6 - Qi»no Weekly 'flmes, Wednesday, October 16, 1996 New Members For 2nd rIV-%e% RÉ- LundmBlock Parent 16 new girls were welcomed -to the 2nd Orono Brownies this September. They are busy learning the Promise, Law, and Motto so that theycan be enrolled next month. We welcomed back our Rainbow Owl, Diana Borremans and a new Tawny Owl, Elli Bunton, who was a memnber of this pack a few years ago. Plans for an outing and a Hallowe'en Party are under- way. We have 21 girls now who hope to have a lot of "Fun and Adventure" this year. The girls are pictured here playing "Streets and Alleys" with parent helper Kim Gunn. Despite the cold rainy weath- er, Stan Hamers, Bill Wilks, Gord White, Joe Mercz, Ted Pierik, and Ron Dalley were al hard at work repairing the porch and steps on the west side of St. Francis of Assisi church last Thursday. A big thank you from Father Randy and ail the parishioners for making the porch and steps safer for everyone. Everyone is invited to attend the Newcastle Knights of Columbus annual faiT dance on Saturday 26th at St. Francis of Assisi Church. The dance is from 8 until 1 and admission is just $7.50 per person. A light lunch will be served. For tick- ets caIl Ken Boone at 987-5030. The hall only bolds 120 people, so book soon. Callîng ail brides-to-be. The Welcome Wagon will be holding a bridal showcase at the Bowmanviile Lions Centre-on Wednesday, Oct. 23 starting at 7:30 p.m. There will be exciting door prizes and special dis- plays. Every bride-to-be will be given a surprise gift bag to take home. Admission is free but seating is limited s0 please cal Sandra Yates at 623-5873 to obtain your free ticket. Everyon e is invited to, attend the Newcastle United Church's lSth annual craft and bake sale which is being held at the church on Saturday October l9th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. There is to be a tea room , a country store, Grandma's Attic and lots of crafis and home made goodies. Admission is free so come on down and be a part of it ail. For the past two weeks, Mr. Demer and the grade nine stu- dents who attend St. Stephen's -have been hard at work design- ing and making thie wooden model cars that they raced in the school's gym. First place went to Chris Lieffer-s anid Kevin Formosa, with JeIf Piper and Ryan McLennan comiing in sec- ond. Brad Jones was the offi- ciai starter. important Issues Rachael Jackson Sa close to home Imagine sleeping in your bed at 3 :00 in the morning and having to worry that some man might slip into your home unsuspected and kidnap your four year old child. What kind of inhumane society do we live in when twenty --one year old men must resort to four year olds. Amy Ferguson of Bowmanville, practicahly a baby now traumatized after hours in a shed only blocks from her home on Argyle St. with a sick twenty-one year old child molesting drifter. Who would think to kidnap a child out of their own home, especially out of bed in the çarly hours of the morning. How brave and des- perate oui criminals must be, to resort to such stunts. One thing I do not understand is what people can honestly get from molesting a child. 1 mean a lit- tie girl of four what can a man get out of that. 1 was quite surprised to hear of ail the help from the commu- nity though, I guess people reai- ly do stili care. It is quite scary though to face when something this awful happens and some- times the fear pushes people'to help especîally in an incident so close to home. It's a real eye opener to realize -that these kinds of things can happen to you. It's notjust someone else's problem anymore but ours and we must ban together more often to prevent incidents like these. Our society is filled with even more sin crawling tales than this so obviously we have a problem. This man needs more than a jail céll; in my mind he needs a padded cell. %il ul lu npi UVVI Iltp Week Oct. 21 *26 This year Block Parent Week will kick off a few days early with an appearance at downl- town Bowmanville's Applefest Oct. 19. Block Parents will be rung a safety game with everyonec who plays winning a prize. Otff'iially Block Parent Week will start Oct. 21, 1996 with a flag raising ceremnony at 9:30 a.mi. at the Bowmianville town hall. The flag raising will be attended by students from Central Puiblic School and locai dignitaries. The themne for this years Block Parent Week is "Partners in a Caring Community". There will aiso be a week long of Block Parent