Orono W\Vcekly 'ina, \er -,j, F Orono United Church Holds Annual Roast Beèf Dînner The Orono United Church beld its annual roast beef dinner this past Saturday nigbt. 255 bungry peo- pie came for two seatings of some really great food, prepared and served by volunteers. Ail money raised goes towards the Cburcb and its programs. want to find out more informa- tion on Distress Centre, please cali Jennifer Gushue (Volunteer Go-ordinatori to register for the information session, 723-4461. Distress Centre Durham is also looking for potential Board Members. Members of the Distress Centre Board are ded- icated, skilled individuals who enjoy a team environment and are involved in decisions related to the achievement of the mis- sion, values and vision of the Centre. The Board m eets the third Tuesélay of eacb month (July.and August excepted), plus additional preparation time and some committee meet- ings. We accept inquiries from people in ail areas of Durham Region who have approximate- ly 10 hours per month and are interested in providing direction for an organization which pro- vides an important service for the community. Previous board expenience is preferred. Sonbon Publishîng For Ail Vour Printing Needs 983-5301 Fave Y<u tever -sat i watcbed the autumn I{jv(,t to Oronos wet damp 'tet Wel 1 have, and from a site likeý that, one big question arose [o the edge of my mmnd. Exactly how aid is Orono? 1 mean can you imagine if these ancient walls and streets couid talk exactly what Orono could tell you. 1 know there must bc at least twenty six years of exciting tales because 1 know my famii.,'s been here that long and I've heard quite the stories about them from my Gramma. This town is full of ail sorts of different people not just the Jacksons and yet ail of tbem share one thing in common, That being what makes this town, old fashioned!!! We may be into the 90s but Orono sure isn't. 1 know I've always thought of that being a bad tbing s0 Ive always tried to change that at my bouse. My mom does the cooking and cleaning, my dad works ail day (bas neyer even attempted the laundry) and of course my sister and 1 obey stricter rules that my baby wtFohur will at our age. Ait hough 1 don't gree with al he',cways I h&4,'<however given iip trving to change them. Some people May wonder why, since Most people know I neyer give up. Well it's because that's ail a part of our history. I've hieard people complain of many bad things about Orono such as the Gossip but ironically the ones 1 always hear it from are the ones who talk the most!!! Well I guess thats something we just have to accept though because thats our sweet little town. There is one thing about Orono that has always been but isn't bad and no matter how it advances always will be. In Orono your best-friend as a child will likely not change too much. Orono has always been old fasbioned (probably always wil be). Orono has always had gos- sip (although 1 think it's wors- ened over the last couple of years). But Most of ail Orono is a littie town where you spend most of your time trying to get out of just to realize its like an old shoe, it's old and out of style but it's yours. HALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.CR.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 Brigitte Brown J FMN HEARTS Gift Cert ificates Pedicures 'eavailable. SManicures %Waxmng EallSpecial ElNa il Extensions10 OF ESTHEITIC STUDIO 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO e 905-983-8169 ,June Heard and Isabelle Challice werebusy sering pies to the hu n- gry crowds at the Orono United Cburcb' ,s roast beef supper last Saturday nigbt. Distress Centre's Information Day information sessions are being offered to everyone in* Durbam Region wbo is inter- ested in becoming a Hepline volunteer wiLh Distress Centre Durham. The information ses- sions wiIt be hicld on November 20, ' 996 at 2:00 p.m. and then later the same day at 7:00 p.m. at Wbitby Public Library's Program Room. The purpose of the Information sessions is to attract and acquaint potential volunteers with tbe benefits of Distress Line work and discuss tbe responsibilities of a belpline worker. We carefully select empa- thetic, non-judgmentai, respon- sibile individuals and provide intensive training in active lis- tening skiils and crisis coun- sellmng/intervention tecbniques. These techniques will benefit in your personal and professional lives, not just on our phones. The commitment we require from our beipline workers is 16 - 20 bours per montb, imcluding one ovemnigbt sbift, for our cen- tral Oshawa location. If you are interested in join- ing a vibrant team of staff and volunteers dedicated to heîping callers tbrougbout Durbam Region find their own solutions to their problems, stressors and personal conflicts, or if you just Personalized with colour enlargements made from 12 of YQUR photos 7e >r / J4nuary 1!9? If /11/I/I I//I/Il $25aOO for first copy save 20% on additionai copies (using same set of photos) Now available at the Orono Weekly Times 5310 Main St. (983-530 1) To view a sample calendar, drop by aur office. Order forms can be picked up or dropped off weekdays 8:00 to 5:00 (Fridlays until 3:00) Orders placed by a Friday are available for pick-up 10 days later. ( Serving Up Dessert At The Orono United Church /1 C:1OPIr L AH[I A L iID CR5 with i ai