-J Orono Weekty 'Times, Wednesday. October 30. 1996 - 17 Only 5e days Until Christmas COMING EVENTS BRANTFORD WOOD SHOW, November 8,9, 10, Brant- ford Civic Centre. Exhibits, Equipment, Crafs, Seminiars, Przes, Carving Compettion. Friday 4-9pm, Saturday 10- 6pm, Sunday 10-5pm. Admission $600. FREE Parking 519-449-2444. Genieral Inquiries 1-800-563-6858. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Oovernment assotuance pro- gramts information avaituble. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the goveroment granta and cans. Cati 1-800-915-3615. ATTENTION INCOME TAX PREPARERS. NOW is the lime ta open yor owni Income Tan Preparution buomneso with U & R Tax Depot Wth your knowedge and our prosen aptema and marketing expertse, pou wîiI 6e a formidable force in pour Commonitp. For a Fu Franchise Package, contact: U & R Tas Depof. Telephose: 1-800- 665-5144, Fax: 1-204-284-6954. SCHNIDER'S POPCORN PARTIES. Exciti ng new spo- tem with increased proitabitity. Represenfatives neaeded f0 maket popcorn prodacto. lntereted in earning etra income/home based boiness cali 1800-665-6484. BIC CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA needo Distribtoro throaghout Ontario. Secure the rights to a iaposable, high demand product consumed by nrtuallp eerpyone! Invsament $379500. 1 -80-53-6054 CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern chool of Auctioeering. Net claso November 16-22/96. Con- tact: Southwetern Ontario School of Actioneering, R.R. #5, WosdutJock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)5372115. DISCOVER MONEY Suis)g Techniques. U & R TAX SCHOOLS ha been hielpîng students save monep wifh INCOME TAX PREPARATION COURSES since 1975. Studp ut home in our apare lime. For FREE BROCHURE,'CALL: 1-00-665-5144, U & R Tao Schoola INCOME TAX COURSE.. by correspondence. Earo money during the busy taxseason. Free brochare. Cana- dian chool of Tan Accourtinig, establiahed 1966. 3157, Bayview Avenue, North York, Ontario M2K 1G2. (416)59-9308. Fax (416)226-0644. EDUCATIONAL OFPS. BE A SUCCESPUL WRliTER.. with sur reat home- studp courae. Cati today for pour FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. TIre Writing Schoot, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2684, Ottawa,ON, Kt L 6R2. HELP WANTED AREACONTACT PERSON needed for highty reputedt international high nohoot stadent eochange program. Cuti Elles t 1-600-361-3214 for information. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of monep sellîng chocolate bars,. ew prsdocts available. Nothîng to pay ir udounce. Fust delivery, 1-800-383-3589. INVESTMENTS ARE YOU FAYING OVER 40%, TAXES on our yearly income? Join sur partnership programri and save those taxes! Minimum ivestrnt $1 0,000.00 Free dtaiso. Prin- cipas only. Culit1 -800-804-6662, MEDICAL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES' Saife, rapid, non-ourgical, permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Arfine plot devel- oped, doctor upproved. Free information by mail: 406- 961-5570, extl.253; fao 406-961-5577. http:// www.visionifreedom.com Satisfaction quaranteed, PAY TELEPHONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers, Spiitul crsultution, Relationship, Career, Lie. Only $2 99/ýmuId1t-900- 451-3783. YOUR DAILY Horoscope. Answers Io Love, Career, Money. Caîl 1-900-830-3000 and enter code. Ariea 10, Taurs-15, Geminî-20, Cancer-25, Leo-30, Virg-35, Libru 40, Scorpio-45, Sagitturiua 50, Cupricorn-55, Aquarius-60, Pscea-65. 99 centu per cati. TT phone requred. t8+prs. For entertaisiment ontp.In Touch Muedbia ADOPTION PREGNANT? A WVARM, LOVING COUPLE, college edu- cated and financîultp secure ihes to adopt. We have an adopted three peur otd duughter wbo vould murke a great big iter. Let ua beiF eacb other. Confidentiatity assared. Cal tolIt re, John and Sharon. 1-800 337-0035. STEEL BUILDINGS GRAIN STORAGE SPECIALS. S. Series Slruightwall Building 25W X 42L $6877. Dome-Cuonset Building 40W X 64'L $9977. Buitdngs are compete with Endwalta and Big Doors. Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653 et. 514. ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE... Go Ontario Factory Direct. Many Sizes und Styles. Exumpte: 30 x-40 n0w $5,998.00. 35 n 50 nom $9,488.00. 40 o 60 n10W $11,444.00. Pioneer Steet 1-800-688-5422. Cicssifici Adj $4.75 for first 25 wcordJs .09 a ujorci aibo>ve 25 Co>mpare -tho>se w i th olhe-r MASARU KARTECLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Children and Aduits Now Avaifable... Martial Arts Supplie-s Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 Put Some Muscle Behind Your Presentations, Our team of expenenced printers, typesetters ad graphic designers, Scan add some weight toalal your important prînteco materials. N Professional Prlntng & up' adgServices 0 Resumes e Business Cards e Annual Reports e Letterheads e Catalogs e Circulars * Promotion Kits e Newsletters 6 Business Forms SONBON PUBLISHING Orono's Printing Place 5310 Main St. Orono 983-5301 CLASSu âIFIED MARKETPLACE, "Advertse A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" SolId Brick i1/2 Storev Home - Orono 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, wood/oil combination fur- nace. 165' frontage. Clean as a whis- tle. Immediate possession availabte. $1 29,900. Cail Charlie Reid *~ 623- 3393 or 983-5914. Specializing in: RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES 1 arn Committed To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATE, LIMTTED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 9b,5-983-5914 0E JN Coli me to buy or sel! ... orono and area's real estate rep. 4 Krystyna Jones Z >~98-6O013 Rtealty- Net ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)Inc. 1060 SiMCOE ST. N. #103. OSHAWA - TEL:(905)721-2112 n COMPLETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL. ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK IR.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 TRUK&AUTO -ÉAIR L- .ý ~.N Northcutt ElIiott SEF uneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shîpping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanviîle, Ontario Li C 2Z8 OFF STREET PARKING -j. Feature Home of the Week CHARLIE REID Sales Representatuve 22 Years Experience Weekl tîmýeî:;" cations: OROMO 777= 771 , : - l: Seckers Dullees A rjoys Stutt's Beckers Maxi Drug Mikes: Newtonvi.1-le Convenience BQMLM Von NOUÉS Dykstrals Hampton G ardens NEW LISTING.... Large Century Farmhouse on 32 Acres, $1 71,900 lt's Affordable - Ifs Fast - Ifs Easy - One Bill Does Il All Northem Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130 - Central Ontario $134 - Ait Ontario $384 - National Packages Available - Call this paper for details! 2