C -ý 4 - Oro-no Weekly Tîm-es, Wednes-dayýOtober 9 1996 Orono Tyke #3 Champions Apple Festival Is Heère A gain! Fail and the apple harvest is an excellent opportunity for families7 to venture into the countryside to enjoy the Annual Apple Festival and Craft Sale beld' in historie Downtown Bowmanville on Saturday, October 19, 1996. fours are from 9 arn. until 5 p.m. Admission and parking are FREE. Located just 45 minutes east of Toronto, on Lake Ontario, tbis small 1890s towni hosts an event whicb bas so grown in popularity over the past five years tbat it now encompasses tbe wbole of the- downtown, wbich is tumecd into, a pedestrian area for the day. The Downtown Bowmiianville Apple Festival and Craft Sale, includes bot miade on fbe-spot apple frit- ters; tbe widesf variety of locally grown apples for sale by tbe growers; an apple pie- baking contest and auction; candied apples and home- made apple, baked goods;. Gary Bridger (Coach); (from lef tto right): Darren McGregor, Reuben DeVries, Patrick ,Stockwell Kirsten Talsma, Michelle Bridger, Simeon DeVries, Breanne Collier, (Absent from photo - Kerry Konopka, Andrew Mueller) Stay ?wned For "Hockey Night In O0rono", After weeks of fry-outs the Orono Accessible Design Atoms hif the ice againsf Fenelon Falls on Friday Oct. 4. -This years members include Tyler Gregg, Chris Moffat, Nathan Caruana, Jeif Mercier, Greg Dunham, Curtis Robinson, Kyle Cox, Kyle Allin, Kienan Williams, Brian Pisani, Justin Syzmczak, Jordan Beacock, Paul Richter, Jessie Price, Kevin Martin and in net Jamie -Whitehead and Kevin Martin. Orono's Nathan Caruana, opened the scoring at 9:27 of the firsf wifh a nice goal assisfed by # il Greg, Dunbam and #10 Jeff Mercier. Fenelon tied>the game at 5:34 with Whitehead in net for tbe first baIf Both teams looked like tbey were feeling their way around the ice. #4 Kevin Martin looked good on defense making some good plays along tbe boards. Fenelon took a penialty late in tbe first periiod but Or-ono could not capitalize witb the man advantagie. At thie end of the 2nd. period the score was, close af 2-1 Feýnelon and was almost fied on a nice 2 on 1 witb Robinson an-d Dunhiam just missing tbe n et. The first 50/50 of the sea- son was won by Marg Crashley, at tbe beginning of the 3rd. period. Martin was in for the second baîf and made some, good saves as Fenelon dominated in sbots on nef. Pisani stond a few Flyers up along tbe boards and Beacock and Syzmczak set up a nic e play but couldn't cash in. The final score was 4- 1 Fenelon Falls. The team moved on to Manve rs f0 play the Mustangs on Sunday Oct. 6. The team looked good out on the iceý wearing their "Blues", but if did flot improve their luck. Orono was down 3-0 af the end of the firsf period and the game ended up 5-0. The offence will have fo pick up and SHOOT, SHOOT SHOOT, will have to become their moffo for the resf of the year. Wifh hthe "first game jitters" ouf of the way 'm sure the feam will- gef on a winning way. Come ouf on Friday nights af 8:00 and cheer the boys on. Everyone is invited to a ttend the Pot Luck'Supper that is to be held at the Newtonvîlle United Churcb on Tuesday October 22nd. Supper starfs at 6-.30 p.m. 60 years of being Orono's Community Newspaper Orono Weekly Times The grade one students who attend Sf. Francis of Assisi Catholie School -in Newcastle held a Nursery Rhyme Party for their parents on Friday October 4fh in their classrooms. Eacb offthe chil- dren had previously chosen a nursery rhyme and had made fhemselves a costume af home which represenfed the character in the rhymne fhey' had chosen. Once their teachers, Miss Mulligan and Mrs. Henry, had fhanked the parenfs present for coming the children took fumns recit- ing their nursery rhymes. Some of the costu~mes the children wore included. Humpfy Dumpty, Jack Be Nimble, Hickory Dickory Dock, Ba Ba Blaý-k Sheep, Jack anid Jill, Hey Diddle Diddle the Caf and The Fiddle, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had a Litt le Lamb and Little Jack Homer. Tbe two teacbers got into the fun tool- Miss Mulligan was dressed as Old Mother Hubbard and Mrs. Henry:was dressed as Mary Mary Quite Quantrary. Affer the chiildren> had fin- ished reciting- their nursery rbymes fhey played a few games and sang aý few songs and then fhey all lined up and paraded fhrough the other classes in the scbool showingý off al fbeir wondefful cos- tumes to the delighf of the other students and staff members. Upon refurning f0 their own classrooms once again tbey sbared the refresbments, fbat were there, wif b their parents before if was fime f0 go ouf for recess. A fun time was had by one and all. demonstrations of quilt mak- ing and ebain-sawv wood caryv ing, and buge tents filled with uniqu e crafts for sale by tbe artists. Children's activities include bouncing in tbe Big Apple, Simon's Castle, "Sparky" tbe falking dog, meeting red-uniformed RCMP officers, face painting and enfertainment for tbe wbole family. This promotion is a co-ven- ture event in co-operation' with Tbe Canadian Statesman community news- paper. Correction In last week's paper, dated October 2nd, under a picture of the Orono Major Squirt Chamrpions tbe names sbould have read Gary Bridger and Paul Bridger. Sorry about the misprint. QUOTATION CLARINGTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION INVITES QUOTATIONS FOR Service Center and Substation Snow Removal, Salting and Sanding Contract Quote #(96-08 SR) from Nov. 1, 1996 to April 30, 1999. Sealed quotations shall be submitted no later than 9:00 arn. Thursday, October 24, 1996 ta: Mr. R.W. Plain Clarington Hyrdo-Eiectric Commission 2849 Hwy#2 Bowmanville, Ont LiC 3K9 Quoatation documents can be obtained f rom the office at the mandatory site 1meeting Tuesday October 15 1996 at 8:00 a.m., The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. lOth Anniversary Model Railro"ad Show SAT OCT 19, 1996 11 :0O-TO L,30Op. SUN OCT 20, 1996 10:0, TO 400p BOWMANVILLE lIGH SCHQOL 49 LIBERTY ST. NORTHI BOWMANV[LLE, ONTARIO OPERATING LAVOUTS STATIC DISPLAYS VENDORS ADULT $3.00 SENIOR $2.00 CHILD $2.00, FAMfLY $6.00 ký TG kk SN SPONSORED BY SOPER VALLEY, MODEL RAILROAD CLUB VISIJAI, ARTS CENTRE. BOWMANVI F. ONTARIO