)ýRONO WEEKLY TiMES S er Es-Caintn n e. d e 1937 650V GSTlncluded Wednesday, October 30, 1996 Students Enertain At Board Meeting At Orono Public School Douglas Botanîcal Gardens Makes rli e Proposai For Orono Forestry Lands Orono Public School played hosf to area scbool board trustees in an information meeting about the problems being faced by the scbool board in tbe form of governiment cutbacks. It was also a cbance for parents Io see the scbool and their cbildren's work wbicb was on display everywhere you looked. These studentks performedi a few soýngs for tbe parents in atten-dance. Ta klig Our Kids Hcppenitnu-To Work Againl Take Our Kids To Work, an initiative of The Learnng Orono iowpn Hall EuheRs.uitse 9A4er ure Partnership, will be held .lreCuox- 84, Lil Boldestone - 80, ArvilaPrrde-t79Ai(,ýTrc 18 November 6 when up to 5,700 Noirma Moffai 78 Low- Shirley Ptuba-r, Mrnnl'e Taylor. Dr2ws -Alect< Mqfat, Grade 9 students in the Region Dernice Pirnr, Heln Couroux, Jim Gôridon 2 M'Annie Tayl'D,, Shirley Brooks are eligible to, go f0 work with parents, relatives, or volunteer 'MUSic Night at Orono TOwP/,, a hosts for the day. Feaurig JnetPeSusaaw!he sogs f Mde rig', na The project bas spread - Fatrig Jne DSoua ndMerelctornacorîansogsf Mri lnigt nd across Ontario and will this araBaaOîtleFnday, Nolveiber Il st at 30 p. m. at the Orono) Town Hall. year take pl ace in other parts of Tic.et.oe&O0 avîla~leai olp Hadwae ad aihe ric ~DeýisUnkî i Wi Canada. lo be appearincq Take Our lids To Work is a project designed f0 sfrengthen 'Sangs of ea ?veéUér5 the bonds between parents and Orono UJnited Chiurch las holding a miusical ývenitwh Meivyn Russell - Baritone. children and introduce them to May-Clare.MacKînnon - Pianjro on No 2,b1996.ai7:30 p.rti Tickets are the workplace at a young age. $5.0.fom lîhoi mebes oatt.dor.r cedafo fuurechir ven&.Last year, 1201,000 students $5.0 romal chirmemer ora thcdûr. ioýýr7A fr ftue coi evnt, fook part in the project. Many ChiddFind Ontario Kdcheck .. local students fook advantage Will be ofédoç.tfree fingerprinting atithe Orono United Church- lower hall o of, the program f0o give themn an Sinsighf into what the workplace Novembe 2,i1996 from12:0noonl o 4: ........... ned o béaccompanied will be like. by a parentfegal guardian. Local Cou noillor AI-A non H o1lds Public Holding their meeting on.Study i7 0a Newcastle Town Hall. Enter1 Forum In Orono th.roughsouth-east door facing M!itIiSt. For further information cail 723-1020. Ward Three Councillor David Scott was in Orono Saturday FàyF' a sh n Show morning at Dulee's Restaurant Presented by The Orono Figure Skating Club ori November 3rd ai 2:30 in the as part of bis on-going Constituent Forum series. The .afternoon, athe Orono Arena and Community Centre. Ticketsare.availablein turnout was small, but those advance for $7,00 and $8,00 aithIe door. For tickets càll Joan Moffat 983-9561, that did showv up had a variety Karen Collier 983-9634, GlÎvlcKenzie98S-9g542. Ticketsare also a-a-ab-a of problems they wanted Scott Hiàr withFairand.Ape l .smShop ,Bringyour re.~ Door prizes.and to, deal with. refreshments servedi. Scott says that the most asked questions that be bas Ganàraska Forum faced have been on the future of Saturday, November 9th from 8:30 a.m; o4:0p.rn. ai the Ganaraska Forest the Ganaraska, the soccer fees Centre..Deermine the future of your forest and is watershed. .. Clarington imposed last year, the Morgan's Road rest stop., Big roters f Carintonthe condition of Beaver St. in. Newcastle, and concerns over Autumfest Dance and Silent Auction Starring Eric L.ambier, on November listai the Kaif lin Group's Port of 8:00 p.m. At the Gamet Ricka. CmplxTickets.are $10.00 available at the Newcastle Development. Orono Weekly Times.. Scott will be holding anot ber forum in the future. A proposed use for the Orono Forestry Lands has been a botanical gardens. Doug Markoff, one of the founding members of thé Douglas Botanical Gardens, made a pre- sentation to Council Monday night regarding his proposai for the lands. Markoff was before Council to give tbem some insight into what bis plans for the site were and wbat tbey could mean, flot just for Orono, but the entire municipality. Markoff said the purpose of the gardens would be "to enrich the cultural and natural bier- itage. .*.wbile promnoting botani- cal beauty. " The gardens would maintain the green-space that makes Orono the unique and beautiful place it is, wbile pro- viding jobs for tbe area, botb from tbe actual gardens tbem- selves and from other business that such a venture could bring to the area. Markoff stated that "the bi emcuItuiral,'histor- ical, and economic gains are worth the short-term risk." Such a site would be risk. Research done on the viability of the undertaking show that the number of visitors could number in the tenis of millions; Markoff predicted thiat.b year teni, the annuial attendance would be somnewhere near 50,000. However, tbe financial risk in building the site up is considerable. Ftrst is tbe initial purcbhase of the property. It is believed that an appraisal is presently in the works, and the province sbould be coming back with a price for the land within the next few months. Markoff said that it was "unlikely that the park can raise the money in the next few months." If order to raise some of the necessary cash, the Douglas Botanical Gardens will be depending upon Philan- thropic belp. To facilitate tha t end, the Douglas Botanical Gardens bas recently been des- ignated a cbarity. Corporate sponsorsbip is also a possibili- ty; already Bombardier Aerospace bas offered money for a project to study alternative energy sources. A possible partnersbip witb tbe Municipality was also suggest- ed by Markoff. Apart from tbe gardens. tbe site will also be borne f0 sucb fhings as a borticulfural library and a computer centre. Lindsay College wifll continue to use the site for its experiments, and local schoolsý will be able fe, use the site as a living "lass- room" where students could identify plants and animals found there. The site will complement the local business found in the town. Visitors f0 fbte site will be directed to entrytbrougb tbe enfrance off of Station St. Restaurants and local sbops could see an influx of business from tourists coming f0 the gar- dens. Markoff feels thaf be and the municipality could work together to make tbe property a continued on page 2 Storyteller Visits Kirby Centennial Sohool Re',nownedl storytefle(r Bob Barton was in Kfirby last Tbursday night as part of the Kirby Centennial Public School's famnily reading nighf for tbe parents and cbîldren as a special event held in connection wvith the ffby School Book Fair. Mr Bart on is the co-founder of the Storytellers Scbool of Toronto and travels alI across North Amenica and Euirope telling bis unique brand, of stonies wbich delight chil- dren and adulfs alike. Mr. Barton uses storytelling as a way "f0 build a bond." A very expressive speaker, be managed f0 bold the attention of everyone in the room. Volume 60, Number 43 mil