2---Orono eely imsWdnsdyNvebe 996D- m OOoNo WEEKLY TIMES Produced Weekly By Sonbou Publîshïng Publications Mail Regstraton Nu. 0368 Publlshing 47 Issues Annually at the OfficIe of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, 0rono, Ontario LOB I MO TeIephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor * Publisher NOTHINO 1H PARTICULAR It really is bard to corne up with something to write about week after week. Sometimes there is just nothing that sticks in your mind tbat is enougb to write an entire editorial about. Sometimes you just have to sit down and wing it. So here are just some of the ramblings may mind bas corne up with. The opening of the new school in Newcastle. 1 want to know wbose idea it was to have it start at 8:00 p.m. Most of the people that were there were parents of kids at the sehool. At around 9:00 p.m., after an hour or more of listening to sehool board trustee after administrative counicil member after politician got up and spoke. rnany of the kids were unable to sit stili any longer. Many were tîred and up past their bedtime. By the lime it got to the important part of the night, the speeches from tbe people who work day in and day out at the school and the ribbon cutting ceremony, the once packed house was down to a few die bard supporters. It sbould have been scheduled a littie earlier s0 that the people that were the most important part of tbat night, tbe kids that go there and their parents, would bave been able to stay to the end. That nigbt at the grand opening, Scbool Counicil Chair Michelle Malda, received the most applause from the crowd. Unlike the elected officiais and board employees whose job il was to make sure that tbe cbildren under their jurisdiction bave the best that they can be given, Michelle was învolved because, sbe cares about flot only ber kids but al the people who either have kids going tbere or will sorneday go there. She deserved al the praise sbe got for ber bard work. She also had tbe best speech; sbe kept bers to the three minute lirnit that they were supposed to (John OToole's and David Scott's speeches were al so good; tbey were short). The first three speakers alone took a baîf an hour to speak. Speaking of John OToole, be seems to be taking a lot of beat lately. He gets, beaten up on' by the scbool board, by ex- MPP's, and by members of the public at large. His only real crime is that he represents a party that is slippiing in popularity. You cannot blame him for the direction things are going in; be is only one cog in a reaily big wbeel. True. if he disagrees with what is going on, th en rnaybe be sbould stand up for himself and bis constituents and publicly dîsagree with bis party line. Maybe he fully supports what bis party is doing. Al 1 know is be deserves a littie slack. He may be a politician, but be is only buman aler ail. Back to tbe new school in Newcastle. Having neyer gone to that school, or lived in Newcastle, 1 have no real attachment to that old building. But many people do, 'and there are a lot of upset people that the old building is gomng to be tom down. It was only recently announced that it would be tomn down. It mnust bave been in the plans for the new school tbat the land would be used for a sport's field. You could not build a new building without accounting for sometbing like that. If this is truc, then why was it delayed until now to be told? Were they afraid what the community would say? And does the cornmunity at largýe lbave any rigbt to speak out'? Is it not their tax mioney wbicbi pays for these things?ý If the scbool board is the owner of the property, does that not make each and every resident a part owner? And if so, sbould tbey not have a say in its future'? 1, however, alsô agree that athletics is a very important part of a' child's education, and if tbey feel that the new school needs the land for sucb use, then so be it. 1 personally arn totally neutrai tc 'the future of the,- building. However 1 know that many of you are not. 1 would love to hear from you in the form of a letter to the editor, f-rorn ibotb sides. Why sbould the school be saved? Why should it be tom down'? Let us know what you think. Have you been inside our town hall lately? There is a very întere(stîng display Up i it right now on the Canadian Statesmnan. Started in 1854, the Statesman bas been there through it ahl. There is an interesting-dîsplay of pictures. a real cross-section of the history of the area. It is a neat display for those who are interested in local history, and 1 recomrnend it to anyone. Give blood. The Red Cross blood clinic is tbis Wednesday, Novcmbýer 6,, at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville. Now a lot of volunteers work very bard at rnaking this event a donate, and relativelyï painless. I myseif bave only given blood once, and r@ally hategctting tbings stuck into me. But 1 arn putting ny icar a'side and will probably (about 90% chance) go in and give a pint. The clinic runs from noon until 8 p.m., s0 you bave n@ excuse that you don't have time (it only takes around haîf, _n hour). So go on out and give the gift of life. Halloween hooligans. 1 was at the newspaper on Halloween, ând there were a number of kids banging out on the streets doieg notbing but getting into trouble. Mainly tbey were just thjrowing eggs at police cars. Kids would bide and then egg thë cars as tbey drove by, ail to the cheers of the other kids. Tbey Would then stand there and cail the cops f-ing pigs and the lik@. Tbey were all pretty brave; no one was close enougb to à cop car for the cops to catch tbema if tbey tried. Wbat bas Ë)ur society corne to? I arn young myscîf, s0 my mernories of being a teenager are still clear. We would neyer bave donc anything lîke that. First of, it is just a lack of respect of asithority figures in our society, the saine people who give us the freedorn to bang arouind and tbrow eggs witbout fear of violerit repercussion. Wbere are these kids learning this disrespect? And really, wbat is the big tbrill of standing aroundion street corners in the cold? I don't understand it. Obviously there are a lot of tbings I don't understand. If you bave tbougbts and ideas of your own, you want to agree with one of mine, or you just want towrite in and tell me I arn crazy and- I don't know wbat I arn talking about, please do. I always love to bear from rny readers. Really, -in tbe end, it is your paper. Use it to let your opinions be beard. AtItention Celtic Folk Music Loyers! Please Read &' Be informed of this event Unbelicvable but truc, Vancouvers favourite celtic folk rock band KGE, are coming to Bowmanvillc and it would bc a shame to miss this rare event. The bands' management announced reccntly that KGE would be touring Canada as part of a Canadian concert tour wbicb bas included a series of performances with Quebec divb, Michelle Champagne at several Coup de Coeur French Festivals in various cities (including Winnipeg, Quebec City & Toronto). KGE's tour is being supported by the Canada Council. For those who are not famil- iar with the Vancouver music scene, KGE means Knutson Greenhouse Effect; named after the two principle performers. J. Knutson was the vision- ary and founding member of the seminal west coast band, Spirit of the West. His rnusicality and commanding stage presence bring a, powerful maturity to KGE. Since bis days with SOTW, Knutson bas released a solo album and bas toured internationally as the gui- tatarist for both Connie Kaldor and Quebec popstar, Hart Rouge. Knutson's guitar and bouzouki playing prowess is well known among west coast musicians and has earned com- panisons to sucb experts as Stephen Fearing. Jereny Greenhouse, origi- nally on Ontario native. is a skillful guitarist witb unique and captivating voice. He is also an acclaimed fiddler/vio- linist'and during bis Ontario days, won the bearts of many traditional music loyers. Greenhouse is a gifted song- writer. His story-based folk songs have drawn reviews from crities across the country. In a recent interview with Greenhouse, be had this to say about bis band: "If you'll let me blow my own bomn a bit, I real- ly think thîs new act of mine is a fabulous band. Knutson is a siiperb guitarist: bis finger- picking is right up there with Stepben Fearing's and yet he can rock our on electric with tbe best of them. We bave a lot of fun trading off bctwcen flddle and guitar. The bass player, Peter Lepine (who plays upright as well as eclectic and harmon- ica) and drummer Neil Homulos (jazz background) are botb excellent payers."~ On the west coast, KOF recently beadlined the Islands Festival inDuncan'and the Midsurnmer's Festival in Srnither, BC, drawing crowds of several thousands. KGE bas alsojust completed a successful tour of Vancouver Island. As you are reading this arti- cle they are beading east, play- ing Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec and of course Ontario. KGE will play Toronto on Nov. 12tb & l4tb, Waterloo on' Nov. 16 and Bowmanville on Sumday, Nov. 17, upstairs at Mother McGregor's Roastry Cafe, (99 King St. W. 623- 2233) Local aftemnoon concert time will be 2 p.m. and there will be seating for Ali-ages. Door admission will be $6. and kids under 12 will bc FREE. Wbat a great way to spend an after- noon. continued frorn page 1 work can be started to imple- men t it and maintain the forest into the 2l1st century. 1Anyone interested in attend- ing the Forum is asked to reg- ister by calling Kathy Guselle (725-4520) or Niva Rowan (983- 533.The Forum bas been made possible with the gener- ous support of the following: SAGA, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, The Municipality of Clarington, Port Hope Environrnental Advisory Cornrittee, Cobourg Environrnental Committee, and Willow Beach Field Naturalists. Trhus Ad ccst crnly (be or GS.T.. -Kendal United Church Kendal, Ontario Sun. November 10, 1996 Worship & Sunday Sehool 11 :15 ar. Please join us a good place to be-- a healthy place for children" Minister: Rev. David Black St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 & Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 ar. IST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH' HOLY COMMUNION (MONO PASTOR-AL *CHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn * Russel Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, Nov. 10th, 1996 Kirby United Church 11:00 arn Orono United Church 11:00 arn Remembrance Services A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. NEW HOURS effective JuIy 22196 until further notice Mo'nday 9 -6 Tuesday 9 -6 Wednesday 9 - 12:30 Thursday 9 -6 Friday 9- -6 Saturday 9 - 3 ORONO, ONTARIO mi 983-5009