto Building Framn. Peter peodlu-orientad candidates mus posesa excllent inter- (0)0-78 personai unit communication- skillo to presant a ieauding communcatos compunyn productu unit servicesutthe WANTED reiaitlalvai. Complefraining providet Must buevsaisbl BUYiNG ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, silvur, îewellury, eelînights unit eekenda. Esceptional Part-fime oppor- art Ota, china, figurines, napkin rings, Royal 0D'oulton, tunîty CALL 1-800-699-6706,. 1 Moorcroft, Hummels, Lalque, Royal Wntsn floral china, z o(r, ilver plate For Privuai Appoinlîmnt 1 -800-267-2732 Ifs Affordable - Ils Fast * Ils Easy -,One Bill Does lit Ail Northemn Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130 - Central Onta rio $134 Ail Ontaro $384 -National Packages Avait bte - Cati this papar for datii Quality selection of Glass & China, slgned Kelva Dresser Jar, Depression, Coalport. dishes C'up & saucers, etc- Exceptional collection of over 500 rare & Unique lighters from 40s, 5Os, 60s, plus many more exceptional pcs. This should prove to be one of the highlight auctions of the year, a must attend event for one & aIl, note 10:30 start time, selling coins, Jewelery & Misc. box lots 1lst, 11: 00 sharp lighter collection, followed 'at approx. 12:00 by Antiques & Collectibles. Calsl for Ail your Auction Needs Next Auctions Next Sun., Oct. 2th, Real Estate Auction Oct. 26, Sun. Oct. 27th. MacGregor Auction Services Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 905-987-3664 9 ac CHARLME REID Sales Representative 22 Years Experience Specializing in: SCRATCH PADS- & 50eQa. z& or 3for $1 What a deal! 60 years of being Orono's Community Newspaper Orono Weekly Times Just Listed -'Orono Terrifio family home. Spotless fermtop 10 bottom! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, main floorfamily room, living room and dining room,, 2 staircases, beauti- fui loi with gazebo. Must be seen. $139,900 Cati Charlie Reid * 623-3393 or 983-5914.' RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES I arn Comrnitted To Serving All Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Pays A Year," W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 J 0NES Cae '1 'me to buy or seil ... orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z'>983-6O13 RSOCAeS (DULRHAM)Irtc. TEL:(905)721-2112 Feature Home of the Week y>m NEW LISTING.... ORONO VILLSdï BAI ý-PSHEAT, CENTRAL AIR, $89,500! j N.- r-

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