12 rono Weekly Times, Wedýesday, Novemýber ,19 Just Another Day At The Office Going to the dentist is scary enough, but try it on Halloween! This frightening crew was bard at work last Thursday at Dr. McArthur's office in Newcastle. Bonnie Grier was the gypsy fortune teller, Joan K(imbaîl was a very scary bunny rabbit, Rod McArthur was a Boy Scout, Anne Hoekstra was a cow, and Barb Brough was Elvira. Kivor Notton was the vctim, er, patient. à Arthur Black vibrant, fascinating places in this wbole patchwork quilt we caîl Canada. It's a magical gar- den, full of unforgettable scenery, unbelievable wildlife-- and'people who -- how un- Canadian-- actually know who they are. ~No tbanks to fate. Or, the Newfoundland govemment. Next year, NeWfoundiarld xii celebrate Cabot f)00. A baif a miliennium ago, in' 1497, John Cabot waded ashore at Newfoundland à-Jd planted a British flag in thé- stony, unfor- givng beach. Fof the next 500 years NewfoundI@Lnders, clung like limpets to what Joey him- self called "this ol d, bald rock", lasbed by the wâives of the icy North Atlantic. And, next year, Newfoundlanders xiii celebrate it by waving Arnerican-made flags at a British-made sbip. You'd tbink the Newfoundland 1Tourism Department, might have given the nod to a local flagmraker for the 1,000 flags, 300 banners and 11,000 pennants they wanted for Cabot 500. And they would have liked to, they really would. But there was this firm from Atanta, you see, which submitted a lower bld and... Well, that's the Canadian way isn't it? As someone once said, a Canadian is someone who drinks Brazilian coffee from an English teacup and munches a French pastry wbile sitting on Danish furniture, baving just corne home from an Italian movie in bis, German car. He picks up bis Japanese pen and writes to bis Member of Parliament to complain about the American takeover of the Canadian publishing business. What next? Will the govemn- ment seIl Mountie merchandis- ing rights to Walt Disney? Naw. That could neyer hap- pen. HALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s PDO. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 Brigitte Brown 15 1.4 FIU El RTS Gift Certificates Pedicures available.15, Manicures FatSpial P Waxing Fl pca Nail Extensions 10% OFF N1 PJESTHETIC STUDIO15 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO e 905-983-8169 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT yd AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR- Tandy Craft - The Leather Factory 9w11Bristol Leathers if 401 Closed Wednesdays 8335 Hwy. 351115, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 First Newfoundlander: Did you hear that Quebec wants to leave Canada? Second Newfoundlander; Why that would befine, b'y. First Newfoundlander: Fine? iWhy do you think it would be fine? Second Newfoundlander: It'11 cut eight hours off the drive to Toronto, my son. Poor ld Newfies. For decades they've been thie butt of our jokes in Canada. And just when it looked like they might finally be gaining some respect, we -find out about the Churchill Falî s Hydroelectric deal. The deal, il we can caîl it tbat, works like this. Thet Province of Quebec lends the Province of Newfoundland, money to dam Churchill Falls, in Labrador. In return, Newfoundland allows Quebec to buy ahl the electricity she wants at bargain-ba.sement prices. Naturally, Quebec scoops it up by the megawatt and flogs it to the States making billions of dollars in the process. But it's okay, because the deal only goes to the mniddle of the next century. Talk about a Newfie Joke. History bas not been kind to Newfoundland. Her first people, the Beothucks were bunted to extermination by early European settlers. A succession of robber barons plundered ber natural resources, making sure the Island entered the twentieth century barefoot and impover- ished. In'mid-century, Premier Joey Smallwood cbanged her face forever when he shut down the Outports in a misguided attempt at modernization'. Then the cod disappeared. Now this. And through it al Newfoundland somebow man- ages to remain one of the most TUIM D O4 WILL NOW D'A(K TO MA-T\L'I-À