iOrono Weelyimjes, Wedneii(sday, Octo-ber 9, 1996 By Kate Lang HELP FILL A FIRE TRUCK ... .and Feedthe Hungry Kids in Durham. This is the theme for this years Durham Thanksgiving Food Drive sponsored bythe Optimist Club of Oshawa. It officially begins on Friday October 10 and nuns until Thanksgivrng day 1996. Fnom left to right: Maryanne Shoîdra, Co-ordinator; Isabella Jones, Salvation Army; Diane Hamre, Mayor and Mike Creighton, Fine Chief Co-ordinator, Maryanne Sholdra, says that ail food collected xiii remain in Durharn and feed your neighbours that need the extra help. She asks residents that when they are shopping for, their Holiday meals, to remember those less fortunate, anid pick up something extra. Donations of non-perishabie foods are appreciated. Theses include, canned fruits, juices, meats, vegetables and pasta sauces. Peanut butter and powered milk are also needed. Collection bins are located in the following stores, A & P, Loblaws, IGA, No Friuîs, Loeb and Knob Hill Farms, or to any Fine Station that is open 24 hours, in the Region., For further information, -or if you wish to help out, contact Maryanne Shoidra at 576-5088. ,tDear Worried Resident of Onono: From the, lasI. paragraph of Tony Bernado's letter 10 the Letter 10 the Edilor (Sept. 25), I assume he knows youn iden- tity (a local menchant?) The same can be said of Dave Hircock sînce he believes you may be listening-to too much of Allan Rock (the People's Representalive). In case they or others with the same view- points have any false notions about who is writing this, my signature cari be found aften "Yours truly". Who arn I, Worried Resident? Well, I seema to fit a few of the calegories expressed or implied- in some of the lelters addressing you (Sept 25). Caîegorizing myseif - farmer (25 yeans), teacher (22 years), immigrant to the Orono area from another farm ing community, in S., Ontario (18 years), gardener, hunter, fishennan, treehug- ger, gun associate (ail many years). Unless I have misinlerprel- ed your letter (Sept. 18), Worried Resident, your encompassing concemn is the attitude toward guns in a modemn society. if sQ, then I share the same concern. Considen the following chain in the shooting of an organism: manufacturer -- wholesaler retailer -- gun possessor projectile -- organism. Interestingly, oun govemnment who deterrnines weapons laws -possesses decneasing control as the chain proceeds to the right. 1Clearly,_ the enengized pro- jectile kilîs whiie the gun pos- sessor is responsible. Law abiding gun enthusiasîs agnee with this as part of thein jus- tification for possession of guns. A safe gun owne/ user is just that, until he commits a crime, then he becomes disassociated from the group and tossed into another (the criminal element). The law- abidîng group remains just that -- squeeky clean._ However, the problem becornes one of attempting to' predict the law-abiding gun possesson next to commit a weapons crime. No matter how you slice it, a life is mosi precious 10 the idvidual who possesses it. Then, the problemn in ques- tion becomes an argument of proîecting the individuai from the gun possessor(s), previ- ousiy law-abiding or not. 1 arn willing to gîve up my gun for the protection of this indi- vidual. A change in attitude of the other gun possessors is required. Personal and Close Relationships with Guns: 1. Deer, grouse, duck, rabbit,, groundhog, and crow hunting. 2. Shot hundreds' of birds with air rifle and .22 (thought I was exterminating North Ameica of English house sparrows and starlings) 3. While hunting, have been shot at with a shotgun (deliberately). 4. Witnessed, while din- ing, a gun-cleaning in a West Virginia restaurant. 5. Had a friend who was hit in the legs by shotgun'pel- lets while hunting. 6. A family member who at 24 years committed suicide with a gun (flot his own). 7. A father who thneat- ened, with his voice and gun, a fellow hunIer about to shoot at a rabbit running between the two. (It was my father's firsî and last rabbit drive.) 8. A cousin involved in an air rifle combat with a friend. 9. Found a .22 bullet- (pro- jectile) lodged between screen and kitchen door of our Orono home.' 10. Was told, by an OPP officer that he would unload his'service revolver to enter a building housing suspects. He didn'I desire being shot by his own gun! 11. A cousin who verbally relieved a psychologically depressed neighbour of a gun. Now a tew conîrasting views from a Deer F riend, 1. 1 have a grealer chance of being killed with My own gun than winning on a 649 ticket. Why reduce rny chances?' 2. People who have no need for a gun. (Does Orono have a resident abattoir?) 3. Wives who want to go on the hunting trip. They won't let you drink with the rest of the hunting party. Hunting is a man-thing, you know. l'Il take The Little Woman over to Mother's for the remaininig week of my holidays. 4. People's not dlassifT- ing hunting as a sport; tw o sides with equal opportu ni- ties, to score, compiete with mascot(s) (hounds, pointe rs, setters, etc.) 5. People who won't let me use a gun if I don't allow them their fun. of playing tiddley winks. 6.- People who confuse Ducks Unlimited with Hummingbirds Unlimited. Hummingbirds Unlimited have their own single-pur- posed mandate. 7. People who hobylopho- bicize when looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. The gun probably has a safety (lock) .. on. 8. People who are not sat- isfied with the tradition asso- ciated with sports hunting. (Two sides with equal oppor- tunities - like jousting and, dueiing, true traditions in Western culture). 9. People who can'taccept the ex tinction of the dodo as a hunting accident. 10. People who are opposed to wolf bounities. Didn t my $2 1. 00 license give me exclusive rights'to the deer? Il. People who would rather have a controlled buru of a region of forest with min- imal cost to picovide deer yards înstead of spending $84,000. for deer food. 12., People who watch Starsky and Hutch reruns in the hopes of getting a glimpse of Bambi. 13. People who want banks and convenience stores in 1 Ccnbcll SERVICES 1 L AN DS C town when they know darned weIl they're only going to be, robbed at gunpoint. Keep the, dregs of society out of Orono! 14. People who think guns are weapons ( or maybe it's weapons who think people are humans). 15. People who immigrate. from Toronto or any other city with a population iess than 43. 16. Treehuggers - Get those trees out of the way so 1 can get a dlean shot!, So what if trees created the Orono soils, have a positive influence on the watertabie, moderate temperatures, pre- vent soul erosion, provide food and cover for deer and other game animais, provide shade from U.V. rays, reduce the effects of wind, or house an ecological s uccession of com- munities when they die. 17. Treehuggers who pur- chased Ducks Unlimited painting prints for $65.00 each but won't donate anoth- er red cent. 18. People who think the "Boys of Autumn" are base- bail players. 19. Children who do not scheme a week of school dur- ing hunting season in the belief that they'li learn more in the classroom than on a deer runway with a gun. 20. People who think camn- eras can do the same job as a gun. True, both shoot, but shooting a bull moose with a camera in flot bulîshot. So, Worried Resident of Orono, what's your venison? C'mon Bowzer. We've got some serious huntin' to do, or aren't you garne? Yours truly, Fay Reid Sonbon Publishing For Ali Your Printing Needs 983-5301 JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-9579 A P1N G *INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE - WATER PONDS - DESIGN - CONSULTING SSPECIALIZINGIN PERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES J Fa vourite Pastime Woodcrafts woufd like to wisb ail our customers a Happy Thanksgiving and to make you aware of aur new address as of November 1 it will be 5234 Main St. Orono because witbout your continued patronage this would not be possible. Darlene & Maryann Favourite Pastime Woodcrafts Teetý f