18 - Orono Weekly 'finies, Wednesday. October 30, 1996 The ýApple Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFTS Oshawa 433-2515, We don'tjust specialize - We moke every order speciol For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street Bowmanvillle 623--4473 BARINA HOMIE CHECK "Let un make yourhome looked lived in" *Vacation Home Checking* *Wedding Day Services* "...or whenever you're away" INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetler - Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle, Oruno, Kendal and surrounding conmunities Liseeà inWhie Md YeIIow Pges Flowers Plus FLOWERS, GIFTS, ANVD GRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle 987-1500 Betty Lycet 983-5908 Wilda Middletuii 983-9819 ORON ELECTRIC Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TV'S - HI-FIS SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover GRUNDY'S CountruiUphowetru Quality Work In Upholstery R.R.u 2, Orono Bryon Grundy Having a Weddlng - Annlversary - Party? Tape it on video, show it later. Caîl 983-9600 or leave message. We Tape - you own. 30 ap WINTER STORAGE ORONO PAIR GROUNDS For Mobile homes, Trailers, Boats, Cars & Trucks. For information cail Mr. & Mrs. Richard 1-983-5020 Loading buildings Sat., Oct 26th 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Sat.. Nov. 2nd 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 ar. 16, 23, 30 ac, New Ford Chrome step bumper in box - S125.00. Hampton 263-833 23, 30 cpm PUMPKIN CLEAROUT 50C each AIl sizes Pick Your Ovin Sat.& Sun. Only Tii Halloween 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 4673 Conc. 6 1 km.L E. of Newtonville Rd. 983-8190 23. 30 cpn Clarington Computer Clearance Centre - tsed - IBM 386 SX55 2/30 $130. IBM 386 SX55,2/60 $195. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA mono monitor fromn $45. VGA colour monitor from $135. -new Micro Mania systems - 486 2/66s rom $679. 486 2/8Us trom $735. 486 411 00's from $775- 486 8/120's from $1098. 486 8133s fromn $1240. -useri Noebooks- IBM 386 4/80 (new. baIl.) $750. ZEOS 486 8/120 mono $1199. Digital 486 4/170 mono $1500. NEC 486 4/210 colour $1695. We buy used computer. 1 or 100 or more 164 Baseline Rd. E. eastfLiWy Bowmanville 905-697-30591 IN CLARINGTON "The Apple Country" Cedar Valley Trailer Resort necar Orono Hwy 401, exit 436 to Hwy. 35/115, conc. 4, 7 km East Clean, Beautiful, Healthy, Harmonie Night, Week, Season 905-786-2562 E-Mail: [hartmarm@netrover.com ?q(c ~sgoelu 1 C.D.A. (1988) Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon -4 p.m., -other times by appointrnent- 86 Church St., Orono 983-6408 HO0RSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtîce> s now accepting new students (children and aduits) for our riding and horsemanship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information and to register cal) 1-905-623-7336 Home of the Bowman ville Pony Club Hampton - 3 bedroom bouse, single detached garage. 1/2 acre lot, $850.00 monthly plus utilities. 905-263-2555. 30 ac Commiiercial space for renit, Main Street Orono, Approx. 500 sq ft + basemient. Avalilable imimediately. Cail Ed Vanhaverbeke 987- 3211. Office space avallable in Bowmanville at reasonable rates. Also, office, retail and medical space for rent, Newcastle Village, Modern buildings, excellent locations, Main Street space available, from single office to 6,000 sq. ft. Excellent rates. Caîl Ed. Vanhaverbeke 987-3211. NEWCASTLE STORAGE Self Storage Units for rent from $39/month lOxlO & 10x20"s avallable. Cati 987-3211 Luxury one bedroom apis for rent Neweastle Village. Cail 987-3211. 30, 6 ac 2 approxlmately 50' lots- available in small prestige subdivision in Newcastle Village. 'Excellent builders termsavailable with low down paymrent. $47,900.00 ec.Make an offer. Caîl Ed Vanhaverbeke, Edvan Realty Ltd. (905) 987-3211. 