Or-ono WceelvlTimes, Wednesday, October 30, 1996-1 Bowmanvîlle Drama Club Makes Donation To Memorial Hospital The Bowrnanville Drama Workshop xiii be donatinig the money raised at the Wednesday performnance of Al Because of Agatha, a play about the spirit of a witch that retumns every Novernber 22 to scare the new occupants of her bouse out. Unfortunately this Urne, she has found people who xvilot be easily frightened into rnoving. The' comedy runs, appropriately enough, frorn Novernber 20-23. The money is being given to the Mernorial Hospital Foundation, to be used to purchase an Analytical Balance. The highly sensitive scale is used on a daily basis to measure powder for the rnixing of chericals and stains for staining tissue for pathologists to run tests. The Bowrnanville Drama Workshop is hoping to MIl the B.H.S. auditoriumn Wednesday night to increase the donation to the hospi- tai. Tickets for the play are only $8.00 ($5.00 for seniors and stu- dents) and are available by calling 623-4224 or 623-4790. Here Katby Thornpson, Presîdent of the Bowrnville Drarna Workshop and Mike Smith, Technical Dîrector of the Laboratory pose xith the old and outdated Analytical Balance that the Hospital hopes to replace. eighteenth centpry Englîsb eti- quette book sniffs5: "When every- une is eating frorn the sanie dîsh you should take care not to put your hand in it before those of higher rank have done so. " Mmnd you, it was always easy to spot people of noble rank wh(ýn they gathered around the dinner table. The blue bloods daintily picked out their food using just the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand. We commoners used both fists. No one knows how long the Chinese have eaten with chop- sticks -- their use goes back into the rists of antiquity. But the Chinese don't eat that way because they're too dumb to fig- ure out how to invent cutlery. They do it because they eonsid- er our practice of carvrng food at the table to be primitive and barbaric. The Chinese believe that the rnechanics of food preparatlon should be taken care of in the kitchen and that meals ought to arrive at tbe table in portions ready to be eaten. Besides there's something naturally elegant about eating witb chopsticks. They force the diner to slow down. You can't shovel it in like a fumnace stok- er the way you can with a fork. You have to take your Urne and eat modest amounts. 1Wbo knows -- you right even induige in a little conver- sation. How civilized. I rernember arguing about cbopsticks with a fiend of mine wbo stili insists that chopsticks are cruel and unusual punisb- ment for anyone with a healthy appetite. "And those dinky tea cups they give you" be says. "Why the hell can't they put handies on them like normal tea cups?" Well I asked a Chinese fniend about that and he smiled and said "Our cups don't have han- dles so tbat we can tell with our hands bow bot the tea is. If the tea is too bot for our fingers we certainly wouldn't want to put it in our mouths." Er. . . . gbt. Reminds rne of the story about two rnourners, one Chinese, one Caucasian, visit- ing the graves of their respective loved ones in a cemetery. The Westemner snorts in derision as he sees the Chinese pour soup into a bowl and leave it on tl*. grave. -What time do you thmnk you're fniend wrill corne up to eat dinner?" he asks the Oriental. ýOh." says the Chinese, "about the same time your friend cornes up to srnell the flowers. Multiple scierosis can cause loss of balance, impaired speech, extreme fatigue and double vision. Multiple Scierosis SocI.Iy of Canada 1-800-268-7582 Arthur Black In Paris, theij simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I neyer did succeed in making those idiots understand their own !anguage. Mark Twain Needless to say Mister Twain was scribblîng with tongue firrnly lodged in cheek when he penned those words. 1 wish 1 could say the same for Giovanni Savasta. Signor Savasta is an Italian' irnport-exporter entrepreneur who operates out of the city of Genoa -- which, by the way if you plan on visiting, you should definitely pack your own dinner cutlery. For the past year, Giovanni has been buying up every knife, fork and spoon he can lay hîs hands on. He's got tbern stored in a huge ware- bouse on the outskirts of Genoa. Right now he's negoti- ating with Chinese authorities to have his cutlery sbipped to a sirilar warehouse in Beijing. Giovanni figures that knives, forks and spoons in China will be bigger than the Hula Hoop and Cabbage Patch Dolls put together. He reckons once bis cutlery pierces the bamboo cur- tain, tbe nigbt skies over China xiii be lit up from tbe glow of bonfires as millions of Chinese toss their chop sticks into tbe flames. And naturally, Giovanni Savasta thinks the wbole deal is going to make him stinking rich warp-speed quiek. As Giovanni less-tban-imod- estly puts it: "It was s0 obvious. nobody bothered --nobody but me. I realized that these people ate witb chopsticks because they didn't know any better." Ail 1 can say is I hope Giovanni hasn't put a down payment on a villa in Tuscany, because 1 don't tbink bis brain- wave is going to be quite as lucrative as he tbinks. Tbe fact is, we westerners are pretty much Jobnny-come- latelys to the knife and fork idea ourselves. A couple of hundred years ago mosi westerners - including royalty - were stili dipping their grubby paws into common bowls of food and stuffing it into their moutbs. An If you are the businE want to Lawrence see a maiT BRU NIil ii ri 1:m iRhImiI 1Dril I~A NIN a professional person, who wants to see ess situation of Clarington improve and 3see changes in our'town, then Steve awants to meet with you. We need to Lwho le new siate of people to take Clarington into the future. pald for by the Committee for Respomsible Governbment j Happenings (on'd Cshawa District Association for Community Living Are you interested in a Special Olympics Bowling League? Starting the end of November, there, wilI be two leagues operating - one in Oshawa and one in Bowmanville. Ail children and aduts who have a developmental handicap, are weicome to join. The Oshawa league will be playing on Friday nights from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. The Bowmanville league wili participate on Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. However, spaces are limited. For registration or further informa- tion, please call: Ann (for Oshawa) at 576-3011, ext. 334; Terri (for Bowmanville) at 576-3011, ext. 342. There are coaching opportunities available. If you would like to volunteer to support this Special Olympics bowling league, pleasecontact Ann or Terri. Clarington YWCA Are you 12 years or older Iooking for ways to eam extra money and gain experi- ence? WelI you are in luck! The YWCA is offering a Babysitter Training Course Tuesday nights starting November 5th, from 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. Participants will learn how to spend productive yet fun time with infants and young children, and how to deal with emergencies and general rights of a babysitter. For more infor- mation call 623-9922. Cost is $48.1 5 for non-member. 01