'R I I i 1 4l, I aI 1 . &iI ýLI ýIk ýlilýýlJ ,' 10 - Orono Weekly Time, Wednesday. ýOctober 30, 19ý96 ý tif Rogers Cablesystems was the first to launch Pumpkin Patrol in our Vanicouver division in 1983. In 1984 & 1985, Pumpkin Patrol was introduced in the company's Ontario Division. For the past 12 years in Whitby, Oshawa, and Clarington, Rogers Cablesystems has worked with local police and community groups to ensure young children and the cornmunity is kept safe on Halloween niglit. Rogers received the prestigious "UNICEF Volunteer of the Year- award in 1993 and 1994 for if's Purnpkin Patrol Program and it's participation in local UNICEF events. Throughout Canada, over 800 Rogers employees and Comrnunity Television volun- teers in 400 company vehicle volunteer their time on Halloween night to patrol neigli- bourhood streets. This year in Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington, there will be at least 30 Rogers Cablesystems vehicle staffed by 60 ernployee and Community Television volun- teers working to keep children safe. This year. more than 250,000 Rogers Pumpkin Patrol trick or treat bags and 100,000 reflec- tive stickers will be given out. 0f Wtches, Ghosts, Now predominantly a chli- dtren's holiday, Halloween was originally a Celtic festival for the dead, celebrated on the last day of the Celtic year, October 31. Elernents of that festival were incorporated into the Christian holiday of Ail Hallow's Eve, the night preceding Ail Saint's (Hallow's) Day. Until recent times in some parts of Europe, it was believed that on this night witches and warlocks flew abroad; and huge bonfires were built to ward off these malevo- lent spirits. Children's pranks replaced witches' tricks in the l9th century, but most of the other Halloween customs are probably survivals from the Celtic festival. Witches Little is known about the hits- tory of witchcraft, and what is known cornes from hostile sources. In traditional European society witchcraft was believed to be a kind of harmnful sorcery associated with devil worship. The doctrine of witchcraft was formulated in the late continued frorn page il Helpful Hints For Halloween Night v4ihen triclç or treating, carry a flash1iglht, and Costues shl1d Je nmade of ligJit coloir.s and 1be non-flariiahibe. CÇse reflective .sticker.s on front and hDac1k for better visihDility. Use face njalye-uip or paînt for hbetter vision. If a xm.aslç i.s tsed, ciu large eye opening.s and piish n2ku.p on Ihead w-h,1ile walig Keep oit.side light.s on yorlr yard. clar of toys or oJ,.stacle.5 that cold cau~se a fail. Accept treat. at the front door only. eer go in.side a Ilou.se. Plan a rote and a curfew- tinie. V.atchi for 83locl,ý Parent lionnes and 1ýoger.s ?ti.nipkýin ?atrol Veidce.s in caýse youl need hielp. Instru.ct you.r child not t- eat anything until you. chjecis it- & liglit nieal hDefore1 departi.re «çrill help. Cro.s.s only at corners. NZeyer dart het-een pariç>ec cars or in thie niiddle cf thie jloclç. AIw-ayslol hboth way.s iDefore crossing. die street. Ilav.e a safe and lIappy liallo-eenr! ROGERS o % oCablesystems Pumpkin Patrol OurFacts Corne To Our Fortune- Tellîng Halloween Party at the GRENI LEAI RESTAURAN October 31 starting at 8:30 p.m. Thursday Nïght is always Wing Night! Dress up and get 10 free wings.