30, 6 ac We would like to express our thanks to family, relatives and friends for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts, the Rebeccas for the lovely'lunch. Also the horse and carniage ride that made our SOth Anniversary a special day. Bruce & Enid Tennant 30 cpn *Building Supplies and Hardware *Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stalis 'A Centre for Ai Vour Building Needs* (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 (eveningsî' ON HWY 35, 2 MILES NORTH The Newcastle Lions Club would like to thank everyone that participated in our WALK-A-DOG-A-THON. Approximfately $10,000.00 was raised for the Lions Foundation Canine Vision Program. This was all made possible by aIl that turned out'to WALK THEIR BEST FRIEND FOR SOMEONE THAT NEEDS ONE. We would like to also thank everyone thatsponsored the walkers and those that were out ln full force supporting them. From all the reports the goat is in good health after his 10km. walk. if you mlssed this event, watch for our flyers and posters again next year and agamn thanks to everyone. 30 cpn BELLAMY- Howard & Bessie - As tume passes on knowing that Mom & Dad have gone on to a better life ln heaven together eases our pain but our love and memories remaln the sanie. Forever Mlssed Betty & Ron Edie & George Darla &David 30 cpn MAJOR - DUANF, - In loving memory of a dear son, brother. brother-in-law, uncle, who passed away October 28, 1989. Gods golden gates stood open seven years ago today The saddest day for ail of us when ire took you away Il broke our hearts to lose you You hadl a heart of gold You left thefond.est memortes This farnily could ever hnld These memories are a keepsakce and will be treosured aur life through In our hearts you will live forever because we thought the worlcl of you Duane you are neyer out of our thoughts We will always Love you. Sadly mlissed by Mom and Dad, Jason, Michele & Rlck, Brandon & Megan 30 ac Sonbon Publishing 983-5301 Clcissified Ad Mc $4.75 fo>r first 25 ucorcJs' .09c,> auworcJ abo>ve -25 Compamre -tho>se ujith othe-r neu-wspoipe rs! Wi ttanks to God for bis life. we sadly announce the death on Monday, October 21, 19960of TJEERD (GEORGE) HOEKSTRA aged 73 years Beloved husband of Henka (Helen) Hoekstra (nee Eerdmansl. Dear father of Peter and bis wife Leemore, Karen and ber busband Carl VanBelle and John. Loving opa of Sarah, Rebeccab. Rachel, Peter George, Sarah, Amanda, Michelle and Carlene. Dear brother of Sielýeren and the late Lolkje Hoekstra. Visitation was beld at THE NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME 53 Division St. N., Bowmanville 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 pm Wednesday. Funeral service 1 pm Thursday at Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church. Interment Bowmanvllle Cemetery. Psalm 23, Vs. 6 "And 1 shaîl dwell in the bouse of the Lord forever." 30 ac Top Quality Buliders Since 1986 "We're not building homes, we're building your dreams. ARMOND YOUNG 983-5646 South of Orono HWY. 115 &35 GIST MILL AUCTION 11CENTRE NEWTONVILLE, NOV. Ist, friday, 6:00 p.m. Selling the contents from a Port Hope home and artifacts from the Kendal Orange Lodge, Flatback Cupboard. Small Pine table, Pine box, Old drums, Drum sticks, Old gavels. Ironstone dishes. Seals, Sashes, Old Radio. Old shutters, Crocks, Jam cupboard, Quilts, Bed, Dresser, 1Glassware, Numerous antiques, Old Chairs, Computer equipment, CB Equipment, Garden tools, etc. TERMS. Cash, Approved cheque witb ID. Visa, M/C, lnterac AUCTIONEER: Frank Stapletcrn 905-786-2244 800-263-9886 30 ac 983-5628 S Simpson Memorials M121 King S. ,Bwanvile 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions - Indoor / Outdoor Dispiays * Excellent Prces - Guaranteed Workmanship - Etchings - Personal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you decide by visiting our new Sales Office, or cai us, and arrange for an appointment in the comfort of your home. Free Squash or Pumpkin wîth $10.00 purchase Fruit Market< Royal Gala Apples Mclntosh, Empire, Red & Golden Deiclous & Spy Ail kinds of Squash & Pumpkins Brown's Potatoes -- Farmn Fresh White & Brown Eggs --'100% Wylie Fruit Juices -Fred's Apple Juice 11