information at the Bowmanville Mail. The [inal wrap-up will be Saturday Oct.' 26 with face painting at Bowmanville Mal in conjunction with locçal mer- chant programs fromn 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We ask that everyone comes out and helps support the Block Parent goai of providing safer communities for children and ahl citizens. "Be a part of the solution". For more informa- tion call Colleen Groeneveld at (905) 623-5665. Regional 4-H Go for the GoId Competition By Barbara Weese, Rural Community Advisor After a fast paced and evenhy matched competition, the Durham- West 4-H Regional Go for the Gold team emerged the winner on the last question in the Championship round. Team members were Warren and Tim Yates, Beaverton;, Heather, , Ferguson, Sunderland; and Anson Crosier, Sunderland and teami coach was Joyce Yates. The runners-up were the Durham East teami of Nancy Meteaif, Bowmanville; Ben Milîson, Solina; Brad Found, Courtice; and Aaron Boýwman, Enniskillen. Their coaches were Jennifer Bowman and Mary Ann Found. The Duirham,- West 4-H team will now, represent Centrai Ontýario at the provin- cial competition held at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The Go for the Gold comn- petitions were started in the early 1980's as a way for the 4-H members to showcase the wide variety of learning opportunities in 4-H. The quiz bowl type competition features questions from any 4-H topic area, general 4-H knowledge, as welh as generai agricultural and food and nutrition knowledge. The 1996 Regional'Competition was hosted by the Norfolk 4- H Association as part of the International Plowing Match. Ten teams competed in this year's competitions. Durham East 4-H Awards Nîght, at l3aseline Community Centre in Bowmanville take place October 26, 19-96 at 7:30 p.m. DATE: TIME: PLACE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1996 9:30 a.m.- Council Chambers, Municilpal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville Council shaîl hear any person who dlaims that he/she will be adversely affected by the proposed by <law and who applies to be heard by contacting the Clerk's Department prior to Nov. 13, 1996 at 12 Noon. 11MUNIIPALTY OF ONTrARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday October 9, Octob er 16, October 23, October 30, 1996 Patti Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario IliC 3A6 P.O.#5457 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBI1MO ON HWY.1il5&35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 Complete Auto Body Service Restoration Specialists Ail Mechanical Repairs Ail Makes and Modeis 4 Wheel Alignments 4L jug of Anti-freeze $7, 99* (with coupon> Winterîze Special only $39.99! (crn i frback flush and new anti-f reeze (com inforour WinterizeSpecial and receive a FREE tire rotation!> *8 8 King St. E. * 987-1694 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS AMENDMENTS TO THE FORMER TOWN,0F NEWCASTLE BY LAW 86-112 being a By-Iaw to establish a street name map and a street name inventory for roads in the former Town of Newcastle, now the Municipality of Clarington. Pursuant to Chapter 210 (l111) of the Municipal Act, notice is hereby given of a meeting to be held on November 18, 1996 to consider a proposed amendment to By-law 86-112.' The proposed amendment would have the following effect: 1) change the street name 0of'that portion of "Regional Road No. 14" northerly from Taunton Road to Concession Road 7 to "Liberty Street North"; 2) change the street name of that portion of "Regional Road No. 14" easterly and within Lots 9 and 10, former Township of Darlington to, 'Concession Road 7"; 3) change the street name of that portion of "Regional Road No. 14" northerly f rom Concession Road 7 to Concession Road 8 to "Clemens Road"; 4) change the street name of that portion of "Regional Road No. 14" easterly and within Lots 7 and 8, former Township of Darlington to 'Concession Road 8"; and 5) change the street name of that portion of "Regional Road No. 14" northerly fromf Concession Road 8 t0 Regional Road No. 20 to 'Bethesda Road". Explanations and details of the properties affected may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the office of the Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, or by calling Bob Russell of the Planning and Development Department at 623-3379. The meeting required pursuant to Chapter 210 (Section 111) ot the Municipal Act will be held as follows: